(Tom Toles)
Once again there was a debate. And once again little of substance was revealed. And once again, ‘winners’ were declared. And once again, the obvious thing to learn from it all went unexamined.
Marco Rubio continues his climb over Jeb Bush and toward Donald Trump as a candidate skilled at running his mouth except when he’s dodging his role in his signature issue, immigration reform. Ted Cruz, class genius, gets four out of his five agencies to chop correct. Rand Paul reemerges to discover yet again that ‘conservative’ means what Republicans say it means.
But the elephant (so to speak) in the room sits there quietly undiscussed. The elepahant, of course, is the elephantine tax cuts EACH AND EVERY ONE of the candidates wants to shovel toward the rich. STILL! On TOP OF the gigantic piles of wealth they have already amassed in the last few decades. Keep in mind that these cuts are not coming at a time where one could still argue with a straight face that America was impinging on the economic prerogatives of its richest. This is NOW, after the greatest trainride of runaway wealth disparity since the age of the robber barrons.
It’s right there, in their policy proposals. They are all saying the same thing. That the one class above all who need massive financial help are the very very richest. How does this prescription fit into the real world? It bears no relation to economic history as we have experienced it whatsoever.
Maybe the reason this doesn’t get debated is because its now beyond debate.