The Democrats Got What They Wanted. It Won't Help Them Win | Opinion


HB All-American
Jul 17, 2023
Montezuma, Iowa
Anyone who watched the debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump can't be surprised the current president has withdrawn from the race. From the first question, it was clear that the current president was not up to the task.

His fellow Democrats undid Biden. The drums calling for him to step aside started slowly, then built to a crescendo conducted by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, no doubt eager to put a fellow San Francisco Democrat in the White House.

The development is probably unwelcome in Republican circles. Since the debate, Biden's numbers have softened while Trump pulled ahead in what, up until last month, were thought of as the swing states. As states like Virginia, New Hampshire, Minnesota, New York, and New Jersey came into play—all states the Democrats thought they would win easily in 2024—senior party leaders panicked, concluding that a ticket led by Biden would lead the entire party into electoral oblivion.

The tweet announcing Biden's withdrawal was followed shortly by one announcing his support for Vice President Kamala Harris' bid to move up to the top of the ticket. It's the logical, politically correct move—but one that's not likely to produce a better result than what Democrats could already see coming.

If, as most of the polls have suggested since pollsters started asking, a Harris-led ticket fares little better against Trump than one led by Biden. Why go through the trouble of making a switch?

There's no good answer. The best anyone can come up with is that the odds are slightly better with Harris at the top of the ticket that the Democrats won't be wiped out everywhere from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Zebulon, North Carolina, than they are with Biden as the presidential candidate.

What does this say about the Democrats? Not anything good. Pelosi and the other off-stage party elders who maneuvered Biden out of the race are more concerned about their hold on power than the welfare of the American people. It can be the only reason they kept Biden in the race so long, even though they could see behind closed doors what the rest of us saw and were shocked by in the first debate.

The more than 14 million people who participated in the Democratic Party's nominating process now find that their selection nullified by Pelosi and former President Barack Obama, who, former Illinois Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich tweeted Sunday, was clearly acting against Biden behind the scenes.

"I've known Obama since 1995. We both come out of Chicago politics. I know how it works. He's behind the campaign to dump 15 million Dem primary voters & replace Biden with his choice. Classic Chicago Democrat machine politics. Selection over election. The bosses over the people," Blagojevich tweeted.

It will be hard for Democrats to get beyond that—and there'll be more of it. You can count on it. The party of the people has become the party of the powerful and the insiders, traitors to their class as much as the much-revered Franklin Delano Roosevelt was to his. Trump, meanwhile, excels in his ability to turn that kind of thing into a positive. Remember how he bragged in 2016 about how he knew the system was rigged because he'd used it to his advantage and how that knowledge made him an expert on reforming it? It's a simple calculation that, as the votes piled up in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin on election night that year, clearly resonated with enough people to make a difference.

Those states are in play once again. The impulses driving voters away from Biden may cease with Harris at the top of the ticket. Then again, they may not. We don't yet know, as commentators were already suggesting moments after Biden announced his decision, if "it's a whole new race" or not. The vice president will get a bump in the polls, which may only last until the next word salad spews forth from her mouth.

Meanwhile, Harris and her fellow Democrats must prepare for a tough fight. Expect the GOP and the media to start asking how, if Biden's not up to running again, he can remain in office? Expect "Too sick to run, too sick to serve" to be the new rallying cry, at least through Chicago. Perhaps even after the ticket is assembled and a nominee chosen.

Harris might emerge as the nominee. Then again, she might not. The advocates of an open convention might prevail. If they do, and they pick someone else, imagine how hard it will be explaining to the black women who are the party's most reliable voters that "Good enough for No. 2 isn't good enough for No. 1." If that happens, look for a possible "stay at home" phenomenon that costs the Democrats more than keeping Biden would have.

Pelosi, Obama, the Clintons, their consultants, and the other Democrat insiders got themselves into this situation. It will be interesting watching them try to get themselves out of it. Pass the popcorn, please.

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Whoa, whatever happened to the American voter was demanding a younger candidate, was that just bullshit ?
Harris might emerge as the nominee. Then again, she might not. The advocates of an open convention might prevail. If they do, and they pick someone else, imagine how hard it will be explaining to the black women who are the party's most reliable voters that "Good enough for No. 2 isn't good enough for No. 1." If that happens, look for a possible "stay at home" phenomenon that costs the Democrats more than keeping Biden would have.
The sheep mostly won't care, but a few thinking Democrats might care. Democrat voters have been disenfranchised in favor of the party elite. Voters had the chance to turn out in force in November to vote for the person they nominated. Party elite forced the presumptive nominee to withdraw because of bad polling, not trusting the same voters who voted for the nominee.

Bernie got steamrolled twice by the DNC machine.

I don't understand why any Democrat voter would ever trust the notion their vote counts or matters.
The sheep mostly won't care, but a few thinking Democrats might care. Democrat voters have been disenfranchised in favor of the party elite. Voters had the chance to turn out in force in November to vote for the person they nominated. Party elite forced the presumptive nominee to withdraw because of bad polling, not trusting the same voters who voted for the nominee.

