to the guy taking a dump in the Target bathroom


poor guy was giving birth to big brown baby
Are there people so unaware of their bodies that they often find themselves in public bathrooms grunting like animals to vacate their bowels? It’s a mystery to me that people can’t run a few errands without having to take a dump along the way.

Yea this baffles me. Unless you suddenly get the shits from eating out or have some kind of IBS, having to ever shit in public is a sign you don't pay attention to your body.
Are there people so unaware of their bodies that they often find themselves in public bathrooms grunting like animals to vacate their bowels? It’s a mystery to me that people can’t run a few errands without having to take a dump along the way.

So much this.

I'm very regular. Once I get a cup of coffee down in the morning, it's time to go to the library for the constitutional.

I would be horrified if I had to take a dump in a public restroom.