Yes, Dylan and Brady Koontz are twins from Wisconsin. Between the two, Dylan, is the only one that is realistically even an option to start right now. Brady wrestled 113 this summer, 106 in 2016, and the rumor was (I don't know the validity of this, but I'll spread it on this thread anyway, just for dramatic effect) that he could have made 106 again his Senior year, if he wanted to cut weight all season. However, that was unnecessary, as he was undefeated and ranked #1 all year in his division at 113. Unfortunately for him, the undefeated record would come to an end at the worst possible time, in the State finals, where he was upset and was forced to settle as the State Runner-up. Dylan meanwhile wrestled 120, and was likewise #1 ranked in his division all year. Unfortunately, he too was upset at the State Tournament and finished 3rd. Fortunately, both did win a State Championship during their Junior season, 106 for Brady and 113 for Dylan.
Neither ended their high school career nationally ranked. Although Dylan did appear in Intermat's individual weight class rankings, near the bottom, on a couple different occasions (at least twice per my knowledge and perhaps more) only to be bumped back out shortly there after. In most circles, Dylan, was the higher thought of prospect by a fairly wide margin considering they were twins with similar resumes. Dylan's larger size being the big reason (pun intended!) for that opinion, which was not shared by everyone.
Honestly though, I mainly just posted that last bit about Koontz for the guy on here that is all about the Koontz twins and is always working them into his posts on all sorts of different threads. I like that guy, his screen name is escaping me at the time being (someone help me out). I suppose this is technically trolling, but I am doing the trolling with positive intentions, as Dylan really is likely to be Ohio State's starter at 125 as a TRUE FRESHMEN, until January or so. A couple snide posters remarked to the previously mentioned Koontz supporter that the twins were merely practice take down dummies, and would surely never start for Ohio State, or any other big time DI program for that matter. And again, Dylan is now likely to start as a TRUE FRESHMEN! Regardless of the situation, that is impressive, and I wanted to bring it up where it was very much relevant and I can't wait for the Koontz supporter to see him take the mat in a big time DI dual! By all accounts the Koontz brothers seem like great young men, hard working, academic studs, who come from an excellent family. I immediately thought of the flak that poster caught for bringing them up on some recruiting threads here when I saw that Dylan was now favored by most Ohio State insiders to start their opening dual of the season. I hope he basks in that, at least a little bit!