This is where Bernie has the advantage over Hillary


HR Heisman
Jul 13, 2002
Hillary can only talk about what she will do where Bernie can actually introduce bills in the Senate.

Bernie should use this tactic more often it just might lead to him winning the nomination.

Bernie Sanders arrives for a news conference on Capitol Hill, Nov. 4, 2015. (Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)

He wasn’t blowing smoke after all.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced a bill in the Senate on Wednesday that would rescind all federal penalties for growing or possessing marijuana — allowing states to determine their own laws.

If successful, the Democratic presidential candidate’s Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2015 would remove all references to cannabis in the Controlled Substances Act.

There would still be penalties for transporting the plant from states or jurisdictions that have legalized it to places that have not.

Last month, the self-identified Democratic Socialist became the first presidential candidate from a major U.S. political party to speak out in favor of legalizing and regulating recreational pot use by adults.

Recreational marijuana is currently legal in Washington state, Oregon, Alaska, Colorado and Washington, D.C., but is still illegal under federal law.

The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), a nonprofit dedicated to marijuana reform, noted that this is the first bill proposing the eradication of marijuana prohibition at the federal level introduced in the Senate; it is also the fourth marijuana policy-reform bill.

This year, Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., Sen. Kirstin Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., introduced the Compassionate Access, Research Expansion, and Respect States Act of 2015, which would allow states to legalize medical marijuana without federal interference. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., also introduced bills that would deal with the tax status of marijuana businesses and ensure they have access to banking services.

Mason Tvert, director of communications for MPP, said that Sanders’ actions are speaking even louder than his words last month, and he hopes that it will lead his colleagues in Congress to discuss the need for policy reform surrounding pot.

“The science is clear that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol, and that should be reflected in our nation’s marijuana policy,” he said in a news release. “Sen. Sanders is simply proposing that we treat marijuana similarly to how we treat alcohol at the federal level, leaving most of the details to the states. It is a common sense proposal that is long overdue in the Senate.”

Businesspeople in the nascent marijuana industry were quick to speak out in support of the legislation.


Marijuana plants for sale are displayed at the California Heritage Market in Los Angeles. (Photo: David McNew/Reuters)

Leslie Bocskor, a managing partner of Electrum Partners, a consulting firm specializing in the medical marijuana industry, said in a statement that removing marijuana from the federal government’s list of banned substances will alleviate several unwanted byproducts of the U.S. war on drugs:

“This includes reducing our rate of incarceration for nonviolent offenders, addressing racial injustice enabled by the criminalization of marijuana, not to mention increased tax revenue, a regulated marketplace keeping marijuana out of the hands of children, job creation, the destruction of criminal cartels by removing their revenue streams and keeping wealth in the communities that have established regulated frameworks.”
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Jump on board Repubs, Bernie is all about States Rights.
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it's a money grab, pure and simple. read into it : "tax marijuana"

how about there are no fed laws and no state laws? how about no laws on the mary jane? nooooo, the statist communists cannot have that
Anybody have any idea if other candidates have exploited this strategy successfully?
Hillary can only talk about what she will do where Bernie can actually introduce bills in the Senate.

Bernie should use this tactic more often it just might lead to him winning the nomination.

Bernie Sanders arrives for a news conference on Capitol Hill, Nov. 4, 2015. (Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)

He wasn’t blowing smoke after all.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced a bill in the Senate on Wednesday that would rescind all federal penalties for growing or possessing marijuana — allowing states to determine their own laws.

If successful, the Democratic presidential candidate’s Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2015 would remove all references to cannabis in the Controlled Substances Act.

There would still be penalties for transporting the plant from states or jurisdictions that have legalized it to places that have not.

Last month, the self-identified Democratic Socialist became the first presidential candidate from a major U.S. political party to speak out in favor of legalizing and regulating recreational pot use by adults.

Recreational marijuana is currently legal in Washington state, Oregon, Alaska, Colorado and Washington, D.C., but is still illegal under federal law.

