I’m a middle school teacher and I will share the following observations/opinions:
1. Thank god I left Iowa years ago. It’s been so sad to see how much the state of Iowa has fallen in education.
2. This idea that public schools are being inundated with curriculum changes dealing with CRT and gender/sexuality studies is laughably ridiculous and a complete myth. And when irresponsible people like
@RNHawk perpetuate that myth with asinine comments the only purpose it serves is to generate more unneeded hostility toward the people who show up every day and work their tails off to teach kids math, language arts, science, etc.
3. The vast majority of teachers are good, but there are a few who are terrible and deserve to be let go. We all know the reason why it’s difficult to get rid of a bad teacher.
4. Too many parents are worthless and either don’t invest in their kids’ education or are too busy trying to be best buddies with them. The lack of cooperation from some parents is astounding. And by and large that is why so many kids, by the time they get to middle school, are reading and writing well below grade level.
@ihhawk is correct about the breakdown of the family and all the problems it causes. I don’t necessarily agree, though, that there’s a widening racial gap in achievement based off single-parent homes. I teach in a suburban school district that is very diverse. I do not see a significant difference along racial lines in terms of two-parent homes or two-parent involvement. Obviously, socioeconomic factors are greater in prevalence in more urban areas of the country in terms of single-parent homes, which obviously disproportionately affects non-whites, but I think we need to be careful in framing it as something racial. Pretty much all of the nonwhite parents I work with are just as vested in their kids’ education as white parents are. This is also true for the students.