tOSU will definitely have some high end firepower. But, they will still have what looks like 3 significant holes in their lineup(Although that looks to be what teams are winning championships with these days). They do have promising recruits coming in next season(Pletcher(133) White(165), but it's hard to expect them to keep using True Freshman to fill their lineup. Either 125 or 133 looks rough depending on which weight Tomasello goes. If Bo Jordan and Martin move up, 165 will be looking rough, if they stay put 184 will be hurting(although it can't hurt anymore than the ZERO points Courts scored this year). Finally 197 will be manned by an unproven commodity.
Looking at their best lineup: This could be a VERY young team!
125:Tomasello(JR) Jumping from 125 to 133 is probably the hardest move up. Even Ness struggled a bit the first half of junior year adjusting to the weight. At 125 it his him and Gilman. At 133 he could win still, but I think his low end at 133 would be considerably lower.
133:Rodriguez(RSFR) or Pletcher(FR). Either way it looks like a freshman at 133.
141:Hayes(RSFR) A solid talent. 141 is super deep. Hard to predict where he will fit in.
149:M. Jordan(RSSO) I would like to see him at 149. I definitely see a more energetic guy here!
157:Ryan(RSSO) Should be a solid fringe AA candidate.
165:White(FR) Can he keep his grades in line and adjust to the DI lifestyle that fast? If not, this weight will struggle.
174:BoJo(RSJR) Gonna be the oldest guy on the team! Should do well up the weight.
184:Martin(SO) To me, this would be the year to redshirt and work on filling out to 184. But I doubt Ryan does this.
197:Moore(RSFR) Gonna take his lumps, but he is a tough kid. Could qualify and win a match.
285:Snyder(JR) Nothing needs to be said.