The throw short of the Sticks on 4th down.

I just rewatched the play, LaPorta was past the yard to gain when he turned his head around, the throw brought him backwards, short of the yard to gain.


How the hell does a 3rd year start F* that up? If it is a decent pass at all he likely goes for 6.

I figured it was LaPorta's fault as well.

I'd love to see the video replay as I don't exactly remember the throw.
Petras did have a guy in his face as Johnson completely missed picking him up.

And then rather than throwing and taking the hit, he has a slight fadeaway throw and back pedals to avoid the hit.
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I figured it was LaPorta's fault as well.

I'd love to see the video replay as I don't exactly remember the throw.
Is there a reason we are infatuated with this play? There was a penalty that would have backed the hawks up anyhow. 2nd and 4 should equate to a rather easy 1st down in the next two plays.
I don't know who "they" is but you seem to have some narrative you are going for. Is "they" the b10? Ncaa? I'm sure the b10 does want 2 in but the NCAA wants as many national TV sets as possible, which means 1 b10 and 1 acc/pac12.
Yeah I'd figure they would want a Clemson or other big name school in there.
Petras did have a guy in his face as Johnson completely missed picking him up.

And then rather than throwing and taking the hit, he has a slight fadeaway throw and back pedals to avoid the hit.
Calling that a guy in his face is pretty weak IMO. He is about to release in the photo I linked and the guy is still yards away. That's pretty decent protection considering there are 22 guys in about 15 yards of space. Look at how ugly his stance is throwing that ball. Certainly not trying to be a jerk with my statements I'm absolutely lost the more I look at that play. That looks like a true freshman QB, in his first game, trying to go fast over correcting for the pace of play. I don't get it.
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Love the hot takes from posters too stupid to know the throw was supposed to be at or past the sticks. Even after the f***ing replay showing LaPorta at the sticks with nobody around him.

Really let’s you know why you should put a lot of stock into these posts. They clearly know their shit.
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Love the hot takes from posters too stupid to know the throw was supposed to be at or past the sticks. Even after the f***ing replay showing LaPorta at the sticks with nobody around him.

Really let’s you know why you should put a lot of stock into these posts. They clearly know their shit.

Still would’ve been a penalty on Bruce. Took too long to develop
Still would’ve been a penalty on Bruce. Took too long to develop
A) it was a weak ass penatly, one that most teams get away with 9/10 times, especially in the redzone.

B) Bruce needed to turn to the play as he's making contact

C) a 2 yard out route shouldn't take too long to develop. Our QB waited until he's out of the break. That's (once again) on the QB.

Take it to the next step. It's 4th and 2 from the 4 and you call a play that has 2 viable receivers, both of which are tight ends? Bruce is there to set the pick and that's it, he doesn't even show his hands to the QB by the end of the play. You have lachey running the boring ass seam and LaPorta. LaPorta, who is dragging at 2 yards on a 2 yard play. We make offense look so GD hard. *Lachey actually breaks wide open and there is a huge hole the ball could be delivered into if we had a QB that didn't piss himself when a guy gets in his 4 yard bubble.
Petras is not accurate, it was likely an errant throw.

LaPorta ran short of where he should have. That route is on him!

I hated everything about this one. Play call was not great - Petras is not good at all rolling to his left, would have liked LaPorta to run that a route a yard or two deeper, and of course it was a poor throw. All of which would have been negated by the penalty regardless.
Greg Davis offense was statistically better then what we have now
I think it's a mistake to throw these last 2 season's out there as typical under Kirk's tenure. This offense has been in decline for several years and they've just now hit bottom. Without significant changes I think we might be witnessing something akin to the new normal with more season's like these last 2.
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I hated everything about this one. Play call was not great - Petras is not good at all rolling to his left, would have liked LaPorta to run that a route a yard or two deeper, and of course it was a poor throw. All of which would have been negated by the penalty regardless.
I think that the problem is that even if the play was "successful", it comes up short of the line to make. It's emblematic of what makes this offense bad.
Naw. Bruce hooked him with his left arm. Then threw his right arm up in the air to act like he didn’t try to pick him. Didn’t need to be called offensive PI, but it definitely wasn’t a defensive penalty.
Not the way I saw it at all. The view from the south appears to show a hold, IMO.
I think that the problem is that even if the play was "successful", it comes up short of the line to make. It's emblematic of what makes this offense bad.

