Tolerant Left Blocking Rushmore Access

Level everything. People will wake up and go home. I myself doubt it.

Get up and go to work and let shit be....
Crowd already there - Left do lousy job of blocking traffic.
So, when it gets dark and the crowd is blocking access to leave and some blue hair runs one over because they fired a bottle rocket at her car, whose fault will it be?
Dammit Clay County sheriff guy get your ass over to Mount Rushmore and save this planet! Deputize all the gun-toting fools you can find! Get that couple from St. Louis on the way!
Protest all you want, but don't impede traffic...also, why does the left give two flying fracks where and why the right assembles? Hell, Darwin is about to work things out for that non-mask wearing crowd anyway.

Here's another thing...who in the hell has all this time to protest? I've gotta work. lol