The new Rivals terms of service agreement just popped up.

Which is fine if the data stays with marketing firms and they just want to use it to target advertise. It's going way past that though. Political parties mining data. Facial recognition software. You really think the CIA, FBI, and NSA don't have much, much more information on you than you can possibly imagine? You really think they would have less information on you than some marketing company?
Let's assume I care.

How is that gonna hurt me?
The only way to really monetize all this free crap on the interwebz, is to sell your information. What's included in that information, I don't really know, but most people are oblivious and don't care. Count me in that group.

While it may, or may not, be enough money to float the boat, selling your personal info is NOT the only way to get funds to support content/web sites. There are ads that come up that supply revenue for one.
I've gotten terms of service update emails from a number of different things in the last day or two. Probably 6 or 7.
It looked like Rivals could look beyond just my conversations on this HROT site at my e-mail accounts and other contacts and then share them with 3rd parties.
Then you will get a sh ton of email for products you don't want.I am tired of unsubscribing to crap I don't need or want.