This is kinda interesting-Baltimore arrest caught on video


HR King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
n activist’s arrest on live television is prompting accusations that police “kidnapped” the college student.

Joseph Kent, a 21-year-old Morgan State student and civil rights activist, was telling demonstrators to disperse Tuesday night after the 10 p.m. curfew as a line of police officers stood by in riot gear.

CNN was broadcasting live when a National Guard armored car drove directly toward Kent and some of the officers pushed him behind the Humvee, which drove off.

The camera followed the armored vehicle, leaving many to conclude Kent had been shoved inside.

“They ran out and grabbed him … and then arrested him,” reported CNN’s Chris Cuomo.
I believe they later showed him in the back of another police vehicle behind the line of cops. He wasn't in the vehicle that pulled up next to him.
That tweet in the link is so stupid. They don't have to Miranda you before arresting you and for all she knows the guy in the front seat reads Miranda as they are driving away. Not to mention Miranda isn't required as part of an arrest.

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