The Media Is All Wrong About Biden’s Poor Polling


HR Legend
Gold Member
Oct 13, 2006
Nailed it.

More flustered than Elmer Fudd in the closing seconds of a Looney Tunes episode, 😆😆President Joe Biden summoned his inner circle late last month to explain why his poll numbers were so dismal — and to ask them what they were doing to boost them. The scene, captured by the Washington Post’s Tyler Pager and printed as the lead story in the paper’s Monday edition (“Biden Upset By His Low Polling,” Dec. 18), has Biden bellyaching that his economic successes have failed to move the dial, and notes that the president has been complaining about this for some time.

The great ignominy of Biden’s sagging popularity, writes Pager, is that his approval rating has tied his all-time low at 38 percent, pushing him into those regions of unfavor populated with telemarketers, health care managers and journalists. And as if that isn’t sufficiently debilitating, Biden laments that even the scoundrel Donald Trump is polling stronger.

In asking to be better loved, Biden is not alone. Every politician thinks he should be hailed by the people. In asking his people to make it so, Biden resembles the standard politician. What Biden overlooks — as does much of the press writing about Biden’s unpopularity — is that he was never a wildly popular figure nationally, so why should he be now? His instruction that the staff find a way to secure himself a place in the public’s heart is probably as doable at this point as unscrambling an egg.

The signs of Biden’s inherent unpopularity were present from the beginning of his presidency. Just two weeks into Biden’s term, the New York Times was noting that while he had a broad positive approval rating, his didn’t come close to that of Barack Obama on inauguration day, and his net approval rating was lower than any of his predecessors except Trump. Biden remained popular for the first six months of his presidency, the “honeymoon” presidents get, but then began the slide that now places him at 38 percent favorable in an average of 17 polls calculated by the Washington Post.

By September 2021, as the Biden dip became palpable, the press assembled to make excuses for him. In the New York Times, columnist Jamelle Bouie provided what he called a “laundry list” of reasons for the anti-Biden mood: The Covid pandemic; backlash over the Afghanistan withdrawal; and growing polarization. A month later, the Associated Press attributed the dip to a “slew of challenges” Biden had faced, including Covid, Afghanistan, legislative drama over his economic policies and trouble at the border. A month after that, USA Today endorsed the AP’s explanation. The trouble was in the stars, not necessarily with Joe Biden, the press largely surmised.

Later, inflation was ascribed blame for Biden’s bad numbers, but now that inflation is down, that plea no longer works. By last summer, the commentariat was grasping at straws. In July, New York magazine’s Eric Levitz pronounced Biden’s unpopularity as “mysterious,” and speculated that his problem might be that while he “has delivered material improvements to voters,” he had failed addressed the nation’s “widespread sense of despair.” The New York Times’ Ross Douthat addressed the topic in September, confessing that it’s “hard to distill a singular explanation for what’s kept his numbers low.” It could be inflation, he speculates, or the “social-issues undertow” that’s punishing some Democrats. More recently, Vox’s Andrew Prokop offered the view that “voters have come to doubt Biden’s competence, and many are attributing that perceived lack of competence to his age.” This argument finds support in a recent New York Times poll that discovered an unnamed “Democratic candidate” could beat Trump handily, while Biden vs. Trump would result in a Trump victory.

Could it be that it’s not policy or circumstances that voters are rejecting, but that it’s Biden? The tough truth for Biden, one that the press seems to have avoided, is that he has always been unpopular. Although he has long been in the public eye — he served avuncularly as a U.S. senator for 36 years before becoming vice president — being the toast of Delaware, which is the second smallest state and the sixth least populous, doesn’t readily convert into national acclaim. His 1988 campaign for president ended abruptly, as he dropped out of the race after three months amid a plagiarism scandal. Then in the 2008 presidential campaign, he found such low favor among voters that he placed fifth in the Iowa caucuses and then exited.

