"The White Race is the Cancer of History" - Susan Sontag

The implication is that, maybe, just maybe, living in — using your example — huts made of straw and mud might be better (in the total summation of things) than living as we do now.

Hell the tiny house movement is suggestive of this.

Further, this idea that you imply — that only through Western (that is, white) thought could we achieve this non-hut-living existence sort of supports some implications of her hypothesis.

We could have arrived to our current condition in more than one way, but we arrived to it the way we did. And, as it turns out, where we are is far from perfect.

Everyone seems to have this default setting that a virtual-automated society, where humans have managed to adapt and make their existence "easier and more comfortable", is somehow BETTER than when we lived in primitive dwellings. It's not better or worse at all. Those are all subjective. Living in a hut in the woods is merely DIFFERENT from living in a germ-free biosphere.
So conquest is the ill we're talking about here?

Shall we forget that the greatest conqueror of all time was a Mongolian?
Don't take it so personally. Just because your skin is "white", no one is blaming you. The only reason you might be culpable is if you refuse to see, consider, and try to correct the mistakes that were made by other "white" people.
So conquest is the ill we're talking about here?

Shall we forget that the greatest conqueror of all time was a Mongolian?
its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself. - Susan Sontag
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Don't take it so personally. Just because your skin is "white", no one is blaming you. The only reason you might be culpable is if you refuse to see, consider, and try to correct the mistakes that were made by other "white" people.

I'm not taking it personally I'm arguing against bad history.

First of all it's difficult to figure out just what problems she's talking about because she's not very clear. But secondly none of the problems she ascribes could be only blamed upon "white civilization"

Again if we're talking about conquest. . . the greatest conqueror in the history of the world was a Mongolian. It wasn't Alexander or Napolean or the British. It was Genghis Khan.
its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself. - Susan Sontag

Again what does this mean? That white civilization has created the problem of pollution. Again she first seems to talk about conquest and human rights abuse and then somehow she switches to the environment. What problems is she speaking of.
I'm not taking it personally I'm arguing against bad history.

First of all it's difficult to figure out just what problems she's talking about because she's not very clear. But secondly none of the problems she ascribes could be only blamed upon "white civilization"

Again if we're talking about conquest. . . the greatest conqueror in the history of the world was a Mongolian. It wasn't Alexander or Napolean or the British. It was Genghis Khan.
I don't "blame" one race of human beings for all of the species' problems. And, just because one guy was a great "conqueror" that doesn't exonerate the others of different skin colors for acting on their inclinations.

Everyone seems to have this default setting that a virtual-automated society, where humans have managed to adapt and make their existence "easier and more comfortable", is somehow BETTER than when we lived in primitive dwellings. It's not better or worse at all. Those are all subjective. Living in a hut in the woods is merely DIFFERENT from living in a germ-free biosphere.

True, only if you consider if living longer and healthier lives verses being less healthy and dying earlier is also subjective. You know some people like to live healthier lives with less diseases and live for longer and some people like to get sick and die before they turn 40. It's all subjective.
I don't "blame" one race of human beings for all of the species' problems. And, just because one guy was a great "conqueror" that doesn't exonerate the others of different skin colors for acting on their inclinations.

No it doesn't excuse anyone. My point is that the worlds problems, conquest, the environment. None of it can simply and easily be pinned upon one race of people.
Since whites are great at Mass Genocide, really better at it than any other race AIIEC, I might suggest not picking this sort of fight with them. Once the guilt wears off it will just be replaced by anger, we are already seeing that with Trump voters.
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Since whites are great at Mass Genocide, really better at it than any other race AIIEC, I might suggest not picking this sort of fight with them. Once the guilt wears off it will just be replaced by anger, we are already seeing that with Trump voters.

Don't tell that to Khmer Rouge, the Hutu, or the Ottoman Turks. They might get upset and genocide you.

The Ottoman Turks would especially be mad. From 1915 to 1922 they where carrying out 3 genocides at once. That's next level genociding right there. Most groups only can carry out one genocide at a time.
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Don't take it so personally. Just because your skin is "white", no one is blaming you. The only reason you might be culpable is if you refuse to see, consider, and try to correct the mistakes that were made by other "white" people.

It isn't any of our jobs to "correct" the mistakes of other white people made in the past, that is silly. Each person is only responsible for themselves and their own individual actions and need not take into account the mistakes of their ancestors or race when making choices in their daily lives.

Now do we need to work together, all races, to correct institutional injustices that people of all races and genders may face...absolutely.
It isn't any of our jobs to "correct" the mistakes of other white people made in the past, that is silly. Each person is only responsible for themselves and their own individual actions and need not take into account the mistakes of their ancestors or race when making choices in their daily lives.

Now do we need to work together, all races, to correct institutional injustices that people of all races and genders may face...absolutely.
I should have said to "not repeat the mistakes", then.
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Sounds like Crash Davis was right about this, and MLB and the CIA need to listen up on the DH and Lee Harvey Oswald.
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Somehow it is considered a "privilege" to have parents that stayed together and raised kids. How the F is that a "privilege?"

It's whites fault that blacks don't stay together to raise their offspring?
The rise of the welfare state in the 1960s contributed greatly to the demise of the black family as a stable institution. The out-of-wedlock birth rate among African Americans today is 73%, three times higher than it was prior to the War on Poverty. Children raised in fatherless homes are far more likely to grow up poor and to eventually engage in criminal behavior, than their peers who are raised in two-parent homes. In 2010, blacks (approximately 13% of the U.S. population) accounted for 48.7% of all arrests for homicide, 31.8% of arrests for forcible rape, 33.5% of arrests for aggravated assault, and 55% of arrests for robbery. Also as of 2010, the black poverty rate was 27.4% (about 3 times higher than the white rate), meaning that 11.5 million blacks in the U.S. were living in poverty.

