The silent majority


HB Legend
Jun 16, 2003
Omaha, NE
Raise your hand if a woman never accused you of rape. If a jury never found you culpable of rape. If you never flew on the plane of a guy who hooked billionaires up with kids to f*ck. If the thought of f*cking a child never even crossed your mind. If an open locker room of naked 15 year olds didn’t seem like a place you’d want to meander into. If your daughter didn’t strike you as a total hottie.

I doubt it’s just me. I bet there’s quite a few men who can raise their hands to never being a part of any of this. A majority of us, I’d wager. Let’s come out of the shadows this November and send the guy who can’t raise his hand for any of the above back to scumbagville Florida. Let’s be a vocal majority!
Can we add never shitting our pants at the golf course to the list?