In the 2020 contest, running in a crowded primary field, Biden rarely broke the 30 percent mark. Biden won the nomination not because he was popular but because he was running as a centrist in a field clogged with progressives. He also had the good political fortune to emerge as the last moderate candidate standing against socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders. Establishment Democrats didn’t love Joe as much as they disliked Sanders and wanted a candidate around whom they could coalesce.

Meanwhile, Biden’s victory over Trump in the general election wasn’t a mandate on his popularity. It was a flight to safety for a nation fed up with a meshuga president. Biden was merely the vegetable voters convinced themselves they had to eat in order to rid themselves of Trump.

No amount of repackaging Biden’s first-term accomplishments will boost him to the top of the charts. In September, the New York Times reported that the White House plans to polish Biden’s image by showcasing “his vigor.” Good luck with that.

None of this is to suggest that Biden can’t possibly beat Trump in 2024; he’s done it before, after all. As the Atlantic’s Ron Brownstein wrote last spring, Biden’s unpopularity might not matter as long as voters hate the other guy enough. But if he’s looking for a guaranteed way to move his numbers up, he should do what President Lyndon Johnson did in 1968. Johnson dropped out of the presidential contest and by the time he exited the White House, he was close to regaining a 50 percent approval rating.

Want to be liked? Try doing something likable.

Maga scum seems to love trump and he's never don't anything likable in his whole miserable life.
Not sure MAGA is the problem. People that are in the middle (like me) are feeling the effects of Biden's policies. You can quote a million of the skewed polls or Gov data, but the bank accounts are not reflecting those stats. People vote with their money and right now it's not going well. Until Biden corrects what's going on he won't poll well. Bush is a prime example of this in 2007 when the economy started going to shit. He became extremely unpopular, and his numbers went to rock bottom. Social issues aren't important when people are having to use credit cards to survive.
Biden is quite unpopular. Probably undeservedly so.

That said, I think this Atlantic author "nails it" in terms of what will happen if the expected (Trump v. Biden II) comes to pass:

Why Trump Won’t Win​

His threats to democracy make him dangerous. They also make him a weak candidate.

By Hussein Ibish
photo of Donald Trump's back at a microphone surrounded by black

DECEMBER 15, 2023

Over the past few weeks, warnings about the threat posed by Donald Trump’s potential reelection have grown louder, including in a series of articles in The Atlantic. This alarm-raising is justified and appropriate, given the looming danger of authoritarianism in American politics. But amid all of the worrying, we might be losing sight of the most important fact: Trump’s chances of winning are slim.

Some look at Trump’s long list of flaws and understandably see reasons to worry about him winning. I see reasons to think he almost certainly won’t.

Yes, recent polls appear to favor him. Yes, Joe Biden is an imperfect opponent. And yes, much could change over the next 11 months, potentially in Trump’s favor. But if Biden’s health holds, he is very likely to be reelected next year. It’s hard to imagine any other Republican candidate galvanizing Democrats, independents, and even some Republicans to vote for the current president in the way that Trump will.

I’m not arguing that anyone who wants President Biden to win—and, more important, anyone who wants Trump to lose—should relax. To the contrary, Democrats, and any other sensible voters who oppose Trump, need to forcefully remind the American people about how disastrous he was as president and inform them of how much worse a second term would be. Thankfully, that is not a hard case to make.

The former president enjoys some clear advantages. About a third of Republicans are fiercely loyal to him, meaning that he has the unwavering support of a small but potent segment of the broader electorate. Once he is presumably crowned the Republican nominee, which seems inevitable and will probably occur by Super Tuesday, the GOP’s electoral and fundraising machine will whir into motion on his behalf. In all likelihood, the leaders in his party will unite behind him. Large numbers of Americans will vote for anyone running as a Republican against a Democrat.

