The WNBA is garbage and so are their players


HR All-American
Nov 23, 2021
The only reason why anyone GAF is because of CC and they’re trying to destroy her career. Enjoy going back to greyhound buses and half filled high school gymnasiums for $44k a year. Jesus these women are petty AF. They suck too. CC should just go play Euro ball on a men’s team overseas. Hell she could probably be a sniper off the bench in the NBA-G if she wanted to. What a joke.

The only reason why anyone GAF is because of CC and they’re trying to destroy her career. Enjoy going back to greyhound buses and half filled high school gymnasiums for $44k a year. Jesus these women are petty AF. They suck too. CC should just go play Euro ball on a men’s team overseas. Hell she could probably be a sniper off the bench in the NBA-G if she wanted to. What a joke.

I really do not like her. Jealous and delusional with social media clout. Puke. Also, “taking the bad guy role” is just excuse making for being a bad person. This isn’t professional wrestling where it is scripted.
I mean, I don't think anyone is actually trying to "destroy her career" lol. That's a bit dramatic. CC is getting the best from everyone every game, and that was definitely a cheap shot on Saturday. But nobody is trying to end her career.
I am not saying that it is widespread but I have seen enough to conclude that I could not rule that out for some.
I am not saying that is widespread but have seen enough to conclude that I could not rule that out for some.
The chick that hit Caitlin on Saturday got suspended indefinitely and then traded by the team that drafted her for trying to fight with a teammate that asked her to improve her attitude.

Ol Chennedy is a piece of work that has anger issues. There's no doubt she's jealous of the attention Caitlin gets, but I just don't think anyone is trying to destroy the rest of her career.
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The chick that hit Caitlin on Saturday got suspended indefinitely and then traded by the team that drafted her for trying to fight with a teammate that asked her to improve her attitude.

Ol Chennedy is a piece of work that has anger issues. There's no doubt she's jealous of the attention Caitlin gets, but I just don't think anyone is trying to destory the rest of her career.
At least Karma was swift and just🤷‍♂️
Would we even be talking about the wnba drama last year?

Reminds me of some bad dating advice: even if she's pissed at you, at least she's thinking about you.
The chick that hit Caitlin on Saturday got suspended indefinitely and then traded by the team that drafted her for trying to fight with a teammate that asked her to improve her attitude.

Ol Chennedy is a piece of work that has anger issues. There's no doubt she's jealous of the attention Caitlin gets, but I just don't think anyone is trying to destory the rest of her career.
I’m not saying she is but I don’t see how you can rule it out.
I’m not saying she is but I don’t see how you can rule it out.
I suppose you're right. I just feel like giving folks the benefit of the doubt that they wouldn't attempt to ruin a 22 year olds entire life because of jealousy.

But you never know.
I suppose you're right. I just feel like giving folks the benefit of the doubt that they wouldn't attempt to ruin a 22 year olds entire life because of jealousy.

But you never know.
I’ve seen enough from the W shit show. My only tether at this point is to see if Caitlin can save the w from itself.
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From January, 2024.

I have concerns as to how welcoming they will be to CC.

She should stay in college for a 5th year and then play in Europe.

Tell the WNBA to get bent.

I always enjoy seeing you try to talk sports.

Truly incredible that one poster can be so wrong on every single subject he posts about. Like, breathtakingly difficult. I am in sincere awe.

Good to know you have God awful takes on all fronts.

Is what the devil would advocate or do you not actually perceive anything problematic with her?

If Reese didn't have her interactions with Clark most people would have no clue who she is. In a way the moves Reese has made have benefitted her as much as anything possibly could from a marketing and money stand point. There is a chance that Reese even knows she is the heel, and is playing into it.
The chick that hit Caitlin on Saturday got suspended indefinitely and then traded by the team that drafted her for trying to fight with a teammate that asked her to improve her attitude.

Ol Chennedy is a piece of work that has anger issues. There's no doubt she's jealous of the attention Caitlin gets, but I just don't think anyone is trying to destory the rest of her career.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck….Im sorry her @foul” on #22 the other night was intentional and desugbed to hurt Caitlin. She should have been tossed from the game, fined by League….those refs are spineless bastards and shame on them. Indy needs to sign an “enforcer”…Gretzky never got treated like this because Edmonton was smart enough to hire a goon or two to take care of punks like her.
If Reese didn't have her interactions with Clark most people would have no clue who she is. In a way the moves Reese has made have benefitted her as much as anything possibly could from a marketing and money stand point. There is a chance that Reese even knows she is the heel, and is playing into it.
I agree. I would also add she is using the “heel” status to say and do things she really means but can then pawn off as her “playing the villain.”
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If Reese didn't have her interactions with Clark most people would have no clue who she is. In a way the moves Reese has made have benefitted her as much as anything possibly could from a marketing and money stand point. There is a chance that Reese even knows she is the heel, and is playing into it.

