This is why we need voter ID

Oh look who's back!! With another round of bullshit non-problem problems for us to chew on!

BTW don't be bitchin about voting for Trump when you could care less that non citizens are voting
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BTW don't be bitchin about voting for Trump when you could care less that non citizens are voting

I don't like corruption of any kind. And I agree non citizens shouldn't vote. I also don't think legal voters should be suppressed, but that's a game Republicans have been excelling at for a long time.

In terms of Trump, it has been abundantly clear since he took office he has extreme disdain for our government's system of checks and balances, thinks the judicial and legislative branches are designed to accommodate him and serve his every wish and command, views the drivel contained in the United States Constitution as mere suggestions for him, communicates major foreign policy decisions with his cabinet, and coincidentally the rest of the world, via a tweet, says ostensibly any media that doesn't paint him in a positive light is the enemy of the people, and so many more examples I could come up with to demonstrate why Trump attempting to circumvent our democracy and turn it into a dictatorship is problematic.

But yes, Focker, Trump voters aren't the real problem. Sure.
We need ID for everything. The progressive left wants to regulate everything including what temp your AC is on and how you wipe your ass. They don't want to regulate voting though for some odd reason.
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We need ID for everything. The progressive left wants to regulate everything including what temp your AC is on and how you wipe your ass. They don't want to regulate voting though for some odd reason.

Lmao at you and the nurse.

“Here’s a voting problem in a state with a voter ID law, somehow proving how we need voter ID laws to avoid voting problems!”

It’s insane but that’s the thing with hicks: reality doesn’t matter, only feelings do.
except the voter ID law didn't go into affect until 2018, this research from my article has gone back to 1996. So facts matter
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I will admit to not reading article but I do know that studies found 11 fraudulent ballots out of one billion. Let that sink in. that means that there is no voter fraud just republicans moving the goal posts because they are running out of old, fat, racist, sexist white dudes to vote republican.

try over 50000 since 1996 in Texas alone
OP is too stupid to realize the story has nothing to do with voter ID. Either that, or as a modern day “conservative” he is indifferent to facts and only cares that we disenfranchise as many potential Dem voters as possible. Which means he’s not stupid, just evil.
OP is too stupid to realize the story has nothing to do with voter ID. Either that, or as a modern day “conservative” he is indifferent to facts and only cares that we disenfranchise as many potential Dem voters as possible. Which means he’s not stupid, just evil.

read my above post, always getting triggered and going overboard with your assumptions on Conservatives
These people didn’t pretend to be someone else to vote. The problem was with the voter registration process.

and with voter ID's it adds another layer of protection to the voting process so this doesn't occur
I'm perfectly happy any time the Texas folks want to stop registering people who aren't eligible to vote.

If the reports are true that so many non-citizens were registered, how did that happen?

Is it still happening? I mean we're talking about a 22-year period of Republican rule in a Republican state. WTF is going on here?

Sounds like yet another instance of Republicans bitching that government can't do anything right and then getting in power and proving it.
Did you read your own articles? In the case both address, voter ID wouldn't solve the problem. You just identified something libs have been identifying as the issue... voter registration.

That's some serious self-PWNAGE by OP right there.....
That's some serious self-PWNAGE by OP right there.....

Have you even read the articles and the other posts or our you just like all the other liberal posters here who add no substance other than to prop other liberals up with likes
you don't think having a voter ID that has been vetted would not only prevent voting at the polls but when you register as a voter?

No, because they are disparate processes. So long as they are registered they are going to be able to vote.
Have you even read the articles and the other posts or our you just like all the other liberal posters here who add no substance other than to prop other liberals up with likes

You just got PWNED by someone who DID read past your headlines.

Hopefully, you do a better job at work reading past headlines, or lots of patients are going to pay the price of your incompetence....
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