Trump fires Gordon sondland

Don’t have one. But i’m guessing out of the 2 million alive some are politically motivated.
I do admire his sacrifice for our country but that doesn’t give him a free pass.

What free pass ? He was subpoenaed by Congress and told the truth.
Do you see that the c*nt president is dismissing people for following law.

What is the free pass
What free pass ? He was subpoenaed by Congress and told the truth.
Do you see that the c*nt president is dismissing people for following law.

What is the free pass
He is tied to the whistleblower and schiffs staff who were looking for something the day after the election.
He has zero loyalty to the elected president.
He is tied to the whistleblower and schiffs staff who were looking for something the day after the election.
He has zero loyalty to the elected president.

Appointed by Trump - say it out loud u ridiculous dope.
If you don't think Trump signed off on that, then I don't know what to tell you.
This is how it works : Ivanka screams and jumps up and down in a tantrum, then her and jared get to do whatever they want.

He needs real advisers.
I want him to fire the whistle blower.

He sounded more like a leaker than a genuine whistle blower.

Perhaps if he were canned, we could learn a bit more about him and his motives. He sounds like Vindman and the others in that he was convinced that Trump was in service to the State Department, not the other way around.
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I know what I'll tell you.
You're accusing Trump without evidence.

Obama signed a death warrant for an American without a trial.
"The redacted memo by former Obama Justice Department official David Barron is highly unusual in that it advocated allowing the killing of a U.S. citizen without due process of law."
When all the investigations on Trump and his kids get completed, and he is taken down, will you actually admit that he is a crook? The entire Republican party is based on whataboutism right now. Why hasn't Obama or any of the Democrats been charged or investigated? And don't give me the Dems were covering it up, because the Repubs were in control of Congress the last part of Obama's 2nd term. I'm so happy that the Republicans actually care more about being in charge and your damn guns than you are about the actual country.
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When all the investigations on Trump and his kids get completed, and he is taken down, will you actually admit that he is a crook? The entire Republican party is based on whataboutism right now. Why hasn't Obama or any of the Democrats been charged or investigated? And don't give me the Dems were covering it up, because the Repubs were in control of Congress the last part of Obama's 2nd term. I'm so happy that the Republicans actually care more about being in charge and your damn guns than you are about the actual country.
Hussein had the FBI and CIA
And dismissed libtard.
Assignment for life is in the supreme court.
I know you all are out there, but it still amazes me. Sickens might be the right word, but either will do. Someone should have taught you about duty to country before it was too late.
He is tied to the whistleblower and schiffs staff who were looking for something the day after the election.
He has zero loyalty to the elected president.
The Master Manipulator has convinced his lemmings that anyone with an opposing viewpoint or proof of his bad behavior and poor judgment is out to get him. He can do no wrong because he plays the victim so well.
Tell me again how BHO and other Pres have done this? Just so I am clear that Trump is not the first Pres to hire and fire who he pleases.

It’s ok for them to replace people in positions as needed because they are in control. Similar to Obama replacing all of Bush’s US Attorneys but when Trump did it to Obama’s US Attorneys, cue the hysterics with “oust” and “fire”.
It’s ok for them to replace people in positions as needed because they are in control. Similar to Obama replacing all of Bush’s US Attorneys but when Trump did it to Obama’s US Attorneys, cue the hysterics with “oust” and “fire”.

Are you under the impression that Sondland was appointed by Obama? If not, what point do you think you’re making?
Are you under the impression that Sondland was appointed by Obama? If not, what point do you think you’re making?

The media and everyone is throwing a hissy fit about Trump removing Sondland. It’s his right to remove someone he appointed is all I’m saying without the need for hysterics from the Democrats and media.
Obama signed a death warrant for an American without a trial.
"The redacted memo by former Obama Justice Department official David Barron is highly unusual in that it advocated allowing the killing of a U.S. citizen without due process of law."

What would have been the difference if Seal Team 6 went in and took him out? The guy was with Islamic extremist actively conspiring against his own country.......this liberal says he made his bed.

With that said, I absolutely deplore our increasing use of drones as first strike weapons, as much as I hate putting our soldiers in harm's way at least with them the collateral damage to innocent citizens would fall I the only one seeing the unintended consequence that we are creating more extremists in the future with this tactic? Then again, that's probably just what the MIC wants.
What would have been the difference if Seal Team 6 went in and took him out?

Like went in and slit his throat, and stabbed him?
Sounds very Putin-like, doesn't it?

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