Bernie got steamrolled twice by the DNC machine.

I don't understand why any Democrat voter would ever trust the notion their vote counts or matters.
Biden had no business being the nominee and the dnc didn't even pretend to have a primary. It was an announcement of their nominee. We all know why. Biden hasn't been in the room for a very long time. It is obvious and they cannot under any circumstances admit it or the very real questions about who has been running things will absolutely need to be addressed. Likely in a criminal charges kind of way.

You would think by the way that an announcement as important as this one would have the sitting president telling the country directly. Not in a letter and on social media. Where is he and does he know he dropped out?

Kamala has almost zero chance of winning unless they cheat. She has been invisible as vice president and the work she was supposed to be doing has been a disaster.
Biden had no business being the nominee and the dnc didn't even pretend to have a primary. It was an announcement of their nominee. We all know why. Biden hasn't been in the room for a very long time. It is obvious and they cannot under any circumstances admit it or the very real questions about who has been running things will absolutely need to be addressed. Likely in a criminal charges kind of way.

You would think by the way that an announcement as important as this one would have the sitting president telling the country directly. Not in a letter and on social media. Where is he and does he know he dropped out?

Kamala has almost zero chance of winning unless they cheat. She has been invisible as vice president and the work she was supposed to be doing has been a disaster.
Your very last paragraph is really all that matters.

She is who she is, it's good the dems were able to atleast field a candidate. There is a reason she was hid for the first 3 years and was a giant laughing stock. I said over 2 years ago "one of the most unifying things in our country is the fact the 25th won't be pursued because NOBODY wants Kamala" both sides of the aisle made agreeable comments. She is who she is, it will all play out.

The sheep mostly won't care, but a few thinking Democrats might care. Democrat voters have been disenfranchised in favor of the party elite. Voters had the chance to turn out in force in November to vote for the person they nominated. Party elite forced the presumptive nominee to withdraw because of bad polling, not trusting the same voters who voted for the nominee.

Bernie got steamrolled twice by the DNC machine.

I don't understand why any Democrat voter would ever trust the notion their vote counts or matters.
RFK Jr is smiling knowing full well he just picked up a huge % of the Dems votes.
Biden had no business being the nominee and the dnc didn't even pretend to have a primary. It was an announcement of their nominee.
Be honest. You can make this complaint about the primary process every time POTUS is running for reelection. Or do you think Trump, Obama, Bush, etc faced legit primary challenges.
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Be honest. You can make this complaint about the primary process every time POTUS is running for reelection. Or do you think Trump, Obama, Bush, etc faced legit primary challenges.
They faced their challengers for sure. Alabama still has to play the actual football game even if the opponent is Alcorn State
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The sheep mostly won't care, but a few thinking Democrats might care. Democrat voters have been disenfranchised in favor of the party elite. Voters had the chance to turn out in force in November to vote for the person they nominated. Party elite forced the presumptive nominee to withdraw because of bad polling, not trusting the same voters who voted for the nominee.

Bernie got steamrolled twice by the DNC machine.

I don't understand why any Democrat voter would ever trust the notion their vote counts or matters.
Let it go man. You're trying way too hard.
I’m sorry, do you think Larry hogan had a snowballs chance of unseating Trump in ‘20? I don’t even know who ran against Obama or bush.
If your intention is to make this some form of zero sum game I'm not playing.

The candidates got their time to speak their campaign. Same minutes for everyone.

By youe rules we would need to give everyone the exact same.campaigning dollars and presence. That's not how competition works.

Does Manchin (example) get his 3 minutes to display his platform over Kamala now?
If your intention is to make this some form of zero sum game I'm not playing.

The candidates got their time to speak their campaign. Same minutes for everyone.

By youe rules we would need to give everyone the exact same.campaigning dollars and presence. That's not how competition works.

Does Manchin (example) get his 3 minutes to display his platform over Kamala now?
Uh no. That’s not what I said at all. What I said is that no recent president running for reelection has faced a serious primary challenge.
If your intention is to make this some form of zero sum game I'm not playing.

The candidates got their time to speak their campaign. Same minutes for everyone.

By youe rules we would need to give everyone the exact same.campaigning dollars and presence. That's not how competition works.

Does Manchin (example) get his 3 minutes to display his platform over Kamala now?
Bad example. Mancin is not a Democrat.
Then why the huge meltdown by conservatives today? Seems when MAGA is this riled up, you gotta be doing something right.
I have seen no meltdown. But, to be sure the R's are going to muck up as much as they can for the Dems process. It's all part of the strategy...and a smart one at that. Keep the Dems in chaos as much as possible......
I have seen no meltdown. But, to be sure the R's are going to muck up as much as they can for the Dems process. It's all part of the strategy...and a smart one at that. Keep the Dems in chaos as much as possible......
The speaker of the house is suggesting they’ll sue to keep Harris off the ballot.
Be honest. You can make this complaint about the primary process every time POTUS is running for reelection. Or do you think Trump, Obama, Bush, etc faced legit primary challenges.
Did any of those examples get forced out by their own party after the primaries?

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