The Legality of Automatic/Semi-Automatic Weapons & Abortion Should be Decided at State Level

Yeah that's a good point.

No, it's not. Look at the results men provided when they had the issue in their hands (majorities in legislatures and courts).

No. It's a women's rights issue. Men are traditionally and culturally misogynistic or at least take an oppressive and/or attitude negative towards women.
No, it's not. Look at the results men provided when they had the issue in their hands (majorities in legislatures and courts).

No. It's a women's rights issue. Men are traditionally and culturally misogynistic or at least take an oppressive and/or attitude negative towards women.
Also a good point. Glad I'm not of reproductive age. And a man.
No, it's not. Look at the results men provided when they had the issue in their hands (majorities in legislatures and courts).

No. It's a women's rights issue. Men are traditionally and culturally misogynistic or at least take an oppressive and/or attitude negative towards women.
Did your social studies teacher tell you this?
If it were up to the states, many would still prohibit women from voting, African Americans from white only restaurants and hotels, and Jewish families from owning real estate in certain neighborhoods.
State rights is the law in the country we live in so...........
The Constitution originally legalized slavery but then the people spoke and we ended up with the Civil War to make slavery illegal.
The Civil War didn’t make slavery illegal, it conquered the States who made a bid for independence of Washington DC.

The 13th amendment made slavery illegal and was ratified after the war.
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Tenth Amendment​

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

I would bet the good people of Arizona will make reproductive choice legal just as very Red Kansas did.

I personally hope they do. The story of the 10 year old girl in Ohio who was raped and was denied an abortion was horrible.

But just as the 10th Amendment applies to reproductive rights, it also applies to the legality of automatic/semi-automatic weapons. Nothing in the Constitution talks about automatic/semi-automatic weapons.
13 States and DC have an outright ban on automatic weapons.