Things I’m looking forward to tomorrow and the rest of this week

Disagree. You saw what the rest of us saw. He should step down immediately and spend the remainder of his days with his family in Delaware or by the beach or shit I don’t care wherever else.
Reagan had full-blown Alzheimer's the last TWO years of his second term and his team did fine.

So will Biden’s.
Reagan had full-blown Alzheimer's the last TWO years of his second term and his team did fine.

So will Biden’s.

I was like 6 when Reagan left office so I can’t speak to it. Also, didn’t he live for like 16 years after he was out of office - I personally don’t think Joe has that type of time left.

What I can tell you is that what we saw at that debate was someone who can’t function. I’ve suspected it was bad, however I didn’t know it was that bad. My guess is that had Joe been in public for 90 minutes a year ago where he had to answer questions off the cuff that you would’ve seen the same thing.

He’s been shielded by his aids, some media members, and leaders of the party. As to his team making the decisions, I understand that they inform him and make recommendations, ultimately he is the decision maker. If he can’t make those decisions he shouldn’t be in that position. That goes for anyone R, D, I…..etc
I’m looking forward to the Cubs scoring a run this week, and prepping for a vacation in Northern Minnesota.
You forgot Bill Maher’s take as long as it aligns with Northern’s hot takes. And, no serious Dem is challenging Harris.
You better prep for all the Trump shops, yard signs, flags, Maga hats, and coffee shop talk if you are coming anywhere near Walker and Leech Lake, Cass, or Winnie. They are prevalent all the way to LOW. Our neighbors on both sides of us on Leech are flying Trump flags on their docks. Good luck...
is this a passive aggressive way of saying you can’t wait and want kamala to be president now

It’s not passive aggressive anything, I’m no Kamala fan, but yes at least she is in her right mind all the time. Even if Trump doesn’t win the election we are in a better place with someone else who doesn’t have cognitive issues.
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It’s not passive aggressive anything, I’m no Kamala fan, but yes at least she is in her right mind all the time. Even if Trump doesn’t win the election we are in a better place with someone else who doesn’t have cognitive issues.

i’ll take that as an endorsement. welcome to the party
Very well. Fair point.

If I’m wrong tell me, but I thought he died after 2000? Like I said, I don’t care who it is if the person can’t make decisions, needs to be led around, can’t get coherent thoughts out they can’t/shouldn’t be in the position. Reagan, Biden, Trump, Kennedy, Hillary etc…
If I’m wrong tell me, but I thought he died after 2000? Like I said, I don’t care who it is if the person can’t make decisions, needs to be led around, can’t get coherent thoughts out they can’t/shouldn’t be in the position. Reagan, Biden, Trump, Kennedy, Hillary etc…

Reagan died right after I got back in 2004. Alzheimers doesn't kill people right away. That is why it is such a terrible disease. If I get diagnosed with it, I'm going out on my terms
Reagan died right after I got back in 2004. Alzheimers doesn't kill people right away. That is why it is such a terrible disease. If I get diagnosed with it, I'm going out on my terms

Understand that and I’m sure you and a number of others have more experience with it than I do.
I shook my head at the post below.

Not because it’s inaccurate but because it could have been said about the 2016-2020 time period as well. If you mentioned it during that time period too then you have my sincerest apologies.

I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016, so no apologies necessary.
#3 sure doesn’t seem to be happening. Many are already reiterating and throwing support behind Harris. Whitmer being now the latest.
This has all the earmarks of alot of conversations being had behind closed doors to rally around Kamala given the short timeframe they have to work with. Think it'd be a different story were this happening around Memorial Day.
I don’t think Bill is doing Real Time this week. He’s got a couple of tour dates in Massachusetts and Connecticut.
Maher's off for a month - I think he's back just in time for the DNC.
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This has all the earmarks of alot of conversations being had behind closed doors to rally around Kamala given the short timeframe they have to work with. Think it'd be a different story were this happening around Memorial Day.

Maher's off for a month - I think he's back just in time for the DNC.
Behind close doors conversations like when all the non-Bernie candidates suddenly dropped out and backed Biden in the 2020 primaries.
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1. Jon Stewart’s take on all of this.
2. Michael Smerconish’s take on all of this.
3. Which prominent Democrats who vowed out of respect for Biden they wouldn’t run even if Biden dropped out, will throw their hat in the ring now that he has officially dropped out.

Smerconish Monday morning


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