Thank you for bowing out Joe!

My portfolio was getting killed as the prospects of Trump winning rose to new heights last week.
Hated to see it, but he did the right thing. Thanks for 4 great years Joe.
Bill Hader Lol GIF by Team Coco
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The MAGAts brainwashed won’t accept it, but it’s been a refreshing four years of sanity, no more dying American troops every year, and steady/responsible economic growth. The Trump years were chaos and incompetence. Thank you, Joe!
Yeah! Never mind that assassination attempt, or millions of illegals creating housing problems in cities, or the multiple conflicts we have joined, or having Russia kick us out of an African country, or rearming the taliban, or the fact gas is 2x what it was 4 years ago, done mind the cocaine in the white house and the titties on the front lawn. We have almost 50% of police precincts not reporting crime but those are just details. The money has never been more consolidated at the top then what the billionaire class created from covid but ....

This my friend, is what sanity looks like!

Thank you, that was a good one, deep laugh endorphins.
Yeah! Never mind that assassination attempt, or millions of illegals creating housing problems in cities, or the multiple conflicts we have joined, or having Russia kick us out of an African country, or rearming the taliban, or the fact gas is 2x what it was 4 years ago, done mind the cocaine in the white house and the titties on the front lawn. We have almost 50% of police precincts not reporting crime but those are just details. The money has never been more consolidated at the top then what the billionaire class created from covid but ....

This my friend, is what sanity looks like!

Thank you, that was a good one, deep laugh endorphins.

Exaggeration poty. lol
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Yeah! Never mind that assassination attempt, or millions of illegals creating housing problems in cities, or the multiple conflicts we have joined, or having Russia kick us out of an African country, or rearming the taliban, or the fact gas is 2x what it was 4 years ago, done mind the cocaine in the white house and the titties on the front lawn.

This my friend, is what sanity looks like!

Thank you, that was a good one, deep laugh endorphins.
When you compare all that with the Trump presidency, it doesn't sound half bad.

Lying about inauguration attendance, Flynn fired, US strikes against Syria, FBI director removed, Mueller Special Council, withdrawal from Paris Concord, white nationalist rallies and killing, sending more troops to Afghanistan, Trade war with China, Stormy Hush Money scandal, Closes pandemic office, Trump visits N Korea, child separation at the border, Trump supports Putin over US intelligence agencies in Helsinki, Govt shutdowns, Trump extorts Ukraine and the following impeachment, Iran fires missiles at US bases, F'n Covid, Trump forces out protestors for bible photo op, mean tweets, January F'n 6th, second impeachment, and many many more. We didn't start the fire...
When you compare all that with the Trump presidency, it doesn't sound half bad.

Lying about inauguration attendance, Flynn fired, US strikes against Syria, FBI director removed, Mueller Special Council, withdrawal from Paris Concord, white nationalist rallies and killing, sending more troops to Afghanistan, Trade war with China, Stormy Hush Money scandal, Closes pandemic office, Trump visits N Korea, child separation at the border, Trump supports Putin over US intelligence agencies in Helsinki, Govt shutdowns, Trump extorts Ukraine and the following impeachment, Iran fires missiles at US bases, F'n Covid, Trump forces out protestors for bible photo op, mean tweets, January F'n 6th, second impeachment, and many many more. We didn't start the fire...
Mean tweets.

the media was found to be running cover for a guy but damn those mean tweets.
You miss the other stuff? Double impeachment, race riots? Republicans love to defend mean tweets.
Race riots still going on... white nationalist killings, where are those? Didn't Biden threaten to withhold aid exactly like Trump? Telling Helsinki we are not going to pay foe them isn't supporting putin it's creating a boundary of dependency. Missles at a base, what did the rest of that look like? How is our oil reserve loooking these days? Covid, lul.
The MAGAts brainwashed won’t accept it, but it’s been a refreshing four years of sanity, no more dying American troops every year, and steady/responsible economic growth. The Trump years were chaos and incompetence. Thank you, Joe!
I don't miss the press conferences and constant lies shoved in our faces every. single. day. Joe has his faults, but Trump was just too much. Wasn't he lying an average 30 times per day as President? Who f*cking wants that?
I don't miss the press conferences and constant lies shoved in our faces every. single. day. Joe has his faults, but Trump was just too much. Wasn't he lying an average 30 times per day as President? Who f*cking wants that?
"Sharp as a tack" get ya?

People lie for themselves all the time, when other humans start lying on behalf of someone, I question things.