A better throw/route should have been able to pick it up, but it’s not a call that plays to Spencer’s strengths. Throwing on the run, t ok his left is not something he does well.
Is there a reason we are infatuated with this play? There was a penalty that would have backed the hawks up anyhow. 2nd and 4 should equate to a rather easy 1st down in the next two plays.
If they get the first down MI would have had to take the penalty, thus giving IA another play, although further back…
Laporta broke off his route at exactly the line to gain. Why? Heaven forbid he run an extra yard or 2 to ensure a first down. It's just shitty football.
He broke off his route because you can see him almost run into Bruce. The pass then takes him back down into the ground.
While the route should’ve been run 2 more yards down field, if the throw hits him in the numbers he gets the first (barring the “penalty”).
Maybe. Maybe not. It would have been close. You're at the 6 yard line. Put it in the fu#$ing end zone.
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If he runs the route where he should have the ball lands 4 yards behind him. I'm not excusing him in anyway, again there is so much wtf that needs to be addressed, but it's a timing route and the ball was out no matter what.

Hell, I would love to be bitching about a QB who threw one "long" here and put the blame on a guy cutting his route short, LaPorta had to dive backwards to get hands on it.

It is a timing route and the timing was off due to……….. you guessed it, the guy who calls for the ball to be snapped. LaPorta had to adjust his route to avoid running into Bruce.

Regardless, LaPorta ran a two yard route and was standing on the 4 yard line (1st down marker). Unfortunately for Iowa it really doesn’t matter much where he ran his route when the ball was thrown short of the 5 yard line. How anyone can justify that pass is beyond me.
If they get the first down MI would have had to take the penalty, thus giving IA another play, although further back…
A 15 yard penalty. There is beyond zero chance they convert that. It was a shitty play call, shitty route running, and shitty timing by the QB. Point is run a damn stretch play on 2nd and 4. I do question the placement of the ball after the Laporta catch on 2nd down though, should have been forward progress IMO.
It makes me think KF didn’t let any of his kids play Madden growing up, this is the only explanation. Probably didn’t let them go outside either to be honest.
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I keep coming back to this as the crown WTF moment of that game. Yeah-yeah, I know, flag on the play, didn't really matter.


How in the ever loving shit does a 3rd year QB throw a ball, to make a guy dive backwards, to end up SHORT of a 2 yard 4th down? Even if you are one of those people who think you can throw it short and let a guy make a play he has to be facing UP the field to have a chance. He made him dive backwards. There is just so much WTF on that play.
It's a constant occurrence.
I hated everything about this one. Play call was not great - Petras is not good at all rolling to his left, would have liked LaPorta to run that a route a yard or two deeper, and of course it was a poor throw. All of which would have been negated by the penalty regardless.
Why in the heck do we keep having him roll left and/or throw left? Just not a comfortable motion for him. It's very strange. He's clearly not an ambi-turner/thrower.
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How about Brian calling some pass routes in the ACTUAL effing endzone. A fade, a slant, etc.

Remember the hawks gained 6 yards in that series on first down with a run. The next play was a no gain pass completion to laporta I think where he probably got a bad spot. Again, that second down play could have been a better route to get four yards by pressing the defender farther down the field.

Part of the issue is like other posters say, the routes always have the receiver running sideways instead of slightly forward or standing in an open area. Not much area down by the goal line but it can be done.

We cant get a tall guy like Lachey, Laporta, or Brecht a few yards down the field?????
Bingo. Technically 3 of the 4 plays run were "successful," as you had a 6 yard run and two completions, yet the Hawks still couldn't gain 10 yards out of that? It's just not good enough.
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A 15 yard penalty. There is beyond zero chance they convert that. It was a shitty play call, shitty route running, and shitty timing by the QB. Point is run a damn stretch play on 2nd and 4. I do question the placement of the ball after the Laporta catch on 2nd down though, should have been forward progress IMO.
Very slim but still a chance. Better than turning it over on downs at that moment.
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I’d agree with this. Perplexing at times.

Seriously, watch almost any other offense, there’s a lot more teams that run at least one route short of the sticks on every 3rd down play than posters on this board would like to admit.
It was a horrible play from the start, set up by an almost equally lame as f*** run up the middle out of the shotgun on 3rd down.

BAU pooping of the pants all around from coaching to the players to the execution......
I want to buy you a beer 🍺 son- well executed response A+++ No homework for the weekend National Champions or BUST

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