The failures of political correctness...


HB Legend
Mar 23, 2015
The shooting that occurred when the two reporters were killed, occurred because a gay, black man had been led to believe that he was a VICTIM, who's actions were justified by the PC nature of this country.

Political Correctness is unnatural, unrealistic, and unattainable in it's ridiculously naïve need to keep everything 'fair' and even more preposterous,...sensitive.

He was in the thought that he was so wronged because of the politically correct insanity in this country, that he literally became a even bigger monster, than whom he thought held him down could EVER be.

Political correctness, is nothing more than the MASKING of truth, and in many instances, monstrous nature, which in an ironic sense, helps to create even more monstrous natures, due to the confines of it's inhibiting walls.

Bill Cosby

The ultimate nice black guy, champion of comedy, tolerance, and a great father, and role model.
Truth: An ugly, twisted, abusive personality, whom preyed on women, using drugs, and whom cleverly
hid behind his squeaky clean nature. Once told Eddie Murphy that he was a bad influence with his brand of comedy. Jokes on all of us.

Bryan Singer

This director of the Xmen films, The Usual Suspects, etc. was accused of multiple instances of raping young men and coercing them into sexual acts. He came out as gay in the past few years, and his movies have done as well as ever. For some reason, the fact that he settled out of court for millions, and from the number of accusations was likely quite guilty he gets out of it. Hollywood just can't seem to let one of it's gay, money making directors fall down. Can't be mean to him, can we? He's also Jewish by the way. Double whammy, for being above the law.

Mike Tyson:

Good ol' Mike Tyson. Convicted rapist, multiple accounts of sexual harassment way before that, has a history of violent and erratic behavior throughout his entire life. Yet, he's practically STILL a god amongst us. He appears in movies,(most notably The Hangover) and is loved the public today. Despite being a raping, ear biting, brutalizing in and out of the ring deviant.
Fun fact: He had absolutely no issue getting a role in the Hangover,..guess who did? Mel Gibson, who would have appeared in the 2nd one, but one of the main stars, Zack Galifinakis, had serious issues with that, and helped to make it not happen. Never said a peep about a 2nd appearance from the brutal, raping, convicted felon, named Iron Mike. Good morals Hollywood, nothing hypocritical about them at all.

These men are just a few examples, the reason I chose them was because they are the epitome of politically correct insanity. In todays PC world, where only certain people get to enjoy the protection it gives, these men are looked up to, and tolerated, without much more than a thought, let alone a second thought.

It seems as if being overly PC, is not only illogical, but it's a path to behavior that is ten times worse than someone simply not agreeing, or even liking a cultural, sexual, or behavioral aspect of peoples personalities, that would be the downfall of certain types that don't fall into a specific category.

Let us not forget the deviances of the powerful by the way....where it's not their culture characteristics that protect them, but their stature.


Hilary, law breaker, cares more about her power, than dealing with adulterer husband, mean to African kids,..WHILE in Africa.

Involved in an underage prostitution ring, that involved young, too young btw, men.


Election stealing, grandson of a Nazi sympathizer, starter of unjust wars, still a very important and powerful figure in the political world due to his family ties to the elite.

PC doesn't just lead to intolerance against EVERYTHING, it also leads to an acceptance, of WHAT REALLY destroys humanity. Fight to keep someone from being made fun of, or for being 'picked on', ignore that others create REAL disturbances and atrocities that affect not just our lives, but our right to live safely, and most of all takes away our ability to pursue lifes of happiness.

Now some of you will be insulted by this. Honestly, I and millions of Americans are even more insulted that this has to be a topic of conversation, and that what is said here is all too true.
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Did you think this all up on your own?


No, a country twisted by the systematic destruction of humanity and true goodness is the creator of this. I and others just help to allow for it's truth to be a little easier to view, for those that haven't yet opened their eyes.
I was all for your post till you bought up Mike Tyson.
Hey man, he's one of the worst perpetrators of criminal and deviant activity in the history of sports. Yet, he's still loved.
Now someone like Ali?, I get that, despite his at times blatant racism.
I will also note that PC can also be Trumped by money making. Sometimes PC and money making join forces too. Particularly in sports and entertainment.

