Trevor Lawrence took Brandon Scherff to Waffle House to celebrate Jacksonville’s win

I still haven't. I feel like a southerner should invite you so you have someone there to be like "guys, he's cool y'all" if you have a northern manners faux pas.
I was ordering breakfast at a Waffle House in the deep south one time and the waitress asked me how I wanted my grits. Not if I wanted grits, how I wanted my grits. I asked her if I could have hash browns instead of grits and she looked at me like she couldn’t believe what she just heard.
I’ve been in Florida once and I think the Waffle House per capita is too damn high. You shouldn’t be able to see another Waffle House as your leaving a waffle house
I remember driving to Miami for the 2003 Orange Bowl and along the way we started calculating what we called the “MWHD” (Maximum Waffle House Density). It was amazing how clustered some of them were right off the highway.
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I was ordering breakfast at a Waffle House in the deep south one time and the waitress asked me how I wanted my grits. Not if I wanted grits, how I wanted my grits. I asked her if I could have hash browns instead of grits and she looked at me like she couldn’t believe what she just heard.
Yeah, they look at you like you just asked if you could PIITB.
I know this will offend some people here, but I was never a fan of Waffle House when I lived in the South. Oh, I ate there a few times when my co-workers decided to order breakfast, but it was absolutely nothing special.
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Yours Truly has never ever set foot in a WH in my entire life. It just seems like a place you’d go at 2AM when you’re sloshed.
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I was ordering breakfast at a Waffle House in the deep south one time and the waitress asked me how I wanted my grits. Not if I wanted grits, how I wanted my grits. I asked her if I could have hash browns instead of grits and she looked at me like she couldn’t believe what she just heard.
I feel like a southerner should invite you so you have someone there to be like "guys, he's cool y'all" if you have a northern manners faux pas.
And, FTR, you can get them with butter, honey, berries, bacon, cheese, and a host of other things (including shrimp). :)

Not sure what the options are at WH, though.
Wait. Trevor Lawrence is married? Why dude?

He looks happy to me. I think they've been dating since high school.

A good hangover preventing meal at a Waffle House is ok every now and then. Of course, I prefer other local greasy spoons, but Waffle House in a pinch works.
I always enjoyed my visits to the Waffle House in Cornelius, NC. My wife has an aversion to them after stopping at one many years ago, before we heard all the stories, and notice a few of the patrons that needed two stools to sit at the counter.
Only been a couple times. Never got the appeal. It's mediocre eggs and waffles in a dirty restaurant.
I was ordering breakfast at a Waffle House in the deep south one time and the waitress asked me how I wanted my grits. Not if I wanted grits, how I wanted my grits. I asked her if I could have hash browns instead of grits and she looked at me like she couldn’t believe what she just heard.
I don't buy this for a second at a Waffle House. They are known more for their hash browns and everything you can add to them than even their waffles. That could've happened in another chain breakfast place but not Waffle House.
I was ordering breakfast at a Waffle House in the deep south one time and the waitress asked me how I wanted my grits. Not if I wanted grits, how I wanted my grits. I asked her if I could have hash browns instead of grits and she looked at me like she couldn’t believe what she just heard.
Folks usually put butter or maple syrup on grits. I learned that by going to Shoney's and Cracker Barrel back in the day. Plus, my Mom grew up in the south during the great depression and grits were a breakfast staple for her growing up. She never tasted hash brown potatoes until she came to Iowa to teach at Coe College in CR during WWII.

Table grits come from white corn while brewers grits come from yellow corn and are an ingredient in Busch Light beer.
I don't buy this for a second at a Waffle House. They are known more for their hash browns and everything you can add to them than even their waffles. That could've happened in another chain breakfast place but not Waffle House.
This. I bet OP doesn't even know what "covered and smothered" means.
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This. I bet OP doesn't even know what "covered and smothered" means.
I’m very familiar with all the permutations of scattered, covered, smothered, chunked, etc. I just happened to run into a waitress who assumed grits was automatic.

Maybe it wasn’t a Waffle House, but it was definitely a Waffle House-type breakfast diner. Maybe Huddle House or something.
And it shouldn't. Waffle House corporate HQ are located in Georgia.
Yep. They were a client of mine early in my career. When you meet with them, their employees wear name badges just like the restaurant workers and they give you a paper hat upon arrival. The corp HQ also smells like one of their restaurants, it’s like out of the twilight zone.