Tim Beckman fired at Illinois?

I know there's not a ton of fan support, but Illinois is one program that is a potential sleeping giant. Huge population in-state. No other in-state schools to compete with. Good football talent to recruit. The right coach could turn them into a power..

The sad thing is, the support is there ... when they're winning. In the early 2000s during the Sugar Bowl year and the year after, 76,000 were showing up for big games, and we had a great showing at the Rose Bowl in '07-'08. TV ratings those two years were through the roof in the Chicago market. Unfortunately, our program has been downright painful to follow, and until/unless we put a product on the field that isn't an embarrassment, only the diehards and locals will show up.

Illinois wouldn't be a "power" with the right guy (like we were/would be again in basketball), but we would be consistently competitive, which is all we ask. We haven't been consistently competitive for over 30 years.

SirIllini is the king of hyperbole, and I hate reading his posts where he constantly rags on U of I, but he's right: Illini fans and Illinoisans are p*ssed off, and they should be. We're one of the best public schools in the nation, we have a massive alumni base and we're the flagship school for a big state (I don't care what some jokers say, I've lived here my whole life, and there are only a few counties in this state where UI isn't the most popular team, and that includes Cook), and what do we have to show for it? Crap.
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If Beckmann was winning this entire topic would have been buried and he would still be the coach.

How can you make that determination? The University just concluded a preliminary investigation which haven't been made public. The preliminary findings must have been alarming enough to take immediate action.

The only information I've seen reported pertains to the coaching staff's intervention to influence medical decisions regarding the eligibility or welfare of the players (more appropriately: "student-athletes" denoting the University's role in loco parentis). That's not run-of-the-mill minor misconduct because, if true, it exposes the University to tens of millions of dollars in potential monetary damages in addition to possible NCAA sanctions. Under these circumstances, I would think the W-L record becomes irrelevant. The matter was almost certainly reviewed with senior school administrators and legal counsel. AD had little choice in the matter.
One player that just entered draft last year but still had eligibility, tweeted "Illinois just got better"

Another current player tweeted his satisfaction with the change.
Lots of very successful and potentially great coaches earned their stripes in the MAC first. Hoeppner was great at Miami of Ohio and then was doing good things at IU before his death. Kill was really darn good at NIU and then has been doing the same thing at Minnesota. Urban Meyer was pulled out of the MAC from Bowling Green. Brian Kelly was successful at CMU before moving on to Cinci and then Notre Dame.

I agree with the poster who is tipping their hat to Fleck. I truly think that he's going to turn out to be a fine coach.
Lots of very successful and potentially great coaches earned their stripes in the MAC first. Hoeppner was great at Miami of Ohio and then was doing good things at IU before his death. Kill was really darn good at NIU and then has been doing the same thing at Minnesota. Urban Meyer was pulled out of the MAC from Bowling Green. Brian Kelly was successful at CMU before moving on to Cinci and then Notre Dame.

I agree with the poster who is tipping their hat to Fleck. I truly think that he's going to turn out to be a fine coach.

Nobody is saying negative things about the MAC.
Obviously the timing of this is not ideal for Illinois, but probably not as big of an issue as some would think. It's not much of a secret that Beckman was just never really accepted by a huge portion of the fan base and that simply was never going to change no matter what Beckman was ever able to accomplish. So this gives Illinois an opportunity to move on and save about $750,000 in a buyout that they don't have to pay. In the short-run, they are lucky that Bill Cubit was on staff to take over on an interim basis. With his past experience as a head coach, he is not going to be overwhelmed. Remember, he was the head coach of the Western Michigan team that came into Iowa City the last game of the 2007 season and beat us, which ultimately kept us out of a bowl game.

One thing Beckman was able to do was recruit pretty well, and for the fist time since arriving in Champaign, he finally had a pretty solid roster in place with depth, especially on offense. The defense has been the issue the past few years and even that should be improved by quite a bit this year. If Wes Lunt stays healthy, they have a very good shot at getting to 7 wins. If Wes Lunt gets hurt, then they most likely have no shot. It sounds like Cubit is pretty popular on the team so lets see how or if the players rally around him.

As far as what happens after this year, who knows. The political turmoil on that campus remains high. The Chancellor resigned earlier this month and the Provost resigned this past week, both under some controversy. So you have a huge leadership vacuum on campus. What is Mike Thomas' future as AD? Sounds like the boosters are still behind him, so at least for the time being, it appears he will be around. Regardless of what Cubit does this year, I really think they need to start all over in Champaign. Thomas, or whom ever the AD will be, will have heavy, heavy pressure to hire an African-American as the next head coach. Illinois is one of a very small handful of FBS level Universities that have never had an African-American as it's head coach for either football or men's basketball. That fact has not gone un-noticed by some politically left thinking members on the Board of Trustees and with a couple south-side Chicago politicians that have some influence on the State's purse strings. Both the hiring of Beckman and Groce were almost derailed for this very reason. So expect to hear the name Dino Babers from Bowling Green to be mentioned for the head job.

Illinois is not nearly the sleeping giant that some think it is. The current governance structure at the University will always retard it's ability to be a consistently successful athletic program, and the main population base in the Chicago metro area frankly does not really identify themselves with the state of Illinois let alone the University. So there is not the natural recruiting base or natural recruiting advantages that many think exist.