the feds are bringing the ebola scare back

ottumwan in tx

HB King
Oct 26, 2002
The first time it did not work, we didn't buy it, now my wife tells me npr is bringing it back and I heard on the radio the nurse in NJ is not getting enough attention so she's gonna sue
Chris Christie for keeping her in jail. { in her apartment}
I think you need to expand your time line, but in any case that's a matter the courts can settle. I'm surprised you are taking big government's side in this. Did the Bilderburgs get to you?
once again, is she gonna sue chris Christie or NJ or big government, or the bilderbergs? these are four different entities in court
You always try and say I build my case on sand and I mix stuff up and I contradict my own case by mixing stuff up, but I have never confused the state of NJ with the private citizen chris Christie nor have I confused the bilderbergs with the fed government, as far as lawsuits go.
Remember when we all died from ebola because the CDC couldn't develop a vaccine due to Republican budget cuts?

Man, those were the days.
The whole ebola scare was such a bunch of hooey (in my opinion).

Here's another take on who really perpetuated the ebola scare.
Republicans, as they are wont to do in these cases, went way overboard with the scaremongering. But it wasn't just Republicans who sounded the alarm over ebola.

Our own WWJD, who is on record as not being a Republican, repeatedly declared that GOP spending cuts were going to lead to a global pandemic that would kill 2 to 3 billion people and devastate the world economy to the tune of $100 trillion or some obscene number.