The Watchmen


HB Legend
Nov 15, 2015
Anyone watch last night? I know the movie was very polarizing. I loved the movie having watched it before I read comic (Which was also fantastic). Last night's episode was very violent and intense, and I loved it. It seems like it will ruffle many feathers politically on both sides. I'm interested to see where it goes.
Anyone watch last night? I know the movie was very polarizing. I loved the movie having watched it before I read comic (Which was also fantastic). Last night's episode was very violent and intense, and I loved it. It seems like it will ruffle many feathers politically on both sides. I'm interested to see where it goes.

I keep seeing ads for this thinking it was the movie. There’s a show? Will have to watch because I thought the movie had great potential and underachieved.
I'm not certain what I think of it, so I'm going to wait for it to get several episodes in and see what the consensus is. As best I can tell from the ads, it's simply based on the characters of the Watchmen but really has nothing to do with the actual story of the Watchmen. Whether that's going to be good or bad, I'm not certain.
Anyone watch last night? I know the movie was very polarizing. I loved the movie having watched it before I read comic (Which was also fantastic). Last night's episode was very violent and intense, and I loved it. It seems like it will ruffle many feathers politically on both sides. I'm interested to see where it goes.

It was good. So far the Boys still blows it away as does Daredevil and the first season of Jessica Jones, but it’s probably the fourth best superhero series so far. Significantly better than any of the D.C. series (even Flash which is good in a cheesy way) and better than most of the Marvel series.
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I enjoyed it. Pretty dark and violent though. I read the book and never watched the movie. But, I kept thinking 'was this stuff in the story and I forgot?' Or, are they taking some significant freedoms with the characters and premise?
I keep seeing ads for this thinking it was the movie. There’s a show? Will have to watch because I thought the movie had great potential and underachieved.
The show's on HBO. The first episode was last night. It picks up 30 years after the end of the movie. The past characters are mentioned and one is hinted at still being active. The universe is an alternate reality where Robert Redford has been president for 30 years. It's very thought provoking, cops hide the identities to prevent retaliation, they are being targeted by a white nationalist group called the Calvary.
Anyone watch last night? I know the movie was very polarizing. I loved the movie having watched it before I read comic (Which was also fantastic). Last night's episode was very violent and intense, and I loved it. It seems like it will ruffle many feathers politically on both sides. I'm interested to see where it goes.

I'm looking forward to watching it. The graphic novel is great American literature. So there is a lot to work with.
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I enjoyed it. Pretty dark and violent though. I read the book and never watched the movie. But, I kept thinking 'was this stuff in the story and I forgot?' Or, are they taking some significant freedoms with the characters and premise?
The TV series is loosely based on the comic sequel to The Watchmen called Doomsday Clock. I'm not sure how accurately they are following Doomsday Clock.
I'm not certain what I think of it, so I'm going to wait for it to get several episodes in and see what the consensus is. As best I can tell from the ads, it's simply based on the characters of the Watchmen but really has nothing to do with the actual story of the Watchmen. Whether that's going to be good or bad, I'm not certain.

No, it’s very strongly based on the graphic novel and the movie. It’s a straightforward followup of what would happen in an alternate dimension where in the 80s a truly powerful superhero emerges (Dr Manhattan) and New York City gets wiped out with the world essentially uniting against him. While the majority of the world is united and at peace, Rorschach’s diaries and manifesto was leaked to the Alt Right and white supremacist publications of the day. So the tinfoil hat and redneck groups (ironically correctly) believe that the deaths in NYC and elsewhere were covered up as a pretext for a false peace and they’ve risen up in violence plus President Robert Redford has paid reparations to descendants of slaves so white rednecks are even more racist than usual. So while the world is more at peace, the US is even more violent than it is currently with the police basically driven underground and turned into a paramilitary force that hides itself behind masks. The show is starting focused mainly on the fight between police and Alt Right in Tulsa Oklahoma but does also feature some scenes in Wales where it looks like Ozymandias is still alive and from the trailer for next week the “young” Silk Spectre from the movie is an important figure in the FBI as an older woman.
The TV series is loosely based on the comic sequel to The Watchmen called Doomsday Clock. I'm not sure how accurately they are following Doomsday Clock.

Not at all. Doomsday Clock is essentially an alternate “future” of the Watchmen series where the multiverse is collapsing and the Watchmen characters get blended into a reality with the mainline D.C. Heroes. Meanwhile in the HBO “future”, the Watchmen vigilantes were the only superhero’s and the mainline D.C. characters do not exist.
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ah, so it's a follow-up to the original events.

Which story is it considering it's core material as "History"? Is the movie the history it's a sequel to, or is it choosing the comic's history as it's history?
I know nothing about the Watchmen. I've never read a comic or watched the movie. Can I watch the TV show and be able to know what is going on?
I know nothing about the Watchmen. I've never read a comic or watched the movie. Can I watch the TV show and be able to know what is going on?

