The ignore button

I come to this board so I can see what so called Republicans are thinking and interested in at the time.

I do think living in a bubble is bad and we probably all do it to some degree.

But I don’t blame anyone for using the ignore button on this board…. Good Lord…
I agree with you. I want to move on and intend to be magnanimous. I guess I simply found his schtick to be particularly offputting the past few weeks thats all.

Lots of people wrong on here for sure.
You and him are both good dudes.

He owns he was wrong. Time to move on. You both are my fellow countrymen and even in disagreement I respect you both. We need good liberals and good conservatives to balance each other out. People of goodwill should rally around that and leave the woke whackos and MAGA idiot brigade behind. The lunatic fringe has taken up too much attention and we all need to give them the middle finger salute and get back to being Americans first and Democrats, Republicans, Independents, etc. second.
You tell me. You’re the one that said this place isn’t real lol

Weird Guy GIF by ION
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There’s nothing wrong with using the Ignore feature. More people should do it.

But (repeatedly) announcing it to HBOT and singling out posters you’re using it on is a beta move.

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You people with your “ignore” buttons and getting people banned/suspended. You end up creating your own private echo chamber, then you all have your ridiculous little neurodivergent episodes when hit with the reality that 40-60% of the people out there disagree with you. But keep it up. It’s fun to watch.
Nobody wants to sift thru your crap. Bye bye.
Trust me friend, I'm not taking anything of substance away from this interaction.
That’s the point, isn’t it? We’re not supposed to take anything of substance from any of this, right? It’s not real. No real reason to keep to promises or your word. We’re all liars in your mind.
GOHOX. To be honest you created the situation you find yourself in. The last few weeks of the election you were intolerable. This wasn't because of your politics. It was because of your affect.

So grow up. Either you decide to stay here, take your medicine and move on like an adult and realize that you made a lot of mistakes in your interactions on here and strive to be better, or, you leave in fact, or in action by ignoring all that now want a piece of you.

I always thought you were a really good guy, particularly through COVID but lately you weren't yourself. Many were not.

So, you have a choice to make. I'd prefer you stay but many would also like to see an acknowledgment that you could have done things a lot better. Not necessarily a penance but a small mea culpa. Seems like you did a bit of that already.
I just assumed he was drunk posting a lot. I've been doing that all night!
GoHox is a typical liberal, all mouth nothing to back it up. I doubt he is actually a U.S. Citizen. He probably wears a rag (turban) on his head.

Camel Jockey no doubt. Probably infested with sand fleas.
Wow. So now that you’ve said really crappy things about someone, does that open you up to name calling as well?

“We can disagree and still be friends”

I’ve added about 25 since Wednesday. Between that and deleting Twitter for good, lot more enjoyable being online. Unfortunately I still visit FSU football sites.
You people with your “ignore” buttons and getting people banned/suspended. You end up creating your own private echo chamber, then you all have your ridiculous little neurodivergent episodes when hit with the reality that 40-60% of the people out there disagree with you. But keep it up. It’s fun to watch.
There is a difference between avoiding different ideas and not countenancing childish assholes. I am fine with people being dicks but when it becomes racist or calling people “libtards” and such, there is no point in engaging with such a small mind.
There is a difference between avoiding different ideas and not countenancing childish assholes. I am fine with people being dicks but when it becomes racist or calling people “libtards” and such, there is no point in engaging with such a small mind.
What about “hillbillies”, “red necks”, “white trash”, MAGAts, crackers, honkeys, etc. Do those words trigger your “ignore” button too?