Bonespur's the man at the top, he's the head of all federal agencies, therefore he is accountable. All these plane crashes, while not caused by him, are done on his watch, and even though he doesn't want to be accountable for anything, he's literally the man at the top, so accountable. He begged for the job, now he's got it, but now he doesn't want to be responsible for anything bad happening on his watch. Too bad. He's accountable. And he told us he would bring down all these prices, promised it to all of his maga moron lemmings. And of course he couldn't do it because it was a lie. Doesn't matter, he's accountable for the prices now on his watch. They're sky high, so he needs to accept responsibility. And he's doing nothing to lower them, except throwing tariffs out there, which will just raise prices even more. He's a dumpster fire.