The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), a nonprofit dedicated to marijuana reform, noted that this is the first bill proposing the eradication of marijuana prohibition at the federal level introduced in the Senate; it is also the fourth marijuana policy-reform bill.

This year, Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., Sen. Kirstin Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., introduced the Compassionate Access, Research Expansion, and Respect States Act of 2015, which would allow states to legalize medical marijuana without federal interference. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., also introduced bills that would deal with the tax status of marijuana businesses and ensure they have access to banking services.

Mason Tvert, director of communications for MPP, said that Sanders’ actions are speaking even louder than his words last month, and he hopes that it will lead his colleagues in Congress to discuss the need for policy reform surrounding pot.

“The science is clear that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol, and that should be reflected in our nation’s marijuana policy,” he said in a news release. “Sen. Sanders is simply proposing that we treat marijuana similarly to how we treat alcohol at the federal level, leaving most of the details to the states. It is a common sense proposal that is long overdue in the Senate.”

Businesspeople in the nascent marijuana industry were quick to speak out in support of the legislation.


Marijuana plants for sale are displayed at the California Heritage Market in Los Angeles. (Photo: David McNew/Reuters)

Leslie Bocskor, a managing partner of Electrum Partners, a consulting firm specializing in the medical marijuana industry, said in a statement that removing marijuana from the federal government’s list of banned substances will alleviate several unwanted byproducts of the U.S. war on drugs:

“This includes reducing our rate of incarceration for nonviolent offenders, addressing racial injustice enabled by the criminalization of marijuana, not to mention increased tax revenue, a regulated marketplace keeping marijuana out of the hands of children, job creation, the destruction of criminal cartels by removing their revenue streams and keeping wealth in the communities that have established regulated frameworks.”
So you are saying that he should exploit her lack of experience/accomplishments like everyone else is doing?
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it's a money grab, pure and simple. read into it : "tax marijuana"

how about there are no fed laws and no state laws? how about no laws on the mary jane? nooooo, the statist communists cannot have that

Wait...come on OIT. You telling me you are not longer for States Rights over Federal rule?

This should be a blessing for Republicans if they really believe in the states rights argument BUT if they bitch about it I guess they are more for just picking state rights winners/losers (see SSM, Education, etc).

Don't be a hypocrites republicans GET BEHIND THIS MAN!
I thought it was going to be a urinal but I knew that wasn't the case...they both stand when they pee.
it's a money grab, pure and simple. read into it : "tax marijuana"

how about there are no fed laws and no state laws? how about no laws on the mary jane? nooooo, the statist communists cannot have that

Wait, you want to control the laws States pass?
Good for Bernie, getting MJ out of federal control is a great, completely obvious, first step.

Do federal agents/attorneys actually want to be enforcing against MJ?
Do federal agents/attorneys actually want to be enforcing against MJ?

Interesting question. I'd certainly think "no", but I'm not sure about that. I guess it would depend on whether you really think it is a gateway drug or not. Because I'm pretty sure they DO want to enforce the hard drugs like meth, heroin, cocaine, crack, etc.

I suspect some of them would say "yes" because they don't care about anything but power and keeping their jobs no matter what. But off the record, I don't think they really want to run around chasing people over a joint (user) or over several ounces (small dealer).
Interesting question. I'd certainly think "no", but I'm not sure about that. I guess it would depend on whether you really think it is a gateway drug or not. Because I'm pretty sure they DO want to enforce the hard drugs like meth, heroin, cocaine, crack, etc.

I suspect some of them would say "yes" because they don't care about anything but power and keeping their jobs no matter what. But off the record, I don't think they really want to run around chasing people over a joint (user) or over several ounces (small dealer).