That's exactly what she said. She'll embrace the bad guy role.
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If the WNBA says anything to its players and coaches, it’s just going to make it worse. As others have said, her own teammates need to stand up for her. Do you think guys on the Spurs would just stand there and watch if Wemby took a similar cheap shot? Hell no.

As for the racial element…. I’m going to use Angel Reese as my example. Whenever she does Angel Reese things, what term do we get bombarded with? “Unapologetically Black”. She taunts, talks trash and you can add “cheers on cheap shots” to her resume. Are those the requisites for being “black”? Seems like an awfully low bar. The big difference between her and others like her is that she actually says the right things when the cameras are rolling. I believe none of it.

There’s a segment of black women’s culture that is always looking to fight, and always looking for disrespect. The WNBA appears to to be flush with these personalities.
If that post seems oddly worded, it’s because I had typed it out in a different thread, but was sitting on it. We make generalities all the time about various groups, and I don’t feel that bad about generalizing here.
IMO, we need to give the league a little more time. This is the first time, ever, they have had significant eyes on them. I expect them to adjust. They will get their sh!t together and clean up the dirty play. They will be forced to improve officiating. It’s been 3 weeks. I believe that their executives are paying attention, who the hell isn’t paying attention? There is a CC story every day in regular news outlets. I don’t know if I can recall a media and social media firestorm around an individual player that was this constant. Maybe Tiger at times?

I’m willing to ride this season out and see how the league develops. There is a ton of young talent that is now in the league, a boat load of younger talent coming up, and CC has changed youth and high school basketball as we know it. More girls are gravitating to the game. It will take a year or three to weed out some of the bad players in the league. I watch and wonder how some of these players even made the roster. Better players are coming and those girls will need to find alternative employment. I’m sure they will be training and hiring better refs. Employment opportunity for those who can’t play, either coach or ref.
Reese is garbage. I look forward to seeing her 250 lb fatass in 10 years.
Can’t say I look forward to seeing that. But I will laugh knowing she’s fat and most likely blew through all of her money from endorsements and the WNBA.
She’ll probably be crying she’s broke because people took advantage of her and didn’t tell her to save any money.
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Is that what the devil would advocate or do you not actually perceive anything problematic with her?
She wasn't the best player on her college team and is not and never will be a top 10 pro. I think this drives her to over compensate in her actions. She will come to some grown up decisions at some point or she will be out of the league.

What is she 22? I know it was long past 22 when I finally awoke to what life is. Reese has been living a charmed well paid life for the last 4 or 5 years so her experience is out of whack to most people.

Or...I am wrong and she is garbage. Time will tell.
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She wasn't the best player on her college team and is not and never will be a top 10 pro. I think this drives her to over compensate in her actions. She will come to some grown up decisions at some point or she will be out of the league.

What is she 22? I know it was long past 22 when I finally awoke to what life is. Reese has been living a charmed well paid life for the last 4 or 5 years so her experience is out of whack to most people.

Or...I am wrong and she is garbage. Time will tell.
I would hope she eventually matures, but having or not having a problem with the current version of her is an independent thought.
I laugh my ass off at those that say the wnba is more about fundamentals than the nba.


I guess missed layups, missed bunnies, and hands of stone are fundamental.

If Clark isn’t playing no way am I watching that substandard garbage.
IMO, we need to give the league a little more time. This is the first time, ever, they have had significant eyes on them. I expect them to adjust. They will get their sh!t together and clean up the dirty play. They will be forced to improve officiating. It’s been 3 weeks. I believe that their executives are paying attention, who the hell isn’t paying attention? There is a CC story every day in regular news outlets. I don’t know if I can recall a media and social media firestorm around an individual player that was this constant. Maybe Tiger at times?

I’m willing to ride this season out and see how the league develops. There is a ton of young talent that is now in the league, a boat load of younger talent coming up, and CC has changed youth and high school basketball as we know it. More girls are gravitating to the game. It will take a year or three to weed out some of the bad players in the league. I watch and wonder how some of these players even made the roster. Better players are coming and those girls will need to find alternative employment. I’m sure they will be training and hiring better refs. Employment opportunity for those who can’t play, either coach or ref.
I was thinking this the other day. I’m not a big follower of the WNBA by any means, but the whole enterprise seems like it’s not yet ready for prime time.
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