Ben Rapistberger
Floyd "Money" Womanbeater
Lawrence Phillips
Chris Brown
Ray Rice
Adrian Peterson

Oh I forgot Caitlyn/Bruce "manslaughter" Jenner.

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The shooting that occurred when the two reporters were killed, occurred because a gay, black man had been led to believe that he was a VICTIM, who's actions were justified by the PC nature of this country.

Political Correctness is unnatural, unrealistic, and unattainable in it's ridiculously naïve need to keep everything 'fair' and even more preposterous,...sensitive.

He was in the thought that he was so wronged because of the politically correct insanity in this country, that he literally became a even bigger monster, than whom he thought held him down could EVER be.

Political correctness, is nothing more than the MASKING of truth, and in many instances, monstrous nature, which in an ironic sense, helps to create even more monstrous natures, due to the confines of it's inhibiting walls.

Bill Cosby

The ultimate nice black guy, champion of comedy, tolerance, and a great father, and role model.
Truth: An ugly, twisted, abusive personality, whom preyed on women, using drugs, and whom cleverly
hid behind his squeaky clean nature. Once told Eddie Murphy that he was a bad influence with his brand of comedy. Jokes on all of us.

Bryan Singer

This director of the Xmen films, The Usual Suspects, etc. was accused of multiple instances of raping young men and coercing them into sexual acts. He came out as gay in the past few years, and his movies have done as well as ever. For some reason, the fact that he settled out of court for millions, and from the number of accusations was likely quite guilty he gets out of it. Hollywood just can't seem to let one of it's gay, money making directors fall down. Can't be mean to him, can we? He's also Jewish by the way. Double whammy, for being above the law.

Mike Tyson:

Good ol' Mike Tyson. Convicted rapist, multiple accounts of sexual harassment way before that, has a history of violent and erratic behavior throughout his entire life. Yet, he's practically STILL a god amongst us. He appears in movies,(most notably The Hangover) and is loved the public today. Despite being a raping, ear biting, brutalizing in and out of the ring deviant.
Fun fact: He had absolutely no issue getting a role in the Hangover,..guess who did? Mel Gibson, who would have appeared in the 2nd one, but one of the main stars, Zack Galifinakis, had serious issues with that, and helped to make it not happen. Never said a peep about a 2nd appearance from the brutal, raping, convicted felon, named Iron Mike. Good morals Hollywood, nothing hypocritical about them at all.

These men are just a few examples, the reason I chose them was because they are the epitome of politically correct insanity. In todays PC world, where only certain people get to enjoy the protection it gives, these men are looked up to, and tolerated, without much more than a thought, let alone a second thought.

It seems as if being overly PC, is not only illogical, but it's a path to behavior that is ten times worse than someone simply not agreeing, or even liking a cultural, sexual, or behavioral aspect of peoples personalities, that would be the downfall of certain types that don't fall into a specific category.

Let us not forget the deviances of the powerful by the way....where it's not their culture characteristics that protect them, but their stature.


Hilary, law breaker, cares more about her power, than dealing with adulterer husband, mean to African kids,..WHILE in Africa.

Involved in an underage prostitution ring, that involved young, too young btw, men.


Election stealing, grandson of a Nazi sympathizer, starter of unjust wars, still a very important and powerful figure in the political world due to his family ties to the elite.

PC doesn't just lead to intolerance against EVERYTHING, it also leads to an acceptance, of WHAT REALLY destroys humanity. Fight to keep someone from being made fun of, or for being 'picked on', ignore that others create REAL disturbances and atrocities that affect not just our lives, but our right to live safely, and most of all takes away our ability to pursue lifes of happiness.

Now some of you will be insulted by this. Honestly, I and millions of Americans are even more insulted that this has to be a topic of conversation, and that what is said here is all too true.
That was an incoherent mess...but I appreciate that you included pictures. The difference between a murderer just being dismissed as crazy versus that same murderer representing a greater failure of society that is caused/maintained/exacerbated by your political/ideological opposition seems to depend almost entirely on whether or not the perpetrator can be construed as being a member, even marginally, of your ideological "team". Society being too "PC" didn't fire that gun in Virginia any more than the confederate flag did in South Carolina. Overzealous political correctness has a plenty of negative downrange consequences for sure...incubating murderers is not one of them though.
That's nice and all, but I wanted to focus on this part right here seeing as how this is an Iowa Hawkeye message board.