I only watched the first couple episodes of Narcos on Netflix, but it hit on that right away and I found it amusing. The DEA agent chasing a hippy in sandals for a bag of weed.............and then Medellin happened.
Un and the iowahawk cannot read apparently... i said no state laws and no fed laws free pot no taxes
Bernie is just mad he cannot get elected to tax it federally so he settles for states robbing our money on something god invented
Yes free if you can grow it then you can smoke it don't tax a weed make shirts and or paper out of it
Yes free if you can grow it then you can smoke it don't tax a weed make shirts and or paper out of it

So, cocaine as well. Shrooms, DMT, Mescaline, you know, all good stuff.....because if "God" (or aliens) "created" it by growing it, it must be ok!
Yes i have a big problem with you socialist money grabbers taxing my labor and my silk and my weed when the founders said you may only tax foreign entities through tarrifs-tax the heck out of mexico snd China leave me alone
Hillary can only talk about what she will do where Bernie can actually introduce bills in the Senate.

Bernie should use this tactic more often it just might lead to him winning the nomination.

Bernie Sanders arrives for a news conference on Capitol Hill, Nov. 4, 2015. (Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)

He wasn’t blowing smoke after all.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced a bill in the Senate on Wednesday that would rescind all federal penalties for growing or possessing marijuana — allowing states to determine their own laws.

If successful, the Democratic presidential candidate’s Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2015 would remove all references to cannabis in the Controlled Substances Act.

There would still be penalties for transporting the plant from states or jurisdictions that have legalized it to places that have not.

Last month, the self-identified Democratic Socialist became the first presidential candidate from a major U.S. political party to speak out in favor of legalizing and regulating recreational pot use by adults.

Recreational marijuana is currently legal in Washington state, Oregon, Alaska, Colorado and Washington, D.C., but is still illegal under federal law.

The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), a nonprofit dedicated to marijuana reform, noted that this is the first bill proposing the eradication of marijuana prohibition at the federal level introduced in the Senate; it is also the fourth marijuana policy-reform bill.

This year, Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., Sen. Kirstin Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., introduced the Compassionate Access, Research Expansion, and Respect States Act of 2015, which would allow states to legalize medical marijuana without federal interference. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., also introduced bills that would deal with the tax status of marijuana businesses and ensure they have access to banking services.

Mason Tvert, director of communications for MPP, said that Sanders’ actions are speaking even louder than his words last month, and he hopes that it will lead his colleagues in Congress to discuss the need for policy reform surrounding pot.

“The science is clear that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol, and that should be reflected in our nation’s marijuana policy,” he said in a news release. “Sen. Sanders is simply proposing that we treat marijuana similarly to how we treat alcohol at the federal level, leaving most of the details to the states. It is a common sense proposal that is long overdue in the Senate.”

Businesspeople in the nascent marijuana industry were quick to speak out in support of the legislation.


Marijuana plants for sale are displayed at the California Heritage Market in Los Angeles. (Photo: David McNew/Reuters)

Leslie Bocskor, a managing partner of Electrum Partners, a consulting firm specializing in the medical marijuana industry, said in a statement that removing marijuana from the federal government’s list of banned substances will alleviate several unwanted byproducts of the U.S. war on drugs:

“This includes reducing our rate of incarceration for nonviolent offenders, addressing racial injustice enabled by the criminalization of marijuana, not to mention increased tax revenue, a regulated marketplace keeping marijuana out of the hands of children, job creation, the destruction of criminal cartels by removing their revenue streams and keeping wealth in the communities that have established regulated frameworks.”
No matter what he does Bernie will not win. If no indictment takes place, Hillary has this in the bag. If an indictment does take place Uncle Joe will get in and Take the nomination from Bernie. Bernie in the general would be a landslide Republican win. America is not close to ready to elect a Socialist and the Dems know it.
No i dont understand this liberal takeover of our old lawmaking process where we used to have three branches of equal government but we now have the supremes dictating and obama the tyrant ruling-no i dont undrstand how that happened
I know hes a senator introducing a bill and thats how it should be but obama and bush and the supremes threw out that system yeas ago, now the only way to make laws is be a dictator prez with a lapdog supreme court