Terry and Marinelli Interviews on Flo - New Tom Brands Interviews Added


Nov 11, 2014
NE Ohio
Not sure if it's only part of the "Pro" package, but there are some pretty good interviews with both of these two, posted by Flo yesterday.

They talk about Terry coaching Nelson, his relationship with Dave Schultz and some other stuff. They also talk with Alex about his recruitment, his life before Iowa and where he's at currently, also a tidbit about Trump talking with Eli Stickley's father after Eli's passed and Trump suggesting naming a post office after Eli. Way in depth and you really get a chance to get to know Alex.

Pretty good stuff and some classic Terry quotes and facts. Nice work by the guys at Flo, once again.
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Missed the one on Tom the first time through. Love the chance to hear these guys talk (TNT), always something interesting to say and for as hush hush as they are about injuries and such, for the most part, these are two of the most open coaches I have ever seen in an interview. Great stuff. Glad to have Flo around to give us this kind of insight.
Missed the one on Tom the first time through. Love the chance to hear these guys talk (TNT), always something interesting to say and for as hush hush as they are about injuries and such, for the most part, these are two of the most open coaches I have ever seen in an interview. Great stuff. Glad to have Flo around to give us this kind of insight.
Yea they were all awesome. Cool to see Marinelli open up like that.
Marinelli on Eli segment is for real. For those that don't have Flo, I'll sum it up: Bull is going to propose to Moriah Stickley, our team manager who is Eli Stickley's twin sister. He calls Eli and wants the Stickleys to come down to Iowa City for it and surprise Moriah. So Eli and his girlfriend were in one car, and the parents were in another coming from Wisconsin. Parents could not spot Eli's car so they doubled back and you can guess the rest.

Bull get's the call from Stickley's Mom and has to tell Moriah. He jumps in the car and was going to drive to the accident scene about an hour outside of Iowa City. He called Tom and Tom told him to pull over. Tom hauls ass to where they are and Marinelli breaks down at that point.

The rest is talking about how he met Moriah and about Eli. After the Bull's first loss of the season at B1G against Massa, it was Eli waiting for him as he walked off the mat to tell him he's going to be alright.
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Wow. Just listened to the Maranelli stuff. What a story. Kids been through a lot. Refreshing to see a kid open up about some tough subjects like that. A very mature young man.

I always respected his wrestling ability but now have 100x more respect of him as a mature young man.

Kudos to Flo and Bader for these pieces. The one about Eli was heart wrenching
Marinelli on Eli segment is for real. For those that don't have Flo, I'll sum it up: Bull is going to propose to Moriah Stickley, our team manager who is Eli Stickley's twin sister. He calls Eli and wants the Stickleys to come down to Iowa City for it and surprise Moriah. So Eli and his girlfriend were in one car, and the parents were in another coming from Wisconsin. Parents could not spot Eli's car so they doubled back and you can guess the rest.

Bull get's the call from Stickley's Mom and has to tell Moriah. He jumps in the car and was going to drive to the accident scene about an hour outside of Iowa City. He called Tom and Tom told him to pull over. Tom hauls ass to where they are and Marinelli breaks down at that point.

The rest is talking about how he met Moriah and about Eli. After the Bull's first loss of the season at B1G against Massa, it was Eli waiting for him as he walked off the mat to tell him he's going to be alright.

Oh my, I’m sure he feels somewhat responsible for that which of course he shouldn’t. That’s so sad, for all parties.
And yet the way Alex told it, I didn’t feel sad.
This world is filled with remarkable people, luckily for us, many of them are wrestlers and even better, Iowa seems to have quite a few, including our coaches.

Hard not to be inspired by some of the things you hear from TNT, even harder when people like Alex open up and share their stories. Impressive young man.
Man, the Marinelli interviews were fascinating. Didn't know that about his relationship with his family. Knew about Eli Stickley, but he was very open about it in the interview. Hard not to like The Bull. He has overcame a lot.
Not sure if it's only part of the "Pro" package, but there are some pretty good interviews with both of these two, posted by Flo yesterday.

They talk about Terry coaching Nelson, his relationship with Dave Schultz and some other stuff. They also talk with Alex about his recruitment, his life before Iowa and where he's at currently, also a tidbit about Trump talking with Eli Stickley's father after Eli's passed and Trump suggesting naming a post office after Eli. Way in depth and you really get a chance to get to know Alex.

Pretty good stuff and some classic Terry quotes and facts. Nice work by the guys at Flo, once again.
It may be helpful to understand the Trump connection - Eli’s uncle is Jim Jordan the congressman from Ohio
I think the Bull interviews could spark a full documentary sometime after his Hawkeye career is over, which will hopefully include a title or two.

I keep hearing “the biggest jump comes from freshman to sophomore year”. Does that mean redshirt to attached? Or does it mean second year in the lineup.
I keep hearing “the biggest jump comes from freshman to sophomore year”. Does that mean redshirt to attached? Or does it mean second year in the lineup.

