"The fool of the White House got slapped at the beginning of his road"

Joes Place

HR King
Aug 28, 2003
The Navy SEAL raid in Yemen last week had a secret objective — the head of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, who survived and is now taunting President Donald Trump in an audio message.

Military and intelligence officials told NBC News the goal of the massive operation was to capture or kill Qassim al-Rimi, considered the third most dangerous terrorist in the world and a master recruiter.

But while one SEAL, 14 al Qaeda fighters and some civilians, including an 8-year-old girl, were killed during a firefight, al-Rimi is still alive and in Yemen, multiple military officials said.

On Sunday, al-Rimi — who landed on the United States' most-wanted terrorist list after taking over al Qaeda's Yemen affiliate in 2015 — released an audio recording that military sources said is authentic.

"The fool of the White House got slapped at the beginning of his road in your lands," he said in an apparent reference to the Jan. 29 raid.

The White House — which had declared the raid "a successful operation by all standards" — had no comment Monday. The Pentagon also declined to comment.

Military officials told NBC News that it was the prospect of taking out al-Rimi that convinced the U.S. chain of command that the mission was worth the risk.

Preparation spanned two administrations. After the election, the Pentagon presented President Barack Obama's team with a broad plan to accelerate U.S. counterterrorism operations in Yemen, and the Obama administration referred the proposal to the incoming Trump team.

After two months of military preparation increasingly focused on the opportunity to capture al-Rimi, Trump was told by Defense Secretary James Mattis and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that his capture would be a "game changer," according to a senior White House official with direct knowledge of the discussions.

In making their case, they told Trump that they doubted that the Obama administration would have been bold enough to try it, this official said.
Sure sounds like Trump was trying to 'one up' the outgoing administration as 'weak' and indecisive for an immediate 'win'. Sure, they probably got some intel, but they did NOT get the operative they were after.

Maybe if they'd been more cautious in the planning and waited a few weeks or more, they'd have had a successful raid, like the capture/killing of bin Laden....
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Maybe if they'd been more cautious in the planning and waited a few weeks or more, they'd have had a successful raid, like the capture/killing of bin Laden....

Derp. This was planned before Trump was even President and was scheduled for the next moonless night.
What I think is the most troubling part of that article is the comments from the Al Queda member. We now have a president so weak minded he won't be able to hold back when he's trolled for being weak. I have a bad feeling service members are going to die in order to keep his tough guy image.
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Here's probably what's going to happen:

>Trump sees this taunt
>Trump bombs the area
>Bomb kills a bunch of civilians
>ISIS uses turns this into propaganda to gain members
>ISIS grows larger and more hostile
Here's probably what's going to happen:

>Trump sees this taunt
>Trump bombs the area
>Bomb kills a bunch of civilians
>ISIS uses turns this into propaganda to gain members
>ISIS grows larger and more hostile

Add the Trump supporters will defend it by saying Obama killed civilians, too, so there really is no difference between them.
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What I think is the most troubling part of that article is the comments from the Al Queda member. We now have a president so weak minded he won't be able to hold back when he's trolled for being weak. I have a bad feeling service members are going to die in order to keep his tough guy image.
While I agree with your sentiment, sadly service members have been dying needlessly under pretty much every administration for decades. Let's not act like this is something new.
What I think is the most troubling part of that article is the comments from the Al Queda member. We now have a president so weak minded he won't be able to hold back when he's trolled for being weak. I have a bad feeling service members are going to die in order to keep his tough guy image.
The planning, execution were all military and has been stated, was on hold till a moonless night. This was not something Trump did to make himself feel better about his self image. As much as I disagreed with Obama policies, I always felt he loved America and did what thought was in its best interest. Liberals should give Trump the same leeway
I'm guessing some will call this #fakenews or complete lies, however, I'll just post this here and I'd suggest reading through all of the associated tweets by him.

Yep; the Obama administration (many of which aren't even "his" people, they are career folks) worked up much of the info and intel; Obama's people didn't plan out any raid, because the info wasn't complete and accurate enough to justify.

