Well, if you come to an internet message board and expect to find a good cross section of any fanbase, you are doing something wrong. Those who are happily content with the season don't have too much to say right now, as they are waiting to see how things go.
You're missing some context, since you're apparently new. There was some pretty bitter vitriol spewed about on here starting toward the end of last season, and continuing right up through August. Many people expected our downward trend from 2014 to continue this year. So far, those people have been "proven" (too strong a word this early, I know) wrong. Those with a lot of angst from being wrong about the team and those who want to shove it in their faces are pretty vocal on here right now.
If you look around, you'll see there are quite a few level-headed people around here who will give you a "common sense" view, to borrow from your moniker. Yes, most of us will have a biased take on things, but we're mostly Iowa fans, so you'll have to just accept that. If you're ever able to attend a game at Kinnick, I'd recommend doing so. You're more likely to encounter a cross section of our typical fans in that environment. You'll still meet some idiots, but I would expect that from any team's fans.