Trump’s Opening Act of Contempt

The republicans picked trump long before the election vote so it was the republicans that made that decision all on their own, the democrats had nothing to do with it.
You just don't get it. You really don't. Run a reasonable Dem candidate and Donald isn't president.

You honestly thought Americans are OK with multiple stall multiple gender bathrooms and that it is OK to transform troubled kids forever. You think it is OK to be pro war. You think Americans entirely want abortion on demand for anything at anytime.

That is why you lost. Those are defining reasons. Even run they guy from Pennsylvania as President and you win.

Donald isn't the defining reason.

Stupid is stupid.
If I was a Capitol police officer today it might be best to start looking for a different job. It's obvious, the president doesn't have your back. He blanket pardoned 1500 thugs last night, many of whom beat the hell out of your fellow officers on January 6, 2021. A few deaths occurred among your ranks, including some suicides, in addition to the 140 officers injured. Trump blatantly lied to you and the American people when he said he would determine pardons on a case-by-case basis. And yesterday in his inaugural address he said he was committed to restoring law and order across the country. Obviously it didn't pertain to protecting the Capitol police force.
Maybe they could work in the blue city police departments where leftists were burning down precincts and buildings and wanting to defund the police. I hear Minneapolis is in desperate need and is hiring.

You have to love the Democrats, they only back the blue when it's politically expedient and accomplishes a false narrative. Not about what actually happened at the Capitol on Jan 6th, 2021.

Wait until you hear all of the stories from Jan 6th defendants and the b.s. charges that were levied on them along with discovery and exculpatory evidence withheld at their trials.

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