Trump’s media supporters, above all at Fox News, will offer support, propagating a set of myths about his record in office, particularly the supposedly great economy over which he presided. Trump will be able to run as both an incumbent, because he’s a former president, and an “outsider,” as in 2016, because he is out of office. That will make his attacks on the “deep state” and his own persecution narrative more convincing. Trump intends to use his various criminal and civil trials as proof that “they”—the Biden administration—are going after him because he represents “us”—his voters. A certain segment of the public will buy into these messages.

Trump might also enjoy a relative advantage in the Electoral College because of the counter-majoritarian aspects of the U.S. political system. He soundly lost the popular vote in both 2016 and 2020, and almost no one expects him to win a majority of votes in 2024 either. But if the race is close enough in the right places, the undue power of rural voters in smaller or less populated states could tilt the outcome in his favor.
Finally, Biden is not the candidate Trump ran against four years ago. He is older, his approval rating is suffering, and, during his four years in office, he has given certain segments of the public reasons to be dissatisfied with him. That’s reflected in the current polling, where he appears to be losing support among key groups, including Black and Latino voters.

All of that notwithstanding, when the general election gets under way, and presuming that Americans are faced with a binary choice between Trump and Biden, Trump’s chances will start to look much worse. Even if most Republicans unite behind him, a significant portion of both Republicans and independents will have a hard time pulling the lever for him. Some Republican voters might well stay home.

Trump’s flaws look far worse today than they did eight years ago. To take one example that should concern conservative voters: his behavior toward and views of service members. In the 2016 campaign, Trump’s attacks on Senator John McCain and on the Gold Star Khan family were bad enough. Now we have a litany of testimonies that he expressed contempt and disgust for wounded veterans—demanding that he not be seen in public with them—and that he debased fallen soldiers, describing them as “suckers” and marveling, “What was in it for them?” According to an Atlantic report, when he was scheduled to visit a World War I–era American cemetery in France in 2018, Trump complained, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” Trump has always posed as a patriot, but he has proved himself unpatriotic, anti-military, and ignorant of the meaning of sacrifice.

Similarly, in 2016, Trump’s campaign was briefly rocked by the Access Hollywood videotape in which he boasted about grabbing women by the genitalia. He survived, in large part because many voters chose to accept his comments as “locker room” bluster. Several women accused him of sexual misconduct, but Trump fended off their allegations too. Now he has been held civilly liable by a New York jury for sexually abusing the advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996. A federal judge has said that the jury concluded that what Trump did to Carroll was rape in the common sense of the term. Some Americans will shrug that off, but many won’t be able to.

Trump hopes that his legal troubles will prove a boon to his campaign, allowing him to paint both law enforcement and the judicial system as part of a massive conspiracy against him. He has even requested that his federal trial regarding efforts to overturn the 2020-election results be televised. That’s unlikely, but the more airtime these prosecutions get, the better. Among Republicans, Trump’s polling has improved since his indictments, but many other Americans simply won’t be impressed, inspired, or persuaded by someone who faces 91 felony counts, in addition to civil cases. Trump already has been found liable for fraud and sexual abuse in New York. To that may well be added a criminal conviction at the federal level. Even if none of the trials has concluded by next fall, much of the evidence that prosecutors have accumulated is already in the public record and will be powerful fodder for anti-Trump attack ads. And Democrats will benefit from the attention Trump draws to the election-subversion cases. Even many of Trump’s most ardent supporters are tired of relitigating 2020; voters would prefer to focus on the future, not the past.
David A. Graham: A guide to the cases against Trump

On top of all this, Trump has a strong record of electoral losses, with his 2016 upset, which apparently surprised even him, as the lone exception. His party suffered the standard midterm defeat in 2018. Then he lost the 2020 election. Then Republicans lost control of the Senate after Georgia’s runoff in early 2021. Then his party was denied the standard midterm victory in 2022, barely eking out a four-vote House majority thanks in large part to his own handpicked, election-denying candidates, almost all of whom lost in competitive races. There is no obvious reason that 2024 should constitute a sudden break from this pattern of MAGA defeat.

