Trump entering his twilight years


HR Legend
Feb 14, 2016

It has gotten worse since 2020 and I enjoy the rich whites and elites laughing at him as he rants like an old 78 year old. Wish I was a fly on this wall
So, the guy that said this thinks Trump was meandering? :rolleyes:

“I will say I was surprised,” opened Ross Sorkin. “I spoke to a number of CEOs who I would say walked into the meeting being Trump supporter-ish, or thinking that they might be leaning that direction, who said that he was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought, was all over the map, and that they – which, maybe not surprising – but was interesting to me because these were people who, I think, might have been actually predisposed to him and actually walked out of the room less predisposed to him, actually predisposed to thinking ‘This is not necessarily,’ as one person said, ‘this may not be any different or better than a Biden thought, if you’re thinking that way.'”
Sounds like he had some bizarre open mouthed kiss on a young woman who introduced him to the group.
When you are a star you can do that.
Awkward Season 1 GIF by Nanalan'

It has gotten worse since 2020 and I enjoy the rich whites and elites laughing at him as he rants like an old 78 year old. Wish I was a fly on this wall
Has he ever impressed any worthy CEOs? I highly doubt it. They all think he’s a fool, like all rational humans.

The average life expectancy of an American male is 78.

Trump is rich and his parent's lived to their 80's and 90's but had Alzheimer's disease also.

He looks ancient compared to 2016.

I'd estimate he has 5 years left before death or disability.
So, the guy that said this thinks Trump was meandering? :rolleyes:

“I will say I was surprised,” opened Ross Sorkin. “I spoke to a number of CEOs who I would say walked into the meeting being Trump supporter-ish, or thinking that they might be leaning that direction, who said that he was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought, was all over the map, and that they – which, maybe not surprising – but was interesting to me because these were people who, I think, might have been actually predisposed to him and actually walked out of the room less predisposed to him, actually predisposed to thinking ‘This is not necessarily,’ as one person said, ‘this may not be any different or better than a Biden thought, if you’re thinking that way.'”
He doesn't support open borders. He supports law enforcement. He will improve the inflation problem. He has more cred vs China,Russia,n Korea. Will have less war around the world. He is way less dementia than Joe. Like having an asshole coach that wins vs a nice guy that loses.
He doesn't support open borders. He supports law enforcement. He will improve the inflation problem. He has more cred vs China,Russia,n Korea. Will have less war around the world. He is way less dementia than Joe. Like having an asshole coach that wins vs a nice guy that loses.
Way less dementia is where we are at now? We’re ****ed.
Two h

It has gotten worse since 2020 and I enjoy the rich whites and elites laughing at him as he rants like an old 78 year old. Wish I was a fly on this wall
2 godawful geezers with the world under theirs thumbs. America is a shell of its former self and these boomers can’t all die off fast enough so we can get back to business.
He doesn't support open borders. He supports law enforcement. He will improve the inflation problem. He has more cred vs China,Russia,n Korea. Will have less war around the world. He is way less dementia than Joe. Like having an asshole coach that wins vs a nice guy that loses.
Wow - what world are you living in? Improve inflation - what is his plan? When asked at an open forum months ago his response was "drill baby drill"! Supports law enforcement, hardly - on Jan 6th he let his thug supporters at the Capitol ɓeat cops with flag poles and did nothing to stop it for over three hours! More cred with China, Russia, and North Korea - they've all taken advantage of him. His love letters to Kim Jon Ung resulted in nothing. North Korea had more nukes & ballistic missiles in 2020 than in 2016. He caved to Putin at Helsinki throwing his own Central Intel Agency under the bus. He says he will end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours - how? The only way this could happen would be ceding portions of eastern Ukraine illegally taken to Russia and cutting off all US war funding. Zelinsky and NATO countries would never agree to this ludicrous plan. Finally, lest you forgot, Trump tried to overturn an already decided and certified presidential election. For most rational thinking Americans, this forever disqualifies him from holding any public office.
Two h

2 godawful geezers with the world under theirs thumbs. America is a shell of its former self and these boomers can’t all die off fast enough so we can get back to business.
Two older men, one of them is currently filling the job competently. The other one failed when he had the job, and is morally unfit to hold the office.
He doesn't support open borders. He supports law enforcement. He will improve the inflation problem. He has more cred vs China,Russia,n Korea. Will have less war around the world. He is way less dementia than Joe. Like having an asshole coach that wins vs a nice guy that loses.
1. He scotched the strongest border bill that the GOP OK Senator crafted.. Trump killed it.
2. Trump want to slap 10% tariff, minimum on all imports...that will spark inflation beyond any we have seen to date and kill trade for US exporters like farmers when the retaliatory trade war ensues.
3. Trump sat and watched law enforcement get battered on Jan 6...that is love?
4. FBI released 1st qtr crime stats and crime is dropping precipitously from Trump years.
5. Trump will bail on Ukraine letting Putin claim victory which will mean more aggression by Putin. Cred on China and Korea??
Trump is an easy mark for China.

