What's with the sudden throwing of Joe under the bus?

I had to go back and watch parts of his State of the Union speech from this year and the change is like night and day. Obviously he had a teleprompter but the mannerisms, movement, alertness, etc. between that speech and last night were on two different levels.
I had to go back and watch parts of his State of the Union speech from this year and the change is like night and day. Obviously he had a teleprompter but the mannerisms, movement, alertness, etc. between that speech and last night were on two different levels.
They timed his uppers better for the SOTU Speech.
I got the impression from Biden’s answer to the first question that he had several things memorized that he absolutely had to say at some point in the debate and he rambled them all out in that one answer. I almost expected him to smile at the end and say “I did it! Ha!”After that he got seriously lost at times.
I think you're right. At the beginning, Biden seemed to be rushing. Almost like he wanted to spit it out before he forgot it.
I had to go back and watch parts of his State of the Union speech from this year and the change is like night and day. Obviously he had a teleprompter but the mannerisms, movement, alertness, etc. between that speech and last night were on two different levels.

I think the lack of an audience was harder on Biden than Trump....
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They have been shoving this shit down our throats for months.

He is a vegetable.

The reason we keep passing the buck on all these international issues is our leader cannot lead.

They want to get him to December, then 86 him, who would ever question an dying, and we get 3.5 years of far left squad show. That's the plan, always has been, but Biden doesn't have the gas to make it to December and no amount of dark money in the world can convince the public what they just watched wasn't really what they watched.
A vegetable is a bit severe. I don't believe you could do any better than Biden did in that same debate. Are you a vegetable?
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A vegetable is a bit severe. I don't believe you could do any better than Biden did in that same debate. Are you a vegetable?
I would have done much better, especially given a week to prepare.

"I don't have the answer to that question at this time but will provide my response and applicable data backing my beliefs asap" beats him on 1-0 after he nets me an own goal of "whaddayajusticekia and that don't fly in scranton!"
Other than the first 25 mins I watched last night's debate. Going in everyone in the world knew that Joe these days has some difficulty in articulation. Considering his limitations he seemed to hold his own. Not saying he did great, just that he didn't do worse than expected. Logically, last night's debate should've changed nobody's perceptions about Joe (or about Trump.) Yet I'm amazed to see a huge chunk of dems ready to cast off Joe. It's not like they found out something new about him last night.
He is absolutely not the same man he was and has deteriorated significantly over the past several months. He won't be viable as a 4 year POTUS. I think that much is clear and if he's still the candidate, he won't have to worry about it anyway because he has no chance of winning.
I would have done much better, especially given a week to prepare.

"I don't have the answer to that question at this time but will provide my response and applicable data backing my beliefs asap" beats him on 1-0 after he nets me an own goal of "whaddayajusticekia and that don't fly in scranton!"
Perhaps but I'd bet you'd choke under the lights like most would. It's much harder than it looks.
Basically any other Democrat in the country would have kicked Trump's ass in that debate. Any under the age of 65.
Age in of itself has literally nothing to do with it. I converse regularly with 100 yo ww2 vets. True half of 85 yos have cognitive issues, but one can still be 85 and quite sharp.

As far as any other, no public speaking is a learned trait. Speaking on TV or radio takes practice. Joe is historically decent at it. The issue is his cognitive decline which can happen a lot younger, including 65.

Then there is outright stupidity which is not age-based and oft present on this board.

Trump was off his game as well, but mostly it seemed like lack of practice and coaching.
Other than the first 25 mins I watched last night's debate. Going in everyone in the world knew that Joe these days has some difficulty in articulation. Considering his limitations he seemed to hold his own. Not saying he did great, just that he didn't do worse than expected. Logically, last night's debate should've changed nobody's perceptions about Joe (or about Trump.) Yet I'm amazed to see a huge chunk of dems ready to cast off Joe. It's not like they found out something new about him last night.
It’s not possible that he’s been “sharp as a tack” these last few months and last night he just short circuited in front of the country…..
To be fair, neither of these guys are sharp as a tack and haven't been in quite some time.

The fact that these two are the candidates speaks volumes about the American people, imo.
To be fair, neither of these guys are sharp as a tack and haven't been in quite some time.

The fact that these two are the candidates speaks volumes about the American people, imo.

If we’re being fair, I’m sure being 80 years old and sharp as a tack is a rare exception.
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which is exactly why we shouldn't have either of these two as candidates. Should be an age maximum imo.