I had never read "a comic" until I read Watchmen. I would highly recommend you read it. It is an amazing work. You'll buzz through it in a week.
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I know nothing about the Watchmen. I've never read a comic or watched the movie. Can I watch the TV show and be able to know what is going on?
You should be able to jump right in. There's nothing from the book/movie that would be required to watch last nights episode. There are quite a few Easter eggs that would fly over your head, but nothing essential.
ah, so it's a follow-up to the original events.

Which story is it considering it's core material as "History"? Is the movie the history it's a sequel to, or is it choosing the comic's history as it's history?

I believe the movie is it’s core history BUT it does have little squid falling from the sky as an expected ordinary event, there’s even warning sirens. So......maybe a blend of the two?

(Edit/Update) I hadn’t seen where the creator specifically said whether they were following the comic or the movie in regards to the squid versus Dr Manhattan being the “bad guy” at the heart of Ozymandias plot to save the world, but he did recently. He said..:

)“We're married to certain things that the canon put out, like Vietnam is a state, or that Robert Redford was running for president against Nixon, or that Adrian Veidt dropped an enormous fake alien being in the middle of Manhattan that killed three million people. That is a 9/11-like event. What does 30 years after something like that happens, what does the world look like?” Lindelof told me in a recent interview. “You can’t just do that in passing reference.”

Given that, there could be one of two explanations of this: 1) It's possible that this squid rain is simply some sort of aftereffect of the initial attack. This could be some unforeseen lingering echo of the attack. After all, this technology had never been used in this way. And plus, considering this teleportation technique was developed using Doctor Manhattan's powers, it's possible this will function similar to him. As we've seen in the comics, when Doctor Manhattan was vaporized, his pieces scattered and reappeared a long time afterward. 2) Veidt has been consistently peppering the country with harmless lesser attacks to continuously make the threat of an alien invasion seem real.”
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From some reading yesterday, it's basing itself off the events of the comic, not the movie. So, before I watch the show, I'm re-reading the comic to bring myself back up to speed again.

And I'd forgotten just how well this was written.
Anyone watch last night? I know the movie was very polarizing. I loved the movie having watched it before I read comic (Which was also fantastic). Last night's episode was very violent and intense, and I loved it. It seems like it will ruffle many feathers politically on both sides. I'm interested to see where it goes.

Huge thumbs up on Ep. 1. I have no idea what is going on or where it is headed but I love it.
Loved the movie

I immediately pictured half the posters (Trad, Goldmom, Northern, Hawkeye BnB and the many, constantly changing Russian trolls here) as living in Nixonville.
The Libstepo is a pretty good line. Bet it enters the right wing bubble.
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It was good. So far the Boys still blows it away as does Daredevil and the first season of Jessica Jones, but it’s probably the fourth best superhero series so far. Significantly better than any of the D.C. series (even Flash which is good in a cheesy way) and better than most of the Marvel series.
Not even a huge comic fan, but The Boys is the best series on TV.
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No, it’s very strongly based on the graphic novel and the movie. It’s a straightforward followup of what would happen in an alternate dimension where in the 80s a truly powerful superhero emerges (Dr Manhattan) and New York City gets wiped out with the world essentially uniting against him. While the majority of the world is united and at peace, Rorschach’s diaries and manifesto was leaked to the Alt Right and white supremacist publications of the day. So the tinfoil hat and redneck groups (ironically correctly) believe that the deaths in NYC and elsewhere were covered up as a pretext for a false peace and they’ve risen up in violence plus President Robert Redford has paid reparations to descendants of slaves so white rednecks are even more racist than usual. So while the world is more at peace, the US is even more violent than it is currently with the police basically driven underground and turned into a paramilitary force that hides itself behind masks. The show is starting focused mainly on the fight between police and Alt Right in Tulsa Oklahoma but does also feature some scenes in Wales where it looks like Ozymandias is still alive and from the trailer for next week the “young” Silk Spectre from the movie is an important figure in the FBI as an older woman.

Thank you, and where the F did you get this information?
The show imagines what would happen if the deplorables actually got off their asses and launched a civil war. It’s a timely political allegory.
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I enjoyed it but man it is a grind..... there aren’t many TV shows I turn to for that level of intensity. Very little comedic relief.

As others have said - The Boys > Watchmen all day. I ripped through that in a week. One of the most entertaining shows I’ve seen. All popcorn though - nothing like this
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I enjoyed it but man it is a grind..... there aren’t many TV shows I turn to for that level of intensity. Very little comedic relief.

As others have said - The Boys > Watchmen all day. I ripped through that in a week. One of the most entertaining shows I’ve seen. All popcorn though - nothing like this
They've done a great job of toning down The Boys. The comics are bonkers.

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