Presidential elections are usually decided by a relatively small group of swing voters in six or seven swing states. The most important are independent voters and suburban voters, two groups that appear to have turned away from Trump since 2016. He hasn’t done anything to win them back since 2020, instead running in recent months on a platform that’s more radical, extreme, and openly authoritarian than ever (except on the issue of abortion, where he is less extreme than his Republican-primary competitors). With Trump promising vengeance, retribution, and dictatorship, at least on “day one,” as he recently told Sean Hannity, will these swing voters be wooed back into his camp? Are Americans so fed up that they will want to elect someone who has advocated for the “termination” of the Constitution in order to keep himself in power?

Recent polling suggests that Biden is in real trouble, including with a number of core Democratic constituencies, which is leading many Democrats to yearn for a different candidate or to despair that Trump will be reelected. In fact, Biden has a strong record to run on. In his first two years, with a tiny House majority and only a tiebreaker in the Senate, he managed to pass more progressive, consequential economic legislation than, arguably, any president since Lyndon B. Johnson. Unemployment is low, and inflation is cooling. Perhaps the public has not fully felt these positive developments yet, but they will almost certainly have registered by next November.

Americans have reported to pollsters that although they believe that the economy is bad for others, they themselves feel economically secure. Biden should ask voters Ronald Reagan’s classic question: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? The answer can only be yes, given the dire situation the nation found itself in during the early months of the coronavirus pandemic (to say nothing of the general sense of chaos throughout Trump’s presidency). But Biden and Democrats need to make this case. Without prompting, voters might not readily remember how challenging a time 2020 was.

The abortion issue, opened up by the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, has consistently played in Democrats’ favor, and that’s unlikely to change next November. If the Republican nominee were former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, women might not rally so powerfully to the Democratic side. But Trump claims responsibility for the decision overturning Roe by virtue of his Supreme Court appointees. That, plus Trump’s treatment of women, gives Biden a huge opportunity with female voters.

Biden’s pro-Israel policies during the ongoing war in Gaza might cost him support from Arab and Muslim Americans, but probably not enough for him to lose Michigan, for example, to Trump. Voters in those groups seem unlikely to support the author of the “Muslim ban,” who is threatening to reimpose similar restrictions, and the “Peace to Prosperity” Israeli-Palestinian proposal that invited Israel to annex 30 percent of the occupied West Bank. Some will stay home—a potential danger for Biden—but many will, perhaps reluctantly, turn out for him despite what they say now.

The 2024 election will be a referendum on democracy, with both candidates claiming to stand for freedom and American values. On this matter, Biden’s claims are obviously stronger: He has been governing as a traditional president, whereas Trump promises authoritarianism and openly says he wants to be dictator for a day to accomplish certain policies, namely restricting immigration. But what if his plans take more than a day? What if his one-day dictatorship extends to a year and then never ends? Americans know that strongmen don’t keep their promises.

Biden is old, but so is Trump. Biden has grown unpopular, but so has Trump. Biden has liabilities, but Trump’s are considerably worse. Biden has lost the backing of plenty of voters, but the results of the past few elections suggest that Trump has lost more. Meanwhile, Trump’s record as president and since—January 6, the devastating testimony from his former senior officials, the ongoing trials, and whatever additional self-inflicted wounds he delivers—will contrast very poorly with Biden’s track record and steady leadership. By November, enough Americans will surely understand that they aren’t voting for Biden over Trump so much as voting for the Constitution over a would-be authoritarian.

The case against Trump’s reelection is obvious and damning. As long as his opponents prosecute that case—and they will—Trump isn’t going to win.

Hussein Ibish is a senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington.
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Not sure MAGA is the problem. People that are in the middle (like me) are feeling the effects of Biden's policies. You can quote a million of the skewed polls or Gov data, but the bank accounts are not reflecting those stats. People vote with their money and right now it's not going well. Until Biden corrects what's going on he won't poll well. Bush is a prime example of this in 2007 when the economy started going to shit. He became extremely unpopular, and his numbers went to rock bottom. Social issues aren't important when people are having to use credit cards to survive.

