This statement on how Pope Francis' worldview lines up.....


HB King
Gold Member
Vis a vis Democrats and Republican in you find it true or false?

Francis is not an American politician, but his perspective on the state’s role in these issues lines up pretty well with that of most American Democrats. To greatly oversimplify, Democrats believe the U.S. needs to regulate the economy and the environment, while allowing people to make their own choices about whom they marry and whether to have an abortion. Republicans—again, oversimplifying greatly—think people should generally be able to do what they want with their money and their carbon footprint, but social behavior should be regulated by the state.
Thursdays With Torbee.....Pope Francis is an activist who
would feel comfortable in the Democratic Party as he pushes
the Climate Change agenda and normalized relations with Cuba.
The Pope has also denounced the income gap between the
rich and the poor as he favors the redistribution of wealth and
elimination of capitalism.
If you look up what he actually believes about many social issues, it's not as liberal as you would think. For instance he believes women should be able to pray for forgiveness for their abortions and we should forgive women who repent from having abortions. That's still a long ways from the Shout Your Abortion crowd on the left. There was a long article in The Economist yesterday about this.
There's nothing quite like being lectured about how we should comport ourselves by someone who has spent his entire life living in a state of utter delusion, guided by principles gleaned from a great work of fiction that he actually believes was dictated word-for-word to a group of male secretaries by an invisible sky wizard and his dirty hippie bastard offspring.

What's next? Tom Cruise "auditing" every member of Congress with an E-Meter?
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It reads to me like the Pope is in line with about half the platform from each party.

Pretty much that's the case. In line with the Democrats economic platform but a good chunk of the Republican's social platform save for the death penalty and immigration. (If you consider those social issues)

Foreign policy he's probably more of a dove then either party.
I find all the hubbub about the pope and everywhere he goes in the US interesting. Do people care because they think they should? It's also interesting that we feel the need for him to agree with our political views, where he comes from a state of mind/belief that has absolutely nothing to do with how either political party in the US shapes itself in 2015.

While many conservative christians who vote republican wouldn't necessarily recognize the religious authority of the pope, It's particularly interesting to me that democrats take some pride when the pope agrees with their view, as they seem to spend a lot of time ensuring religion, particularly christianity, has no influence on the government or laws of the land.

The pope - a strange phenomenon that will be forgotten by this time next week.
Pretty much that's the case. In line with the Democrats economic platform but a good chunk of the Republican's social platform save for the death penalty and immigration. (If you consider those social issues)

Foreign policy he's probably more of a dove then either party.

Other than abortion and gay marriage, what social issues do he and the GOP agree on?

Similarly, while I agree that he seems more dovish than either party, he's to the LEFT of both parties on peace, helping refugees, helping the poor around the world, and pretty much every other foreign policy issue I can think of.

Not trying to be snarky here, but I don't think he's really very much in line with the right beyond abortion and gays, but maybe I'm forgetting things. And even on those, he seems much more accepting than your average American evangelist.

If I'm right, it isn't a half-and-half thing like some seem to be suggesting.
Other than abortion and gay marriage, what social issues do he and the GOP agree on?

Similarly, while I agree that he seems more dovish than either party, he's to the LEFT of both parties on peace, helping refugees, helping the poor around the world, and pretty much every other foreign policy issue I can think of.

Not trying to be snarky here, but I don't think he's really very much in line with the right beyond abortion and gays, but maybe I'm forgetting things. And even on those, he seems much more accepting than your average American evangelist.

If I'm right, it isn't a half-and-half thing like some seem to be suggesting.

There maybe why he's a little more mild than a TV evangelist. Don't Catholics believe in purgatory when those who land there can be prayed out by family members where as evangelists believe in a hell that there is no way out of.
He also advocates for the innocent Lives lost through the horrors of abortion.

Don't gloss over that.
Have to love our country. We can take anything and try to make it a "win" for our side.

Pope Francis comes in with a message of service and hope and we make it about which of our two political parties he is more in line with.
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The Pope also advocates for the nuclear family. He is open to the definition of how that family is comprised, but does not support the carelessness of children born/raised out of wedlock.
There maybe why he's a little more mild than a TV evangelist. Don't Catholics believe in purgatory when those who land there can be prayed out by family members where as evangelists believe in a hell that there is no way out of.
Have to love our country. We can take anything and try to make it a "win" for our side.

Pope Francis comes in with a message of service and hope and we make it about which of our two political parties he is more in line with.
I choose to view winning at servicing as a positive. I volunteer to judge.
Going to need more details, that sounds like a fairly traditional definition.

On the Get married=Profit piece?

That's not something we do well in this country anymore. It is a common denominator with almost all poverty examples.(the exception would be mental illness)
On the Get married=Profit piece?

That's not something we do well in this country anymore. It is a common denominator with almost all poverty examples.(the exception would be mental illness)
That's a fine point, but that's hardly an open definition of family. You sound like the libs trying to give the Pope too much credit for revolution or even evolution when he is just being polite.
That's a fine point, but that's hardly an open definition of family. You sound like the libs trying to give the Pope too much credit for revolution or even evolution when he is just being polite.
Being polite is something our country is really bad at.
That's a fine point, but that's hardly an open definition of family. You sound like the libs trying to give the Pope too much credit for revolution or even evolution when he is just being polite.

Simple math really. Two incomes is better than one.

Show me a person below the poverty line and I will show you someone who is a single parent.(or mentally disabled)
Simple math really. Two incomes is better than one.

Show me a person below the poverty line and I will show you someone who is a single parent.(or mentally disabled)
I'm not in disagreement over the benefits of this setup. I'm questioning that the Pope is expressing an openness to anything outside of the traditional definition.
Well yea, the biggest meme in politics right now is not to politically correct, which just means be a rude bitch.
Thinking more along the lines of everyday interactions between people.

Politics and the way they interact has an effect but since a lot of people don't follow or care about politics and I think it is something beyond that.
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