Fight to keep someone from being made fun of, or for being 'picked on',

Now some of you will be insulted by this. Honestly, I and millions of Americans are even more insulted that this has to be a topic of conversation, and that what is said here is all too true.

Surely, you're not suggesting we should stand up for Kirk Ferentz here are you? He gets picked on and made fun of constantly, publicly, and in all forms of media. Are you willing to lambast the fanbase of the team you believe you root for in order to "stick to your guns" following that epic soapbox speech you just made?

Or are there exceptions for everything, especially in sports (which was something you brought up a few times in your post)?

Point being, would you join forces with the fans who tell the negative, pessimistic fans of our fanbase to give it a rest, or are you one of them?
The shooting that occurred when the two reporters were killed, occurred because a gay, black man had been led to believe that he was a VICTIM, who's actions were justified by the PC nature of this country. . .

Michael Sam on deck.
That's nice and all, but I wanted to focus on this part right here seeing as how this is an Iowa Hawkeye message board.

Surely, you're not suggesting we should stand up for Kirk Ferentz here are you? He gets picked on and made fun of constantly, publicly, and in all forms of media. Are you willing to lambast the fanbase of the team you believe you root for in order to "stick to your guns" following that epic soapbox speech you just made?

Or are there exceptions for everything, especially in sports (which was something you brought up a few times in your post)?

Point being, would you join forces with the fans who tell the negative, pessimistic fans of our fanbase to give it a rest, or are you one of them?
Not sure how this is at all related to the point of the OP.
That was an incoherent mess...but I appreciate that you included pictures. The difference between a murderer just being dismissed as crazy versus that same murderer representing a greater failure of society that is caused/maintained/exacerbated by your political/ideological opposition seems to depend almost entirely on whether or not the perpetrator can be construed as being a member, even marginally, of your ideological "team". Society being too "PC" didn't fire that gun in Virginia any more than the confederate flag did in South Carolina. Overzealous political correctness has a plenty of negative downrange consequences for sure...incubating murderers is not one of them though.
You're wrong about that.
As pitiful and popular as "Political Correct-ness" is, I don't think it makes people do things like the OP implies. I do know that beliefs lead to behaviors. So, by that measure, PC ideology and popularity (or belief that it is "correct") could eventually lead to certain behaviors. But, it's not the culprit of each of these individual examples, as I see it. Politically Correct is well-intentioned, but completely misguided and totally off-the-mark in it's outcome. PC is feigned censorship. It purposely creates euphemisms and euphemisms are lies and masking of reality.
The shooting that occurred when the two reporters were killed, occurred because a gay, black man had been led to believe that he was a VICTIM, who's actions were justified by the PC nature of this country.

Political Correctness is unnatural, unrealistic, and unattainable in it's ridiculously naïve need to keep everything 'fair' and even more preposterous,...sensitive.

He was in the thought that he was so wronged because of the politically correct insanity in this country, that he literally became a even bigger monster, than whom he thought held him down could EVER be.

Political correctness, is nothing more than the MASKING of truth, and in many instances, monstrous nature, which in an ironic sense, helps to create even more monstrous natures, due to the confines of it's inhibiting walls.

Bill Cosby

The ultimate nice black guy, champion of comedy, tolerance, and a great father, and role model.
Truth: An ugly, twisted, abusive personality, whom preyed on women, using drugs, and whom cleverly
hid behind his squeaky clean nature. Once told Eddie Murphy that he was a bad influence with his brand of comedy. Jokes on all of us.

Bryan Singer

This director of the Xmen films, The Usual Suspects, etc. was accused of multiple instances of raping young men and coercing them into sexual acts. He came out as gay in the past few years, and his movies have done as well as ever. For some reason, the fact that he settled out of court for millions, and from the number of accusations was likely quite guilty he gets out of it. Hollywood just can't seem to let one of it's gay, money making directors fall down. Can't be mean to him, can we? He's also Jewish by the way. Double whammy, for being above the law.