Thankfully, Trump will turn that right around for you. He loves you and deeply cares about you.

David A. Graham: A guide to the cases against Trump

On top of all this, Trump has a strong record of electoral losses, with his 2016 upset, which apparently surprised even him, as the lone exception. His party suffered the standard midterm defeat in 2018. Then he lost the 2020 election. Then Republicans lost control of the Senate after Georgia’s runoff in early 2021. Then his party was denied the standard midterm victory in 2022, barely eking out a four-vote House majority thanks in large part to his own handpicked, election-denying candidates, almost all of whom lost in competitive races. There is no obvious reason that 2024 should constitute a sudden break from this pattern of MAGA defeat.

Presidential elections are usually decided by a relatively small group of swing voters in six or seven swing states. The most important are independent voters and suburban voters, two groups that appear to have turned away from Trump since 2016. He hasn’t done anything to win them back since 2020, instead running in recent months on a platform that’s more radical, extreme, and openly authoritarian than ever (except on the issue of abortion, where he is less extreme than his Republican-primary competitors). With Trump promising vengeance, retribution, and dictatorship, at least on “day one,” as he recently told Sean Hannity, will these swing voters be wooed back into his camp? Are Americans so fed up that they will want to elect someone who has advocated for the “termination” of the Constitution in order to keep himself in power?

Recent polling suggests that Biden is in real trouble, including with a number of core Democratic constituencies, which is leading many Democrats to yearn for a different candidate or to despair that Trump will be reelected. In fact, Biden has a strong record to run on. In his first two years, with a tiny House majority and only a tiebreaker in the Senate, he managed to pass more progressive, consequential economic legislation than, arguably, any president since Lyndon B. Johnson. Unemployment is low, and inflation is cooling. Perhaps the public has not fully felt these positive developments yet, but they will almost certainly have registered by next November.

Americans have reported to pollsters that although they believe that the economy is bad for others, they themselves feel economically secure. Biden should ask voters Ronald Reagan’s classic question: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? The answer can only be yes, given the dire situation the nation found itself in during the early months of the coronavirus pandemic (to say nothing of the general sense of chaos throughout Trump’s presidency). But Biden and Democrats need to make this case. Without prompting, voters might not readily remember how challenging a time 2020 was.

The abortion issue, opened up by the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, has consistently played in Democrats’ favor, and that’s unlikely to change next November. If the Republican nominee were former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, women might not rally so powerfully to the Democratic side. But Trump claims responsibility for the decision overturning Roe by virtue of his Supreme Court appointees. That, plus Trump’s treatment of women, gives Biden a huge opportunity with female voters.

Biden’s pro-Israel policies during the ongoing war in Gaza might cost him support from Arab and Muslim Americans, but probably not enough for him to lose Michigan, for example, to Trump. Voters in those groups seem unlikely to support the author of the “Muslim ban,” who is threatening to reimpose similar restrictions, and the “Peace to Prosperity” Israeli-Palestinian proposal that invited Israel to annex 30 percent of the occupied West Bank. Some will stay home—a potential danger for Biden—but many will, perhaps reluctantly, turn out for him despite what they say now.

The 2024 election will be a referendum on democracy, with both candidates claiming to stand for freedom and American values. On this matter, Biden’s claims are obviously stronger: He has been governing as a traditional president, whereas Trump promises authoritarianism and openly says he wants to be dictator for a day to accomplish certain policies, namely restricting immigration. But what if his plans take more than a day? What if his one-day dictatorship extends to a year and then never ends? Americans know that strongmen don’t keep their promises.

Biden is old, but so is Trump. Biden has grown unpopular, but so has Trump. Biden has liabilities, but Trump’s are considerably worse. Biden has lost the backing of plenty of voters, but the results of the past few elections suggest that Trump has lost more. Meanwhile, Trump’s record as president and since—January 6, the devastating testimony from his former senior officials, the ongoing trials, and whatever additional self-inflicted wounds he delivers—will contrast very poorly with Biden’s track record and steady leadership. By November, enough Americans will surely understand that they aren’t voting for Biden over Trump so much as voting for the Constitution over a would-be authoritarian.

