Trump campaigning in North Carolina

You come off as a woman with a poor attitude that doesn't value your husband.
And you come off as a lost clueless soul who doesn't know how to function in the real world.

Those of us who aren't misogynistic piles of shit like you think her attitude is pretty kickass. And those of us who aren't piles of shit like you aren't worried about our women leaving either. Because we treat them right and if they do leave we will be just fine on our own.
You come off as a woman with a poor attitude that doesn't value your husband.
😂😂😂. I don’t care how I come off. I value my husband just fine but not more than myself. I would expect that if I decided to throw away 35 years of marriage that he’d probably have a similar attitude. But no one would try to call him out on it or insinuate that he’d have to debase himself in order to get by.
😂😂😂. I don’t care how I come off. I value my husband just fine but not more than myself. I would expect that if I decided to throw away 35 years of marriage that he’d probably have a similar attitude. But no one would try to call him out on it or insinuate that he’d have to debase himself in order to get by.
Good job, 3boys…
I'm not in Iowa anymore but most of the women I know are not afraid of losing their husbands to anyone. If you want him take him and I'll take half.
Well you've nicely summed up exactly everything wrong with divorce law these days.
😂😂😂. I don’t care how I come off. I value my husband just fine but not more than myself. I would expect that if I decided to throw away 35 years of marriage that he’d probably have a similar attitude. But no one would try to call him out on it or insinuate that he’d have to debase himself in order to get by.
Id suggest that you have a life and a marriage where you don't care if your husband is part of it you'd do him a favor getting out. I would NOT want to be married to someone that didnt absolutely value my presence.

Edit: now that I re-read your reply maybe youre suggesting that if he decided to step out youd be ok with it. That I agree with. Apologies.

I want my wife around and I value her company and the family she has provided us. BUT....if she decided to throw away the marriage Id agree with what you said. Thats on her and Id get by just fine in my own as well.
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Those of us who aren't misogynistic piles of shit like you think her attitude is pretty kickass. And those of us who aren't piles of shit like you aren't worried about our women leaving either. Because we treat them right and if they do leave we will be just fine on our own.
Gentlemen we have ourselves a real life beta cuck in the chat.
Id suggest that you have a life and a marriage where you don't care if your husband is part of it you'd do him a favor getting out. I would NOT want to be married to someone that didnt absolutely value my presence.
Like usual trumpers can't critically think. Let me help. She was explaining a hypothetical situation. She never said once she didn't value her husband just that if things did go off the rails she would be just fine.

You MAGA dipshits are such piles of shit and worthless that you think the only way to be valued is to be needed. No a healthy relationship is between two equals who are their own people but share their lives together. It isn't built on need. And just because she doesn't need him doesn't mean she doesn't value him. Maybe you should take a look inside as to why you feel it is necessary to feel needed to have value.

Sorry @3boysmom didn't mean to speak for you just felt the need to interject.
Gentlemen we have ourselves a real life beta cuck in the chat.
Lol so I'm a beta cuck because I respect women? I guarantee I have had an insanely higher quality of women than you could ever dream of. Because high quality women would never get with such a piece of trash who didn't respect them. Just keep supporting ol donny boy and soon you'll be begging to be someone's cuck because women won't ever want to **** such a pile of trash.
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You really are an asshole, aren’t you Gus. You can’t help yourself with your worship if the Orange Turd.. you aspire to be him.
Good lord some of you take yourselves too seriously. It was a joke. Good lord. Ill delete it if you are that offended. This sint about Trump. Leave politics out of it.

In seriousness though I will add that I think that marriage isnt for most men anymore. The balance has too strongly shifted towards women and the laws need amended and fault divorce brought back.

Now, as things stand, if the high income earner is married and gets stepped out on, the assets are split which is a crock. If i do my best to honor my commitment, yes treat my wife right, and share my income with my partner in the marriage, I sure as hell shouldn't have to give her half my stuff if she steps out. I don't even want to entertain the idea that the man is half at fault because he must have treated her badly and made her step out. BS. I know plenty of marriages that this is not the case. One friend of mine right now, who earns over 400k, is married to a wife that is cheating on him. Because he knows he will give up half of what he has, and he's close the end of his career, he stays and they simply don't enjoy eachother and he feels trapped in a relationship with her. This is total BS IMO. This is just as bad as a wife being trapped in an abusive relationship because she has no income. Wouldnt you agree?