Trump's claim that "Obama wouldn't have the guts" flies in the face of the simple fact Obama got bin Laden in a well orchestrated raid that went almost flawlessly, FAR into Pakistani territory, where we were NOT legally authorized to operate and could have gone extraordinarily bad if we didn't get bin Laden OR he wasn't even there.

This raid fits the typical Trump bravado: piecemeal info and intel, and Trump pushing his people to 'get a win'. I'm sure he personally approved and pushed for it and anyone with reservations that the intel was incomplete was intimidated into silence. The result is dead civilians and no joy on getting the main guy we were after. And general silence from the WH entirely on the operation. It's a guarantee if they HAD gotten the target, this would be front and center for weeks with Trump claiming more #winning.

This is what it'll be like for the next 6 months - poorly planned and executed raids, not because of poor military planning but because of incomplete or widely ignored intelligence information. If Trump ignored intel on this, and they recommended waiting, it will likely come out sooner or later.

But who knows...maybe the intel on this was pretty good, it was a legit gamble and we didn't fully win this one. It would certainly be a better lesson for Trump if intel folks warned him, and he learned that maybe he needs to listen more carefully to them, and choose who he gets is info from....
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The planning, execution were all military and has been stated, was on hold till a moonless night. This was not something Trump did to make himself feel better about his self image. As much as I disagreed with Obama policies, I always felt he loved America and did what thought was in its best interest. Liberals should give Trump the same leeway

Of COURSE the "planning" was all military; the INTEL was not. The bin Laden raid was planned for months and the intel was checked over and over to improve the planning.

It's well established that Trump doesn't listen to his career intelligence folks. What was their recommendation on this? A plan can be laid out perfectly, but if it is based on incomplete or inaccurate intelligence information, it's not going to work out any better than an average plan or poor plan based on perfectly accurate information.
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But while one SEAL, 14 al Qaeda fighters and some civilians, including an 8-year-old girl, were killed during a firefight, al-Rimi is still alive and in Yemen, multiple military officials said.

The White House — which had declared the raid "a successful operation by all standards" — had no comment Monday. The Pentagon also declined to comment.

So we're now defining success despite the fact our objective wasn't met, civilians (including children) were killed, there was US loss of life and the target of the operation lived to talk smack back to us. So we wasted a few low level bad guys, we could have done that with a drone.
The planning, execution were all military and has been stated, was on hold till a moonless night. This was not something Trump did to make himself feel better about his self image. As much as I disagreed with Obama policies, I always felt he loved America and did what thought was in its best interest. Liberals should give Trump the same leeway

Of COURSE the "planning" was all military; the INTEL was not. The bin Laden raid was planned for months and the intel was checked over and over to improve the planning.

It's well established that Trump doesn't listen to his career intelligence folks. What was their recommendation on this? A plan can be laid out perfectly, but if it is based on incomplete or inaccurate intelligence information, it's not going to work out any better than an average plan or poor plan based on perfectly accurate information.
show me where you get that well established part is any where except in your head
The planning, execution were all military and has been stated, was on hold till a moonless night. This was not something Trump did to make himself feel better about his self image. As much as I disagreed with Obama policies, I always felt he loved America and did what thought was in its best interest. Liberals should give Trump the same leeway
He wanted a big score, and he went for one. The raid was already in the planning by the military, because that is what the military does. They plan for things. They plan for things even when they don't have the precise target.
Participants of the Obama Administration meeting where this operation was supposedly discussed have said it wasn't specifically discussed. Oh, well, Facts are as you need them these days. can pretty much go to any quotes from intel folks who have not been complimentary with how their info and effort has been received.
Maybe they should stop working for interest groups behind the scenes in their attempts to help overthrow governments that get in our way.
He wanted a big score, and he went for one. The raid was already in the planning by the military, because that is what the military does. They plan for things. They plan for things even when they don't have the precise target.
Participants of the Obama Administration meeting where this operation was supposedly discussed have said it wasn't specifically discussed. Oh, well, Facts are as you need them these days.

...and Obama's 'call' on the bin Laden camp raid was questioned and re-questioned on the intel - they hammered thru that to make sure the information was correct.

That doesn't appear to be the case was "get a big win right after inauguration so I can tweet about it", which is entirely consistent with this administrations MO.
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