The case against Trump’s reelection is obvious and damning. As long as his opponents prosecute that case—and they will—Trump isn’t going to win.

Hussein Ibish is a senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington.
As soon as it's a no shit binary choice between Trump/Biden the numbers in polling will take a swing towards Joe. Too far out for that to really lock in....we'll see it next summer if Trump is the nominee IMO.

Beens saying for a while these polls are fools gold for the Trump camp...they help him in that it cancels out the "Trump is unelectable" argument that Haley tries to make. The argument is spot on IMO but when polling data says otherwise....good luck.

Same dynamic as in 2020. Folks not jazzed about Joe but scared of Orange man.

If the R nominee isn't named Trump Joes in trouble.
As soon as it's a no shit binary choice between Trump/Biden the numbers in polling will take a swing towards Joe. Too far out for that to really lock in....we'll see it next summer if Trump is the nominee IMO.

Beens saying for a while these polls are fools gold for the Trump camp...they help him in that it cancels out the "Trump is unelectable" argument that Haley tries to make. The argument is spot on IMO but when polling data says otherwise....good luck.

Same dynamic as in 2020. Folks not jazzed about Joe but scared of Orange man.

If the R nominee isn't named Trump Joes in trouble.


Because Abortion is on the ballot. Sorry Bins.
Thankfully, Trump will turn that right around for you. He loves you and deeply cares about you.

Lol, he sure does. I wish neither would be on the ballot. Narcissism on display at it's finest.
Not sure MAGA is the problem. People that are in the middle (like me) are feeling the effects of Biden's policies. You can quote a million of the skewed polls or Gov data, but the bank accounts are not reflecting those stats. People vote with their money and right now it's not going well. Until Biden corrects what's going on he won't poll well. Bush is a prime example of this in 2007 when the economy started going to shit. He became extremely unpopular, and his numbers went to rock bottom. Social issues aren't important when people are having to use credit cards to survive.
Which of his policies are affecting you?
  • Haha
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Nailed it.

More flustered than Elmer Fudd in the closing seconds of a Looney Tunes episode, 😆😆President Joe Biden summoned his inner circle late last month to explain why his poll numbers were so dismal — and to ask them what they were doing to boost them. The scene, captured by the Washington Post’s Tyler Pager and printed as the lead story in the paper’s Monday edition (“Biden Upset By His Low Polling,” Dec. 18), has Biden bellyaching that his economic successes have failed to move the dial, and notes that the president has been complaining about this for some time.

The great ignominy of Biden’s sagging popularity, writes Pager, is that his approval rating has tied his all-time low at 38 percent, pushing him into those regions of unfavor populated with telemarketers, health care managers and journalists. And as if that isn’t sufficiently debilitating, Biden laments that even the scoundrel Donald Trump is polling stronger.

In asking to be better loved, Biden is not alone. Every politician thinks he should be hailed by the people. In asking his people to make it so, Biden resembles the standard politician. What Biden overlooks — as does much of the press writing about Biden’s unpopularity — is that he was never a wildly popular figure nationally, so why should he be now? His instruction that the staff find a way to secure himself a place in the public’s heart is probably as doable at this point as unscrambling an egg.

The signs of Biden’s inherent unpopularity were present from the beginning of his presidency. Just two weeks into Biden’s term, the New York Times was noting that while he had a broad positive approval rating, his didn’t come close to that of Barack Obama on inauguration day, and his net approval rating was lower than any of his predecessors except Trump. Biden remained popular for the first six months of his presidency, the “honeymoon” presidents get, but then began the slide that now places him at 38 percent favorable in an average of 17 polls calculated by the Washington Post.

