While I don’t share the MAGA crowd’s hate for trans people, here’s where I part ways with the 'lefties' (at least to some extent). It’s obvious there are outside factors at play here. For the most part, what an adult chooses to do with their life is their business. But when it comes to kiddos and fairness in athletics not sure we can just ignore that one. You can’t look at the data/huge spike in the number of kids diagnosed with gender dysphoria and not wonder why. Sure, some of it's because society is more open and accepting now, but is that really why? I've googled a few studies that suggest individuals with gender dysphoria typically report higher rates of trauma or difficult family dynamics, which could contribute to overall mental health struggles. The DSM-5 still classifies it as a mental health condition too.
I get that awareness and reducing stigma (trying being kind MAGA assholes) are important, but we can’t ignore how affirming care models and social pressure might be influencing kids who are still figuring out who they are, especially when some of the medical treatments being pushed are irreversible.