If Trump gets into the Oval he will surround himself with crazies like the guys who plotted to overthrow a fair thanks.
Wow - what world are you living in? Improve inflation - what is his plan? When asked at an open forum months ago his response was "drill baby drill"! Supports law enforcement, hardly - on Jan 6th he let his thug supporters at the Capitol ɓeat cops with flag poles and did nothing to stop it for over three hours! More cred with China, Russia, and North Korea - they've all taken advantage of him. His love letters to Kim Jon Ung resulted in nothing. North Korea had more nukes & ballistic missiles in 2020 than in 2016. He caved to Putin at Helsinki throwing his own Central Intel Agency under the bus. He says he will end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours - how? The only way this could happen would be ceding portions of eastern Ukraine illegally taken to Russia and cutting off all US war funding. Zelinsky and NATO countries would never agree to this ludicrous plan. Finally, lest you forgot, Trump tried to overturn an already decided and certified presidential election. For most rational thinking Americans, this forever disqualifies him from holding any public office.
I live in the real world not in sanctuary cities
I live in a world that is allowing way more illegals crossing the border. These are policing issues. I live in a world where most Americans believe their life was better when trump was president. I live in a world that can see biden acting like belongs in a nursing home. Kamala taking over would not be good.

The average life expectancy of an American male is 78.

Trump is rich and his parent's lived to their 80's and 90's but had Alzheimer's disease also.

He looks ancient compared to 2016.

I'd estimate he has 5 years left before death or disability.
Now do Biden. 😳
So, the guy that said this thinks Trump was meandering? :rolleyes:

“I will say I was surprised,” opened Ross Sorkin. “I spoke to a number of CEOs who I would say walked into the meeting being Trump supporter-ish, or thinking that they might be leaning that direction, who said that he was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought, was all over the map, and that they – which, maybe not surprising – but was interesting to me because these were people who, I think, might have been actually predisposed to him and actually walked out of the room less predisposed to him, actually predisposed to thinking ‘This is not necessarily,’ as one person said, ‘this may not be any different or better than a Biden thought, if you’re thinking that way.'”
I read that sentence more than once and still can't figure out what it means.
1. He scotched the strongest border bill that the GOP OK Senator crafted.. Trump killed it.
2. Trump want to slap 10% tariff, minimum on all imports...that will spark inflation beyond any we have seen to date and kill trade for US exporters like farmers when the retaliatory trade war ensues.
3. Trump sat and watched law enforcement get battered on Jan 6...that is love?
4. FBI released 1st qtr crime stats and crime is dropping precipitously from Trump years.
5. Trump will bail on Ukraine letting Putin claim victory which will mean more aggression by Putin. Cred on China and Korea??
Trump is an easy mark for China.

If Trump gets into the Oval he will surround himself with crazies like the guys who plotted to overthrow a fair thanks.
Trump tariffs = bad
Biden tariffs = good
He doesn't support open borders. He supports law enforcement. He will improve the inflation problem. He has more cred vs China,Russia,n Korea. Will have less war around the world. He is way less dementia than Joe. Like having an asshole coach that wins vs a nice guy that loses.
You support an asshole who is the biggest loser ever. But you believe everything he says.
Wow - what world are you living in? Improve inflation - what is his plan? When asked at an open forum months ago his response was "drill baby drill"! Supports law enforcement, hardly - on Jan 6th he let his thug supporters at the Capitol ɓeat cops with flag poles and did nothing to stop it for over three hours! More cred with China, Russia, and North Korea - they've all taken advantage of him. His love letters to Kim Jon Ung resulted in nothing. North Korea had more nukes & ballistic missiles in 2020 than in 2016. He caved to Putin at Helsinki throwing his own Central Intel Agency under the bus. He says he will end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours - how? The only way this could happen would be ceding portions of eastern Ukraine illegally taken to Russia and cutting off all US war funding. Zelinsky and NATO countries would never agree to this ludicrous plan. Finally, lest you forgot, Trump tried to overturn an already decided and certified presidential election. For most rational thinking Americans, this forever disqualifies him from holding any public office.
You are too rational. He won't understand.
Like having an asshole coach that wins vs a nice guy that loses.
Would you be ok with a president who had policies you favor if they outright murdered someone you love in cold blood? Assuming the answer is NO (which of course it would be) then you have some line that you would not cross to vote for Trump. My question is where do you draw the line on being an asshole?