By September 2021, as the Biden dip became palpable, the press assembled to make excuses for him. In the New York Times, columnist Jamelle Bouie provided what he called a “laundry list” of reasons for the anti-Biden mood: The Covid pandemic; backlash over the Afghanistan withdrawal; and growing polarization. A month later, the Associated Press attributed the dip to a “slew of challenges” Biden had faced, including Covid, Afghanistan, legislative drama over his economic policies and trouble at the border. A month after that, USA Today endorsed the AP’s explanation. The trouble was in the stars, not necessarily with Joe Biden, the press largely surmised.

Later, inflation was ascribed blame for Biden’s bad numbers, but now that inflation is down, that plea no longer works. By last summer, the commentariat was grasping at straws. In July, New York magazine’s Eric Levitz pronounced Biden’s unpopularity as “mysterious,” and speculated that his problem might be that while he “has delivered material improvements to voters,” he had failed addressed the nation’s “widespread sense of despair.” The New York Times’ Ross Douthat addressed the topic in September, confessing that it’s “hard to distill a singular explanation for what’s kept his numbers low.” It could be inflation, he speculates, or the “social-issues undertow” that’s punishing some Democrats. More recently, Vox’s Andrew Prokop offered the view that “voters have come to doubt Biden’s competence, and many are attributing that perceived lack of competence to his age.” This argument finds support in a recent New York Times poll that discovered an unnamed “Democratic candidate” could beat Trump handily, while Biden vs. Trump would result in a Trump victory.

Could it be that it’s not policy or circumstances that voters are rejecting, but that it’s Biden? The tough truth for Biden, one that the press seems to have avoided, is that he has always been unpopular. Although he has long been in the public eye — he served avuncularly as a U.S. senator for 36 years before becoming vice president — being the toast of Delaware, which is the second smallest state and the sixth least populous, doesn’t readily convert into national acclaim. His 1988 campaign for president ended abruptly, as he dropped out of the race after three months amid a plagiarism scandal. Then in the 2008 presidential campaign, he found such low favor among voters that he placed fifth in the Iowa caucuses and then exited.

In the 2020 contest, running in a crowded primary field, Biden rarely broke the 30 percent mark. Biden won the nomination not because he was popular but because he was running as a centrist in a field clogged with progressives. He also had the good political fortune to emerge as the last moderate candidate standing against socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders. Establishment Democrats didn’t love Joe as much as they disliked Sanders and wanted a candidate around whom they could coalesce.

Meanwhile, Biden’s victory over Trump in the general election wasn’t a mandate on his popularity. It was a flight to safety for a nation fed up with a meshuga president. Biden was merely the vegetable voters convinced themselves they had to eat in order to rid themselves of Trump.

No amount of repackaging Biden’s first-term accomplishments will boost him to the top of the charts. In September, the New York Times reported that the White House plans to polish Biden’s image by showcasing “his vigor.” Good luck with that.

None of this is to suggest that Biden can’t possibly beat Trump in 2024; he’s done it before, after all. As the Atlantic’s Ron Brownstein wrote last spring, Biden’s unpopularity might not matter as long as voters hate the other guy enough. But if he’s looking for a guaranteed way to move his numbers up, he should do what President Lyndon Johnson did in 1968. Johnson dropped out of the presidential contest and by the time he exited the White House, he was close to regaining a 50 percent approval rating.

Want to be liked? Try doing something likable.

Thanks for reminding me how dumb Americans are.
She'd smoke Joe...she'll have a harder time winning the R nomination than beating Joe.

Nope. Running on age isnt really an issue. Plus she has no real answers for anything.

Defeat China? In what? How? Rebuild our economy? When GDP grew at 5%?

Lol....She is a clown too
As an Independent who has always voted for the Dem, I've been saying much of what this article states. Biden won in 2020 as the "Not Trump" vote; or as this article says "the vegetable we have to eat to get rid of Trump." I don't believe this will get him the win in 2024.