Right. Welfare caused the break up of the minority family unit. Increased drug penalties that are overwhelming enforced more strongly on minority populations had nothing to do with it. Why do you think so many children were raised by a single parent? Most of those dads were in jail for selling or possessing pot, not because they ran out on their kids.
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Eventually everyone in the world will be some shade of brown. Just sayin.
Right. Welfare caused the break up of the minority family unit. Increased drug penalties that are overwhelming enforced more strongly on minority populations had nothing to do with it. Why do you think so many children were raised by a single parent? Most of those dads were in jail for selling or possessing pot, not because they ran out on their kids.

And when they are released from prison? They don't go back to raising their kids, they go and make more to abandon. Getting caught breaking the law is a choice they made.
And when they are released from prison? They don't go back to raising their kids, they go and make more to abandon. Getting caught breaking the law is a choice they made.

When they get released from prison for selling a bit of pot, they generally can't get another job so they don't have much of a choice.
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Somehow it is considered a "privilege" to have parents that stayed together and raised kids. How the F is that a "privilege?"

It's whites fault that blacks don't stay together to raise their offspring?
This is what you think this is about?
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It doesn't get much more hypocritical or phony than Susan Sontag, there's a reason many monsters like Sontag and Harvey Weinstein are huge liberals with ideas like these, they think it absolves them of their personal monstrosity:

Excerpted from
The Merchandising of Virtue
By: Nassim Nicholas Taleb:

"I will always remember my encounter with the writer and cultural icon Susan Sontag, largely because it was on the same day that I met the great Benoit Mandelbrot. I took place in 2001, two months after the terrorist event, in a radio station in New York. Sontag who was being interviewed, was pricked by the idea of a fellow who “studies randomness” and came to engage me. When she discovered that I was a trader, she blurted out that she was “against the market system” and turned her back to me as I was in mid-sentence, just to humiliate me (note here that courtesy is an application of the Silver rule), while her female assistant gave me the look, as if I had been convicted of child killing. I sort of justified her behavior in order to forget the incident, imagining that she lived in some rural commune, grew her own vegetables, wrote on pencil and paper, engaged in barter transactions, that type of stuff.

No, she did not grow her own vegetables, it turned out. Two years later, I accidentally found her obituary (I waited a decade and a half before writing about the incident to avoid speaking ill of the departed). People in publishing were complaining about her rapacity; she had to squeeze her publisher, Farrar Strauss and Giroud of what would be several million dollars today for a book advance. She shared, with a girlfriend, a mansion in New York City, one that was later sold for $28 million dollars. Sontag probably felt that insulting people with money inducted her into some unimpeachable sainthood, exempting her from having skin in the game.

As we saw with the interventionistas, a certain class of theoretical people can despise the details of reality, and completely so. If you believe that you are right in theory, you can completely ignore the real world –and vice versa. And you don’t really care how your ideas affect others because your ideas make you belong to some virtuous status that is impervious to how it affects others.

Likewise, if you believe that you are “helping the poor” by spending money on powerpoint presentations and international meetings, the type of meetings that lead to more meetings (and powerpoint presentations) you can completely ignore the individuals –the poor is some abstract reified construct that you do not encounter in your real life. Your efforts in conferences gives you a license to humiliate them in person. Hillary Clinton, found it permissible to heap abuse at secret service agents. I was recently told that a famous socialist environmentalist who was part of the same lecture series abused waiters in restaurants, between lectures on equity and fairness.

Kids with rich parents talk about “white privilege” at such privileged colleges as Amherst –but in one instance, one of them could not answer D’Souza’s simple and logical suggestion: why don’t you go to the registrar’s office and give your privileged spot to a minority student who was next in line?"

The rise of the welfare state in the 1960s contributed greatly to the demise of the black family as a stable institution. The out-of-wedlock birth rate among African Americans today is 73%, three times higher than it was prior to the War on Poverty. Children raised in fatherless homes are far more likely to grow up poor and to eventually engage in criminal behavior, than their peers who are raised in two-parent homes. In 2010, blacks (approximately 13% of the U.S. population) accounted for 48.7% of all arrests for homicide, 31.8% of arrests for forcible rape, 33.5% of arrests for aggravated assault, and 55% of arrests for robbery. Also as of 2010, the black poverty rate was 27.4% (about 3 times higher than the white rate), meaning that 11.5 million blacks in the U.S. were living in poverty.

Yeah...God knows blacks and minorities in this country had it dicked before "the man" placed them in the welfare system and sealed their fate. Blacks and minorities had reached their zenith in the 50"s....helll they were playing baseball and everything them! Some were even allowed to find mifdde class jobs....but dont at any women!
Yeah...God knows blacks and minorities in this country had it dicked before "the man" placed them in the welfare system and sealed their fate. Blacks and minorities had reached their zenith in the 50"s....helll they were playing baseball and everything them! Some were even allowed to find mifdde class jobs....but dont at any women!
actually, watch "riddles in stone". a black guy helped design Washington DC, laid out the streets and such
I couldn't get by the part where she thinks Marx is one of the redeeming values of being white and not one of the negatives of which she speaks.

Well in her defense, his ideas did lead to HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of white people being murdered, so she's kind of being consistent! However, the fact that she and her $28,000,000 mansion would never be caught dead living like a socialist, just shows what a disgusting pig she in fact was.
I couldn't get by the part where she thinks Marx is one of the redeeming values of being white and not one of the negatives of which she speaks.
well, she did mention both left and right. but there are certainly Asian communists. probably black ones as well. she needs to concentrate less on race and more about governments ripping apart the world.