Normally second year in the lineup. You’ve been through a full season and now have a feel for your strengths and weaknesses in a multitude of areas
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Normally second year in the lineup. You’ve been through a full season and now have a feel for your strengths and weaknesses in a multitude of areas

Thanks guys.

If that’s the case, I don’t see Alex being any worse than third this year. I am pulling for him harder than I think I’ve pulled for anyone not on the team I root for.
You may wonder how a kid like that overcomes all of the struggles he’s faced with the mature attitude that he has and no real familial support, but he makes it crystal clear that the reason he is the man he has become is because of his faith in Jesus Christ (which nobody mentions but was a recurring theme in the interview). Surrounded himself with like-minded individuals in Tom and Terry.
I’m a little late to the party, but got a chance to watch a couple of the Marinelli clips. I gotta say I was pretty upset at first. It had appeared that Alex had gone full rouge. I mean talked like a real person with a beating heart that had hurts and feelings and even alluded to a possible relationship with God. Then the light came on and I began to realize that he is a carefully crafted new form of robot who’s artificial intelligence had surpassed anything we have ever seen before. The early programming in Jordan’s room at Graham, had begun altering his being into a droid totally indistinguishable from an actual living boy. This was only possible to accomplish before his brain had begun to gel. The computer science department at Iowa finished this groundbreaking project perfectly. A robot capable of feelings, not only that, but able to love and have people drawn to him. Able to actually make a positive difference in others lives. How awesome is that? Let’s just hope there is not glitch in the hard drive that could cause him to snap some guys head off when he applies that quarter nelson. Did Any of you guy get the same vibe from these interviews that I did. Or is it possible that he is just a great young man with a fascinating story that will impact many lives throughout his journey. Naw! He’s gotta be a robot, nobody is that cool.
I’m a little late to the party, but got a chance to watch a couple of the Marinelli clips. I gotta say I was pretty upset at first. It had appeared that Alex had gone full rouge. I mean talked like a real person with a beating heart that had hurts and feelings and even alluded to a possible relationship with God. Then the light came on and I began to realize that he is a carefully crafted new form of robot who’s artificial intelligence had surpassed anything we have ever seen before. The early programming in Jordan’s room at Graham, had begun altering his being into a droid totally indistinguishable from an actual living boy. This was only possible to accomplish before his brain had begun to gel. The computer science department at Iowa finished this groundbreaking project perfectly. A robot capable of feelings, not only that, but able to love and have people drawn to him. Able to actually make a positive difference in others lives. How awesome is that? Let’s just hope there is not glitch in the hard drive that could cause him to snap some guys head off when he applies that quarter nelson. Did Any of you guy get the same vibe from these interviews that I did. Or is it possible that he is just a great young man with a fascinating story that will impact many lives throughout his journey. Naw! He’s gotta be a robot, nobody is that cool.

God, smod. If he was really into Jesus, he wouldn't be tripping poor kids on the mat ;)

Well done btw.
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I’m a little late to the party, but got a chance to watch a couple of the Marinelli clips. I gotta say I was pretty upset at first. It had appeared that Alex had gone full rouge. I mean talked like a real person with a beating heart that had hurts and feelings and even alluded to a possible relationship with God. Then the light came on and I began to realize that he is a carefully crafted new form of robot who’s artificial intelligence had surpassed anything we have ever seen before. The early programming in Jordan’s room at Graham, had begun altering his being into a droid totally indistinguishable from an actual living boy. This was only possible to accomplish before his brain had begun to gel. The computer science department at Iowa finished this groundbreaking project perfectly. A robot capable of feelings, not only that, but able to love and have people drawn to him. Able to actually make a positive difference in others lives. How awesome is that? Let’s just hope there is not glitch in the hard drive that could cause him to snap some guys head off when he applies that quarter nelson. Did Any of you guy get the same vibe from these interviews that I did. Or is it possible that he is just a great young man with a fascinating story that will impact many lives throughout his journey. Naw! He’s gotta be a robot, nobody is that cool.
I am sure it wouldn't surprise many of, but the vast majority of fans who don't dig too deep into wrestling beyond what they see on the mat or hear about practice rooms, might be surprised at just how many of these guys are of such high character, deep faith and are just exemplary individuals. I've actually heard rumors that psu might have a couple that fit this mold.....but I'm pretty sure that's just a rumor.
Not sure if it's been mentioned elsewhere, but Flo added some other videos to this collection. A bunch of new ones with Tom, including him talking about how he got the job at VT, coming back to Iowa , coaching with Gable and interacting with parents when making an offer....... on and on. It's Xmas come early!!!

Great stuff.

PS: There is a section of the Training, Learning, Coaching video where Tom goes full Yoda, talking about committing on a move. Might be the most amazing thing in all of these videos.
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