Now, if the markets can replicate Q4 in Q1 and Q2 I think he may pull it out, but if accounts slip again I don't see him winning.
But the country would be in much better shape.
Not so sure about that. If Meatball Ron won, we'd be in much worse shape than Biden. Maybe OK with Haley. The rest of the GOP chumps would be worse, IMO.

Biden is basically a figurehead with wonkish bureaucrats running things. Not ideal, but superior to most of the dreck on the political right.
The other thing I think most people don't realize is that much of Biden's "negative" polling is coming from people further to the Left or from groups that view Trump as much worse.


  • Pro-Palestinian leftists hate how pro-Israel Biden is. But Trump is even more.

  • Hardcore environmentalists don't like how much oil drilling Biden allows and his relatively slow-moving on climate change fixes. But Trump will be more anti-environment and wants to pull the U.S. out of climate change agreements.

  • Immigrant rights folks are angry that Biden's considering negotiating on stricter border enforcement to get funding for Ukraine and are annoyed at his continuing of some Trump-era rules. Trump will come down 50-times harder on immigration than Biden.
So when the primaries are over, do you think these constituencies are going to shift to Trump, or will they hold their nose and vote for the "lesser of two evils."

Frankly, I think the answer is obvious.

It's easy for people answering polls to kvetch and bitch about the things Biden is doing they dislike right now. It is a far, far different proposition when it's an either/or choice and the "or" is a steaming pile of rapist and traitorous crap.
Not so sure about that. If Meatball Ron won, we'd be in much worse shape than Biden. Maybe OK with Haley. The rest of the GOP chumps would be worse, IMO.

Biden is basically a figurehead with wonkish bureaucrats running things. Not ideal, but superior to most of the dreck on the political right.

If Trump is not on the ballot, the country is in better shape than if he is on the ballot. Because once he is on the ballot we are guaranteed a shit show that could bring our democracy to its knees.
If Trump is not on the ballot, the country is in better shape than if he is on the ballot. Because once he is on the ballot we are guaranteed a shit show that could bring our democracy to its knees.
I want him on zero state ballots or all. Nothing in between. Too much ammunition if he is just kept off some states.
As an Independent who has always voted for the Dem, I've been saying much of what this article states. Biden won in 2020 as the "Not Trump" vote; or as this article says "the vegetable we have to eat to get rid of Trump." I don't believe this will get him the win in 2024.

Now, if the markets can replicate Q4 in Q1 and Q2 I think he may pull it out, but if accounts slip again I don't see him winning.
Work this out for me.

You think that the folks that voted for Biden over Trump in 2020 because of how awful Trump was are - in 2024 - going to take a second look at Trump, after the 91 felony counts, the civil rape conviction, his increasingly unhinged persona - and NOW vote for him?

I think that is highly, highly unlikely.
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Work this out for me.

You think that the folks that voted for Biden over Trump because of how awful Trump was are - in 2024 - going to take a second look at Trump, after the 91 felony counts, the civil rape conviction, his increasingly unhinged persona - and NOW vote for him?

I think that is highly, highly unlikely.

I'd say the far likelier scenario is voters just staying home, versus switching over to Trump. I don't think Biden is bringing anybody new into the fold, but there are certainly some Biden voters in 2020 who may have soured on what he's done since.
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I'd say the far likelier scenario is voters just staying home, versus switching over to Trump. I don't think Biden is bringing anybody new into the fold, but there are certainly some Biden voters in 2020 who may have soured on what he's done since.
I believe you are underestimating the existential threat that those voters feel Trump represents.
Work this out for me.

You think that the folks that voted for Biden over Trump in 2020 because of how awful Trump was are - in 2024 - going to take a second look at Trump, after the 91 felony counts, the civil rape conviction, his increasingly unhinged persona - and NOW vote for him?

I think that is highly, highly unlikely.

They don't have to vote for Trump, they can just not vote for Biden.

Will we see a record number turnout like in 2020? I don't think we will. I guess we will see.