The 20 Dollar Bill Controversy

If we wanted to, we could come up with someone new for every bill every 5-10 years. Many countries do this. I've actually been in countries before where you had multiple people on the same bills due to being in the midst of a changeover. It made me feel that their country was somehow unstable because they kept changing the identity of their money.

We can dig up dirt on many people who are commemorated in various ways. It ain't worth it, spend time and taxpayer money elsewhere.
gold has as much effective value as a dollar or a gun. actually probably less than a gun. Wtf am I gonna do with gold?
Give it to me?
I dunno exactly why gold is revered as being very valuable, and a store of value for thousands of years... but it has and continues to be. So, when your currency is backed by nothing, and, in fact, actually backed by monetized debt, then you have a serious economic variable that makes, or allows, those who issue it, regulate it, and charge interest on it, extremely powerful. THEY are the ones in charge.

I wish people would write-out their words. The laziness of acronyms and abbreviations is so frustrating.
Trans Pacific Partnership. I assume everybody has heard of that since it's been in the news a lot lately and I've been posting on it here for a good while. From what we know it seems to be the worst of NAFTA and WTO on steroids, crafted in secret - so secret that the provisions are actually classified.

I'll be very surprised if you are not opposed to it.
Trans Pacific Partnership. I assume everybody has heard of that since it's been in the news a lot lately and I've been posting on it here for a good while. From what we know it seems to be the worst of NAFTA and WTO on steroids, crafted in secret - so secret that the provisions are actually classified.

I'll be very surprised if you are not opposed to it.
You might need to break down NAFTA and WTO for him first. :rolleyes:
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Trans Pacific Partnership. I assume everybody has heard of that since it's been in the news a lot lately and I've been posting on it here for a good while. From what we know it seems to be the worst of NAFTA and WTO on steroids, crafted in secret - so secret that the provisions are actually classified.

I'll be very surprised if you are not opposed to it.
I'm not a supporter or proponent of that, no.

I'm not sure how the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel is equivalent to that. What Paul, and Jefferson, are warning against are the very things that have come to fruition with the FED. A currency, and therefore monetary system, built entirely on monetized debt. The FED has removed the monetary system's control completely out of the control of the US Citizens.
I'm not a supporter or proponent of that, no.

I'm not sure how the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel is equivalent to that. What Paul, and Jefferson, are warning against are the very things that have come to fruition with the FED. A currency, and therefore monetary system, built entirely on monetized debt. The FED has removed the monetary system's control completely out of the control of the US Citizens.

Whereas I look at them warning of putting that level of unsupervised power into the hands of the private sector.
Whereas I look at them warning of putting that level of unsupervised power into the hands of the private sector.

Well, then you're completely missing the warning they are giving. Their warning of a private, central bank is pretty specific. I'm not even sure what you're trying to correlate.
Well, then you're completely missing the warning they are giving. Their warning of a private, central bank is pretty specific. I'm not even sure what you're trying to correlate.

Are you missing the "private" part of their critiques?

Too much power is a problem. Too much power that the government that supposedly works for us can't even rein in is an even bigger problem.

Whether it's a single corporate bank that can do whatever it wants, as in the past, or a cabal of corporate banks that can do whatever they want, as is basically the case today, it's those 2 factors - that they are private corporations and that they lack adequate oversight - that cause the problems.

Our government, in theory, works for us. The banks that Jefferson and Jackson railed against were under no such enforceable obligation. Ditto for today's Fed. That both sometimes did act to benefit the nation and the people speaks well for many involved in those efforts. But they have also been in it for their own gain and have caused considerable harm as they picked winners and losers.
Yes, I understand the "private" aspect. Ron Paul will insist that Constitution requires Congress regulate the currency, and thus monetary policy. Of course, Congress can say "we handled it by farming-it-out to a private banking cartel." Congress gets to always be at the front of the "Benefits From This System"-line. They get unlimited funding for whatever they want. They're shielded from the harmful repercussions as well. Perpetual debt for the constituency so they get all the funding and revenue they'll ever need.