Now you might say, get out and then make the money back. Well sure but that makes him stuck working another 5-7 years to be where he is at now. If the market doubles in that period. How is that right? The thing is, when men are wronged no one gives a rats ass.
Lol so I'm a beta cuck because I respect women? I guarantee I have had an insanely higher quality of women than you could ever dream of. Because high quality women would never get with such a piece of trash who didn't respect them. Just keep supporting ol donny boy and soon you'll be begging to be someone's cuck because women won't ever want to **** such a pile of trash.
It was a joke dude. Lighten up. You seem a bit insecure. Im sure you treat your wife well and i hope you are in a happy marriage. I hoe you never find yourself in a situation where you are looking at your marriage ending. Sometimes treating your woman right isnt enough to keep them faithful. They are looking for the exciting thing.

I am happily married and have said so. 3 great kids, just had an anniversary of over 2 decades. But I am of an age where I have seen a few of my good friends get crushed by women who found a dude at the gym or wherever and the guy loses his ass. If he is the one that was cheating then he deserves the stupid tax the divorce charges him. 100%. But when the wife stays home, the kids are out of the house and grown and the woman finds a side dude, she should have to get him to support her and leave the wronged husband out of it. He should get to keep the household assets or some reasonable majority. Half is patently unfair IMO. Hell why get married? Which crushes me because marriage is one of the cornerstones of our society.
Like usual trumpers can't critically think. Let me help. She was explaining a hypothetical situation. She never said once she didn't value her husband just that if things did go off the rails she would be just fine.

You MAGA dipshits are such piles of shit and worthless that you think the only way to be valued is to be needed. No a healthy relationship is between two equals who are their own people but share their lives together. It isn't built on need. And just because she doesn't need him doesn't mean she doesn't value him. Maybe you should take a look inside as to why you feel it is necessary to feel needed to have value.

Sorry @3boysmom didn't mean to speak for you just felt the need to interject.
Yep I reread her reply and edited mine prior to your reply. Because if that is what she meant I agree with that.

The rest of your assertion is wrong. Nowhere did I say or imply need.

What I meant to say is based on a misunderstanding, I think, of her point. I dont want to be in a marriage where one spouse doesnt care if I am in it. BUT, if she meant that she'd be just fine if he decided to leave I agree totally. Thats kind of my point actually. That if he doesnt want to be in it the f him. Or her.
I will say I do think that liberal men are weak. And in many cases women dont respect that.

This doesn't mean that women don't deserve respect and admiration. They absolutely do. But I reject a SIMP approach is a recipe for failure. Women want a man that they respect also. That leads. And if a man isnt asking for or deserving respect you sure as hell wont get it in many cases. This doesn't mean being an asshole. This simply means taking charge, making decisions, being a man that people can go to fix things, break things when necessary, defend one's home etc.

You can disgaree certainly but I think I would find many that agree with me.

Because i already misconstrued another posters point I don't want to imply what yours is here but my point stands even in the abstract.
@Scruddy Please post to indicate deep understanding.
This is the most hilarious sentence I have read on the Beacon to date. Well played. 😂
Why in God's name would I want another man? Newsflash, I don't. I'm not even remotely concerned that my husband is looking elsewhere because he knows he's got a good thing. But if he wants to go I sure as hell am not stopping him. I'll take half and am perfectly capable of supporting myself on my own. I have friends, kids, grandkids, and a fulfilling life. Men my age are looking for someone to take care of them. No thank you.
I just want to say consider who you are conversing with. I’m not hitting the “Show ignored content,” but given the names I can only imagine the staggeringly high level of stupidity you are wading through.

It’s unfortunate we have next-level idiocy celebrated to the extent it is today, but subjugating women is all part of how you Make America (White, heterosexual, and religiously intolerant) Again.
Like usual trumpers can't critically think. Let me help. She was explaining a hypothetical situation. She never said once she didn't value her husband just that if things did go off the rails she would be just fine.

You MAGA dipshits are such piles of shit and worthless that you think the only way to be valued is to be needed. No a healthy relationship is between two equals who are their own people but share their lives together. It isn't built on need. And just because she doesn't need him doesn't mean she doesn't value him. Maybe you should take a look inside as to why you feel it is necessary to feel needed to have value.

Sorry @3boysmom didn't mean to speak for you just felt the need to interject.
Thank you for explaining it so well. I want a marriage where we are together because we want to be, not because we need to be. I can’t think of a greater compliment than knowing that your spouse is there solely because they would rather be there than anywhere else.