Trump crossed my line a long long time ago. Presumably you have one but he hasn’t crossed it yet? Despite:
  • Charitable fraud
  • Cheating on his wife/newborn with a pornstar
  • Bragging about molestation
  • Being a guilty felon
  • Trying to interfere with a legitimate election
  • Having virtually all of his qualified lieutenants call him various forms of the word dumbass
This is not intended to be a gotcha, I am legitimately curious where the line in the sand is for you. What possible “asshole” behavior would he have to demonstrate to lose your vote?
Two older men, one of them is currently filling the job competently. The other one failed when he had the job, and is morally unfit to hold the office
“older” haha

They’re ****ing old. Really old. And Biden has absolutely no chance of living 4.5 years. He is out to pasture and voting for him is voting for Kamala Harris, who will be the worst president we’ve ever seen—at least Donnie brings the lolz
  • Angry
Reactions: HawkMD
Two h

2 godawful geezers with the world under theirs thumbs. America is a shell of its former self and these boomers can’t all die off fast enough so we can get back to business.
This critique is so played out and tired.

One godawful geezer surrounded by a team of competent and experienced government bureaucrats and another godawful geezer with a team of felons and flunkies with no guiding mission beyond whatever the guy at the top wants at any given second.

It’s the easiest choice we’ve ever had to make as Americans.
This critique is so played out and tired.

One godawful geezer surrounded by a team of competent and experienced government bureaucrats and another godawful geezer with a team of felons and flunkies with no guiding mission beyond whatever the guy at the top wants at any given second.

It’s the easiest choice we’ve ever had to make as Americans.
Actually it isn’t. For me, a Republican in the White House and I have a shot at getting my tax breaks extended, which will be a large sum of money. I assume many others are on that same fence. I’ve got nothing from a run with Biden, I got a lot from Trump.
  • Angry
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“older” haha

They’re ****ing old. Really old. And Biden has absolutely no chance of living 4.5 years. He is out to pasture and voting for him is voting for Kamala Harris, who will be the worst president we’ve ever seen—at least Donnie brings the lolz

The last thing I look for in my president is "bringing the lolz".

I prefer nondictators.
I prefer noncrazy people.
I prefer someone who believes in the Constitution.
I prefer someone who believes in the rule of law.
I prefer non-felons to be my President.

The list of why she is better than trump is long. I don't necessarily LIKE Kamala, but she is an easy choice over Trump. Pretty much anyone is.
Shower heads
Light bulbs

Donald Trump has been personally tormented in his life more than any human being should have to endure.
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The last thing I look for in my president is "bringing the lolz".

I prefer nondictators.
I prefer noncrazy people.
I prefer someone who believes in the Constitution.
I prefer someone who believes in the rule of law.
I prefer non-felons to be my President.

The list of why she is better than trump is long. I don't necessarily LIKE Kamala, but she is an easy choice over Trump. Pretty much anyone is.
At my age, I’ve come to realize very little matters in politics. I’m at the point where I’m going to vote with my wallet in hopes of keeping more of my money.

I agree Kamala is better than Trump. She’s smart, just has no personality or leadership capabilities. And, being a lady of color, it will cheapen the honor of first female president, and it will be a polarizing flash point that will make her time in office insufferable. If America is really as racist as we’ve been told, a Kamala presidency gifted to her with an early Biden death will bring an all out civil war after Kamala lords over the Klan Amerikans for a few months.
At my age, I’ve come to realize very little matters in politics. I’m at the point where I’m going to vote with my wallet in hopes of keeping more of my money.

I agree Kamala is better than Trump. She’s smart, just has no personality or leadership capabilities. And, being a lady of color, it will cheapen the honor of first female president, and it will be a polarizing flash point that will make her time in office insufferable. If America is really as racist as we’ve been told, a Kamala presidency gifted to her with an early Biden death will bring an all out civil war after Kamala lords over the Klan Amerikans for a few months.

Trump has proven his ability to damage goes far beyond politics.

Unless you are in the top 1%, whom trump plans on giving tax breaks, then Biden / Harris economic plan has pushed the stock market to higher numbers than trump was able to. Ergo, more money for you (assuming you are invested in the market).

The cost of ignoring climate change is already being observed in the US, as well as globally. The cost to ignore is far greater than the cost to try and move towards plans and addressing (fiscal and other). Again B/H > trump who ignores and thinks windmills kill the bird population. If people cared about bird population, they'd push for regulation on pet cats.

I give 2 craps about who gets the award for being "the first female president". We can create a new category of "first elected" if it makes people looking at a score card feel better.

If we are so close to another civil war for race, I'd just as soon do it ASAP and get it over with and give my kids more time to recover and enjoy their later lives.
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What TF is he talking about? How do people watch him ramble on about shower heads and sharks and think he's the guy to take on Xi and Putin?
They don't. Even his supporters leave his rallies when he starts speaking to avoid having to listen to this kind of nonsense.