TR could have EASILY omitted the Carver identifier. The intellectual that he claims to be, knows that an "anonymous" email to his mail bag could very possibly not be true. A journalist would confirm the story before pushing a slanderous piece. He chose to leave it, which either means he is not the intellectual he espouses to be, is not nearly the journalist his employers should want on staff OR he (or the intermat editor) wanted this reaction.
I think he and intermat push the envelop with this column to stay relevant or better to keep the wrestling on line community from not forgetting about them. Flo is crushing them in all respects and I dont see them taking their foot of their throat....ever.
Seriously, if intermat didnt have rankings would you ever go there? Most of their posted articles are regurgitations of other peoples work. What little banter they have behind their pay wall is similar to what other wrestling outlets are doing too, because their obvious to the community.
Lastly, the one thing that is consistent with TR relative to iowa wrestling is that he consistently points out issues and rarely shows the positives. Maybe he was face mushed by someone in black and gold and has yet to deal with the horror of it?