The latest Dumb Thing said by Maxine Waters.


HR King
Aug 14, 2002
This is delicious. Apparently, Putin is advancing on Korea now. I'm sure the media will be all over it.

Maxine Waters is continuing to bang the drums of impeachment, even though she has yet to accuse President Trump of breaking the law.

But her statement today on the topic may be the most embarrassingly ridiculous yet.

Speaking to reporters with other House Democrats today, Waters attempted to build the case for why Democrats “may” push for impeachment.

“How can a president who is acting the manner he is acting — whether he’s talking about the travel ban, the way he’s targeted Muslims, or whether he’s talking about his relationship to (Vladimir) Putin and the Kremlin and knowing that they have hacked our (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) and the (Democratic National Committee),” she said.

But then the already wobbly wheels began falling off Waters’ rhetoric wagon.

“And knowing that he’s responsible for supplying the bombs that killed innocent children and families in, um, in, um,” she said, forgetting the name before someone behind her murmured, “Aleppo.”

“Yeah, in Aleppo,” she said.

Waters continued, “And the fact that he is wrapping his arms around Putin while Putin is continuing to advance into Korea.”

Korea, Crimea, what’s the difference, besides spellings, cultures and continents?

Referring to Trump, she said, “I think he’s leading himself into that kind of position where folks will begin to ask, ‘What are we going to do?’ and the answer’s going to be, ‘Eventually, we’ve got to do something about him.'”

Nancy Pelosi immediately distanced herself from the comments.

“Many things the congresswoman said are grounds for displeasure and unease in the public about the performance of this president,” she said.

She went on to say Trump has acted in a way that is “strategically incoherent, incompetent and that is reckless.”

Pelosi added, “And that is not grounds for impeachment.”
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even Queen Nancy appeared a little taken aback by her impeachment rethoric. I believe she should be one of the main spokesman for the Dems. Put her on the Sunday shows
The circus in the white house makes even nancy pelosi seem somewhat normal and intelligent. You boys outdid yourself putting your fascist con-man hero in there!
Maxine should be out. Anyone who deliberately makes stuff up like this isn't qualified to be a leader. It's clear she doesn't know what is actually going on in the rest of the world.

That said, Trump should be gone, too. He also stumbled through who Russia did and did not invade (see the Ukraine) and also simply makes facts up to suit his purposes.

I would suggest the two of them marry and make a babies, but we all know Trump won't touch black people.
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Maxine is a dandy. I remember when she told the oil execs you either get in line with the government and what we tell you to do or we are going to take you over.
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Maxine is a dandy. I remember when she told the oil execs you either get in line with the government and what we tell you to do or we are going to take you over.
Sounds just like Trump. Donald should have made her the new Condoleezza Rice. They could have been making sweet love in the wee hours of the morning in between Trump's breaks for cable news and the occasional BigMac.
Sounds just like Trump. Donald should have made her the new Condoleezza Rice. They could have been making sweet love in the wee hours of the morning in between Trump's breaks for cable news and the occasional BigMac.

Comparing Maxine Waters to Condolezza Rice is a fricking should be ashamed of yourself. The only things they have in common is that they are women....and that they are black. You could fit what Waters knows about anything into a thimble compared to Rice.
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Comparing Maxine Waters to Condolezza Rice is a fricking should be ashamed of yourself. The only things they have in common is that they are women....and that they are black. You could fit what Waters knows about anything into a thimble compared to Rice.
A thimble is way to generous.
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Sounds just like Trump. Donald should have made her the new Condoleezza Rice. They could have been making sweet love in the wee hours of the morning in between Trump's breaks for cable news and the occasional BigMac.

aaaahhhhh I don't think you can compare Maxine to Trump Or Rice.

cmon man
Maxine Waters is from the same tribe as Al Sharpton.
Both are people who bloviate and blather with little
knowledge of the facts. Their goal is to see their face
on TV and make hideous comments to attract attention.
The Democrats have been blessed with these idiots.
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even Queen Nancy appeared a little taken aback by her impeachment rethoric. I believe she should be one of the main spokesman for the Dems. Put her on the Sunday shows
The circus in the white house makes even nancy pelosi seem somewhat normal and intelligent. You boys outdid yourself putting your fascist con-man hero in there!
Democrats put Trump in by nominating a person under FBI investigation who then ran a lousy campaign. Nearly every any one else would have beat him
Sounds just like Trump. Donald should have made her the new Condoleezza Rice. They could have been making sweet love in the wee hours of the morning in between Trump's breaks for cable news and the occasional BigMac.

If Condoleezza Rice would have been put up by the GOP for President, Hillary would have been blown out of the water on election day.
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Democrats put Trump in by nominating a person under FBI investigation who then ran a lousy campaign. Nearly every any one else would have beat him
You don't have any argument from me on that one. I explained it all on a post about why trump one about a month ago. But as much as I dislike the Clintons, they are no where near as disgusting as donald and his self-described fascist advisor.
Maxine should be out. Anyone who deliberately makes stuff up like this isn't qualified to be a leader. It's clear she doesn't know what is actually going on in the rest of the world.

That said, Trump should be gone, too. He also stumbled through who Russia did and did not invade (see the Ukraine) and also simply makes facts up to suit his purposes.

I would suggest the two of them marry and make a babies, but we all know Trump won't touch black people.
Random Person: "did you see those pedophiles got arrested the other day?"
Huey: "yeah. Sick bastards. They should all go to jail. That being said, Trump should be in jail too."
Stick to the subject would you?
Random Person: "did you see those pedophiles got arrested the other day?"
Huey: "yeah. Sick bastards. They should all go to jail. That being said, Trump should be in jail too."
Stick to the subject would you?
Don't want to admit that Trump has no clue what he is doing with foreign affairs, do you? Waters probably shouldn't be in office. She's proven she's very light in understanding how the world works. But the same can be said of Trump.

Of course, only one is President. So in my estimation, Trump is by far the worse affront.
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If Condoleezza Rice would have been put up by the GOP for President, Hillary would have been blown out of the water on election day.
I doubt it, cons don't like the establishment or talking about policy. Rice wasn't going to get Trump numbers as she can't boil the passions of the deplorables. IMO, no mainstream, sane, competent Republican could have beaten Hillary. Because the election would have revolved around policy and Hillary would win that battle. Only an emotional bomb thrower should change the map.

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