The Day After (1983)


HB Legend
Jun 27, 2018
Anyone on here remember this film? It's cheesy to watch now in a lot of ways, but the Cold War fear, tension and the nightmare of WW3 are well depicted. I vaguely remembering watching this when I was young and being scared as hell. It's saddening that the threat of complete worldwide annihilation looms now as much as it did then.

I was a freshman in high school. IIRC my American History teacher recorded it and brought it in for the entire class to watch. I never really thought nuclear war was a realistic concern and still don’t.

Growing up during the Reagan years, nuclear war was something that was kind of always in the back of everyone’s mind but I don’t think it was drilled into us like our parents’ generation. We did fire drills and tornado drills but we never did “duck and cover” nuclear war drillls.
I remember it was a big deal when it came on. There was a blackout in my town that day so we couldn't watch it. This was before streaming or DVRs, so we were SOL.
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Yup as a 9 yr old scared the 💩 out of me. Had kind of forgotten about it until seeing it on YouTube a couple months ago.
It scared the pee pee out of me. I vividly recall the scene where the people are at the football game and the ICBMs start blasting off into the sky.