Terrorism going on in Paris

WOW, according to Fox News "state of emergency" means the "state" is in complete control. They can control the media, enter homes without a search warrant, only french citizens can come into/leave the country.
WTF is your problem? People like you love to blame crap like this on the mean ol' U.S. instead of the sick bastards who kill civilians. Too bad these jackasses won't lace up and fight warriors instead of people at a concert.
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"Apocalypptic" scenes inside the Bataclan, where assailants attacked the crowd with grenades leaving many dead, say police. Two gunmen have been killed in police raid, but the death toll likely to rise steeply.

WTF is your problem? People like you love to blame crap like this on the mean ol' U.S. instead of the sick bastards who kill civilians. Too bad these jackasses won't lace up and fight warriors instead of people at a concert.

They're going to fight to win. If you don't have the means to fight a conventional war, then you're going to fall back on gorilla tactics.
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They're going to fight to win. If you don't have the means to fight a conventional war, then you're going to fall back on gorilla tactics.

What are you going to win by slaughtering civilians? The wrath of the world raining down upon you?
They're going to fight to win. If you don't have the means to fight a conventional war, then you're going to fall back on gorilla tactics.
WTF is your problem? People like you love to blame crap like this on the mean ol' U.S. instead of the sick bastards who kill civilians. Too bad these jackasses won't lace up and fight warriors instead of people at a concert.
Our government orders the killing of civilians. Too bad you won't lace up your boots actually, since you believe in it so much. Instead, you're content on letting young men and women go in your place.
What are you going to win by slaughtering civilians? The wrath of the world raining down upon you?
What do you think motivates them to do these atrocities genius? US mowing down their civilians. Or US installing dictators that continually mow down their civilians. Do you really think they do this because they hate our freedoms? Yeah, they hate our freedom to come over and bomb their people.

Humans aren't only grown and produced in the US genius.
What do you think motivates them to do these atrocities genius? US mowing down their civilians. Or US installing dictators that continually mow down their civilians. Do you really think they do this because they hate our freedoms? Yeah, they hate our freedom to come over and bomb their people.

Humans aren't only grown and produced in the US genius.

What a dumdass.

It has nothing to do with the US. It's about radical religion. If you don't believe as they do you must convert or die.
Says the guy posing as a black man for attention. At least you finally ditched that charade you wimp. I agree with a lot of the things you "claim" to believe, but then I remember you are nothing but a lying sack of crap. Post as Aegon again you wuss.
It's funny to me watching you guys fight with keyboards. I'm going to get my popcorn!
Surely this couldn't have happened Obama assured the world ISIS was under control they were contained, they are the JV.

Boyz this just got a conservative elected here in the states, anyone who doesn't think secured borders will be the #1 concern in the next election has their head in the sand.

Donald build that wall!
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I'm not a fan of any religion, but Islam is stuck in the dark ages and has no wish to come out of it. There is no reasoning with them. There is no negotiating with them. The only way to deal with them is by force. It is unfortunate that the US, Europe, Russia, China, and India can't figure out a way to work together on this.
You're full of shyte.

We've seen an outrageous attempt to terrorise innocent civilians, this is an attack not just on Paris, it is an attack not just on the people of France, but it is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share.

We stand prepared and ready to provide whatever assistance the government and the people of France need to respond. France is our oldest ally, and the French people have stood shoulder to shoulder with the United States time and again. We want to be very clear that we stand together with them in the fight against terrorism and extremism.
Where did he use the word ISIS or Islamic Terrorists, keep looking because he didn't.

Sad truly sad, thank God by this time next year we will have a conservative headed to the White House.
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Where did he use the word ISIS or Islamic Terrorists, keep looking because he didn't

He is spineless and useless.

I would think given Benghazi that maybe since it wasn't even in the country that until they have firm intel...maybe it's a good idea not to come right out and rubber stamp this with any absolutes other than it's horrific.

Yes, logic tends to dictate that's who did it. But my gawd the shit's still going down. I'm willing as far as what's released to the press while it's still going down to give him a pass at this point.
I'm not a fan of any religion, but Islam is stuck in the dark ages and has no wish to come out of it. There is no reasoning with them. There is no negotiating with them. The only way to deal with them is by force. It is unfortunate that the US, Europe, Russia, China, and India can't figure out a way to work together on this.

China and Russia will likely slaughter them all and not worry if a few good Muslims get killed in the process. This will force the Muslims to places that are not so brutal. Which would be Western Europe and the United States.

Somebody like trump that wants a wall is winning in 2016 because this barbaric crap is only going to get worse. Encounter groups and touchy feely crap is no help against people that want to trade their lives for others.

Odd but we could see another hitter style holocaust, that being against Muslims. Really odd is many people would not have a problem if it did because these Muslims are absolutely nuts.

I think it is just a matter of time before a group of these nuts shoot their way into a packed sporting venue and just kill until they run out of ammo.
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I would think given Benghazi that maybe since it wasn't even in the country that until they have firm intel...maybe it's a good idea not to come right out and rubber stamp this with any absolutes other than it's horrific.

Yes, logic tends to dictate that's who did it. But my gawd the shit's still going down. I'm willing as far as what's released to the press while it's still going down to give him a pass at this point.
Since when did Obama ever wait until the facts come out before he makes a comment?
Ned, just shut your idiot mouth. It's not like you're some sort of genius. You're just another keyboard cowboy in love with your own opinion and are just stupid enough to convince yourself you're right about everything there is to know.

I'm no fan of Obama, but I'll give him a pass so far on this one.
Ned, just shut your idiot mouth. It's not like you're some sort of genius. You're just another keyboard cowboy in love with your own opinion and are just stupid enough to convince yourself you're right about everything there is to know.

I'm no fan of Obama, but I'll give him a pass so far on this one.
Will you still give him a pass when it happens here?
Apparently you need to give the President your little semantics lesson. Your constant need to try to prove yourself to be the smartest person on the board is annoying.

Ahhh. Now we are getting somewhere! Our Presidents think we are fighting "terrorism", or at least want to portray that to us. But terrorism is only a tactic. No, we are against something bigger than a tactic. We are at war (if we will admit it) against an enemy that wishes to convert or kill all of us. The President cannot come to acknowledge this. And we play along by willy nilly using the T word.

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