Well tell that to ESPN, CBS, FOX and all the big time magazines who talk about trap games in football. In broad scope of things yes a team should be completely focused each week. But in reality this isn't true and plenty of times coaches and players have mentioned how they or their team wasn't completely focused for what ever reason. Especially young college kids who start reading stuff online and see on TV how good their team is and over look a team they should beat handily.
I'm as sorry as I can be.... but its all a load of bs... sometimes team don't perform up to expectations... that's football... that's part of the game... that's part of the deal when you play competitive sports...
but this idea of "trap" games... its made up.... there is no truth in it what so ever...
there are no stats to support this idea.... its nothing but a fairy tale....
it simply does not exist.
the truth is.... the team that wins outplays the team that loses.... every single time.
and there are no guarantees going into any game.
that's the way sports should be....
now... you can make the argument that you can guarantee the referees are going to fix games for Michigan and Ohio State... but on a fair playing field.... there are no guarantees...
in fact... I have studied this for awhile now... and regardless of the sport... the favored team wins 75% of the time.... if this is not represented, then there is something nefarious going on.
in College football, games are being fixed... but the success rate is still close to 75% for the favored team.
but again... sometimes teams win... sometimes they lose..... yet a team will never lose because of this mystical, fantastic, incredible idea of a "trap" game....
its absurd... its ridiculous... and you shouldn't be eating any of it.