Tiger woods

Tiger is primed for that big.year,barring injury.
He was the best player in this event. Post tourny he was so happy..tears of joy happy ,I think he has now shed all the pressure with the Masters win ,his 82nd win, and this win...he will play free and easy this out!
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Tiger looks fully healthy and I'm going to guess he's gone the route of a lot of professional athletes these days with diet—like all or nearly-all plant-based.

I am thinking a fairly strong three- to five-year run might be in the cards.

(Hopefully someone sees what I did there.)
Odds are against Charlie to make it as a pro but I love seeing this kind of support out of Tiger. Seems genuine. Or maybe I'm just a fan boy. Either way I'm here for it.
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he wasn’t that great of a golfer
You clearly never played the game. At his peak, he was an absolutely beast, of talent and mental toughness. Sadly, over time he developed some kind of aura that made people think he was a deity almost. I got tired of him being 20 shots behind in the final round (or already missed the cut) but all we got on TV was replays of Tiger, Tiger, Tiger. I loved the guy once, but I'm sick of the All Tiger, All the Time scenario.
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he wasn’t that great of a golfer
Tiger has done things on the golf course that no one has ever done before....or since! Nicklaus will arguably be his main competition...but Tiger was untouchable for those years at the turn of the 21st century.
Plus, Tiger played in many more tournaments than Jack did yearly. Tiger’s body broke down whereas Jack modified his swing and added longevity to his career before he fell apart. Tiger is easily the most spectacular golfer I have ever seen play the game.
I was too young for Hogan, but in my golf life Palmer, Nicklaus and Woods were the most exciting.