Question on how Biden drops out, if it happens

1. Biden isn’t going to withdraw. Period. End of story. I have been saying this all along.

2. Even if he did, the GOP isn’t going to try and prevent a different ticket from being on the ballot in any states. That’s just stupid and yet another “fear tactic” that is so common in politics.

Joe will be on the ballot and (unless he really goes full vegetable) will almost certainly win.
Why is Mike Johnson saying they will try to keep him off?
Has anyone done the research on what scenario is the best as far as ensuring the GOP can’t really pull too many tricks as far as trying to prevent a non Biden-Harris ticket from being on a state ballot? Here are the two paths I see:

  1. Biden withdraws from race and steps aside for new ticket to be picked at convention but stays as lame duck president or;
  2. Biden resigns as president due to health and Harris is sworn in and named the first woman president and new ticket to be picked at convention
  3. Name your best other option

For me it is 2, I think.

To start with, I feel a president resigning for health reasons gives a lot more of a lock for the ticket picked at convention being on all ballots, protecting from the GOP doing their GOP stuff and trying to prevent new ticket being on red state ballots. The alternative of staying president and dropping out, even though winning the primary basically because he can’t win, seems more susceptible to challenges. Plus if you admit you are too old for the campaign you almost have to admit you are too old to serve out term. It may also engender more sympathy.

Additionally, I feel the first woman president, also a black woman, will fire up the base. This also gives her a few weeks of testing out how she does as president since it really seems the path of least resistance is Harris as the nominee. Her arse needs to be on TV doing president stuff and campaigning 24/7. Conversely, if she flubs the opportunity and is not seemingly ready, it opens up the convention and gives the reason why as is not on ticket. Her place in history would still be great.

Finally, here is the most importantly reason I think it should happen, because it would be ****ing hilarious: it makes all the Trump 47 merchandise completely worthless. Heck, even the Trump Agenda 47 would have to be changed. It would be awesome.
We all know how it ended, he hides in his basement and sends out a tweet saying "I'm done". Next question is why doesn't he step down as President it is apparent he is no longer in charge.
1. Biden isn’t going to withdraw. Period. End of story. I have been saying this all along.

2. Even if he did, the GOP isn’t going to try and prevent a different ticket from being on the ballot in any states. That’s just stupid and yet another “fear tactic” that is so common in politics.

Joe will be on the ballot and (unless he really goes full vegetable) will almost certainly win.

I will take "Posts that age poorly for $1000 Alex."

Now, everything is upside down and we are reshuffling the deck.

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