I understand why there is a minimum age. However not everyone loses cognitive function at the same time. I just had a former coworker whose husband recently died from early onset Alzheimer’s disease. He was 63 and had been battling for like 7 years. Both of the guys on stage didn’t act like they were close to 80.
I understand why there is a minimum age. However not everyone loses cognitive function at the same time. I just had a former coworker whose husband recently died from early onset Alzheimer’s disease. He was 63 and had been battling for like 7 years. Both of the guys on stage didn’t act like they were close to 80.
I've seen Trump ramble incoherently numerous times and struggle physically as well.

Bottom line is I've seen enough near 80 year olds to know that although there are outliers, we don't need 80 year old Presidents. It's a tough job as we saw Trump have a mental breakdown after leaving office. How about some spry young 65 year olds? What's wrong with them?
I've seen Trump ramble incoherently numerous times and struggle physically as well.

Bottom line is I've seen enough near 80 year olds to know that although there are outliers, we don't need 80 year old Presidents. It's a tough job as we saw Trump have a mental breakdown after leaving office. How about some spry young 65 year olds? What's wrong with them?

Nothing is wrong with them, but to say “I’ve seen Trump ramble incoherently numerous times”……. Not like what we have been seeing from Biden for the past year or so more consistently. We have to stop with the “yeah but Trump…..” it’s not even close who still has their senses. Biden has fallen apart both mentally and physically.

Also, do you expect people to forget how the media and members of this administration repeatedly said these were video deep fakes and “he’s sharp as a tack”….. they were lying and it was exposed for not just Americans to see but also our allies and unfortunately our enemies.

Who’s running the country, because the guy who took the stage Thursday night certainly isn’t.
I got the impression from Biden’s answer to the first question that he had several things memorized that he absolutely had to say at some point in the debate and he rambled them all out in that one answer. I almost expected him to smile at the end and say “I did it! Ha!”After that he got seriously lost at times.
“you did it Joe! You answered all of the questions!”
Nothing is wrong with them, but to say “I’ve seen Trump ramble incoherently numerous times”……. Not like what we have been seeing from Biden for the past year or so more consistently. We have to stop with the “yeah but Trump…..” it’s not even close who still has their senses. Biden has fallen apart both mentally and physically.

Also, do you expect people to forget how the media and members of this administration repeatedly said these were video deep fakes and “he’s sharp as a tack”….. they were lying and it was exposed for not just Americans to see but also our allies and unfortunately our enemies.

Who’s running the country, because the guy who took the stage Thursday night certainly isn’t.
Trump is a traitor so no, we don't need to stop with the yeah but Trump. The guy illegally asked a Georgia election official to "find votes" for him.

So again, neither man is remotely qualified to be President of the god-damned country. Not even close. Yet, here we are because Republicans are in a cult and had to nominate Trump for the third straight time because, well cult. And Biden was the incumbent.

In a normal world, we would have Haley vs Whitmer or Buttigieg or someone like that.
While I only watched about 10 minutes and have been somewhat off the grid since, I have to say I’m surprised a bit as well.

My amateur gerontologist perspective: I think Joe is perfectly capable of making decisions on issues presented to him. But I don’t think he’s remotely on top of things enough to be the one prioritizing those issues for resolution. That’s a problem regardless of whether you agree or disagree with him on substance.
I've seen Trump ramble incoherently numerous times and struggle physically as well.

Bottom line is I've seen enough near 80 year olds to know that although there are outliers, we don't need 80 year old Presidents. It's a tough job as we saw Trump have a mental breakdown after leaving office. How about some spry young 65 year olds? What's wrong with them?

Nothing is wrong with them, but to say “I’ve seen Trump ramble incoherently numerous times”……. Not like what we have been seeing from Biden for the past year or so more consistently. We have to stop with the “yeah but Trump…..” it’s not even close who still has their senses. Biden has fallen apart both mentally and physically.

Also, do you expect people to forget how the media and members of this administration repeatedly said these were video deep fakes and “he’s sharp as a tack”….. they were lying and it was exposed for not just Americans to see but also our allies and unfortunately our enemies.

Who’s running the country, because the guy who took the stage Thursday night certainly isn’t.
Trump is a traitor so no, we don't need to stop with the yeah but Trump. The guy illegally asked a Georgia election official to "find votes" for him.

So again, neither man is remotely qualified to be President of the god-damned country. Not even close. Yet, here we are because Republicans are in a cult and had to nominate Trump for the third straight time because, well cult. And Biden was the incumbent.

In a normal world, we would have Haley vs Whitmer or Buttigieg or someone like that.

One has control of their faculties, we’ve heard stories that the other can’t even control his bowel movements. You’re living in a fantasy land.
Well then that makes what he asked the GA official even worse.

And I'm not living in fantasy land. Both these options suck. If you think one of them is even halfway decent, you are part of the problem.

I think one is better than the other, btw Trump wasn’t my pick in the primary.