Mike Tyson:

Good ol' Mike Tyson. Convicted rapist, multiple accounts of sexual harassment way before that, has a history of violent and erratic behavior throughout his entire life. Yet, he's practically STILL a god amongst us. He appears in movies,(most notably The Hangover) and is loved the public today. Despite being a raping, ear biting, brutalizing in and out of the ring deviant.
Fun fact: He had absolutely no issue getting a role in the Hangover,..guess who did? Mel Gibson, who would have appeared in the 2nd one, but one of the main stars, Zack Galifinakis, had serious issues with that, and helped to make it not happen. Never said a peep about a 2nd appearance from the brutal, raping, convicted felon, named Iron Mike. Good morals Hollywood, nothing hypocritical about them at all.

These men are just a few examples, the reason I chose them was because they are the epitome of politically correct insanity. In todays PC world, where only certain people get to enjoy the protection it gives, these men are looked up to, and tolerated, without much more than a thought, let alone a second thought.

It seems as if being overly PC, is not only illogical, but it's a path to behavior that is ten times worse than someone simply not agreeing, or even liking a cultural, sexual, or behavioral aspect of peoples personalities, that would be the downfall of certain types that don't fall into a specific category.

Let us not forget the deviances of the powerful by the way....where it's not their culture characteristics that protect them, but their stature.


Hilary, law breaker, cares more about her power, than dealing with adulterer husband, mean to African kids,..WHILE in Africa.

Involved in an underage prostitution ring, that involved young, too young btw, men.


Election stealing, grandson of a Nazi sympathizer, starter of unjust wars, still a very important and powerful figure in the political world due to his family ties to the elite.

PC doesn't just lead to intolerance against EVERYTHING, it also leads to an acceptance, of WHAT REALLY destroys humanity. Fight to keep someone from being made fun of, or for being 'picked on', ignore that others create REAL disturbances and atrocities that affect not just our lives, but our right to live safely, and most of all takes away our ability to pursue lifes of happiness.

Now some of you will be insulted by this. Honestly, I and millions of Americans are even more insulted that this has to be a topic of conversation, and that what is said here is all too true.
You had my approval until you put GW Bush in the moral camp with those other POS you featured.

Oh, and you are clearly racist getting your jab on Singer about being a jew. Why even bring that up.

Take some anger management classes.
You had my approval until you put GW Bush in the moral camp with those other POS you featured.

Oh, and you are clearly racist getting your jab on Singer about being a jew. Why even bring that up.

Take some anger management classes.
LOL... he had your approval until he picked on GWB? Wonderful. While I don't agree that the PC phenomena is responsible for these outcomes, directly; what he stated about GWB (and most of the rest) were pretty accurate by themselves... including your beloved GW Bush. He's a sold-out political whore just like his dad, his brother, Ronald Reagan, and most every democrat and republican that has ever occupied a political office.
LOL... he had your approval until he picked on GWB? Wonderful. While I don't agree that the PC phenomena is responsible for these outcomes, directly; what he stated about GWB (and most of the rest) were pretty accurate by themselves... including your beloved GW Bush. He's a sold-out political whore just like his dad, his brother, Ronald Reagan, and most every democrat and republican that has ever occupied a political office.
Welcome to my ignore list, rammy
You had my approval until you put GW Bush in the moral camp with those other POS you featured.

Oh, and you are clearly racist getting your jab on Singer about being a jew. Why even bring that up.

Take some anger management classes.
No I'm not racist. Pointing out a protected class is not being racist. Your inability to evolve your mind past such petty thinking is your own issue.
You had my approval until you put GW Bush in the moral camp with those other POS you featured.

Oh, and you are clearly racist getting your jab on Singer about being a jew. Why even bring that up.

Take some anger management classes.

Yeah, same for me. Why call out Bush because he's a grandson of someone? Seems quite unfair.

And, starter of unjust wars? How were the Afghanistan or Iraq operations unjust?

Seemed perfectly just to me. Afghanistan was the source of much organized terrorism, I don't think anyone denies that. Iraq refused access to inspection sites, knowing what the consequences would be.

The most unfortunate thing about the situation in Iraq was the implementation of the Obozo administration's policies.