Trump has fathered children with three different women

Angry Difficult People GIF by HULU
Oh, and pays off women he commits adultery with and gets convicted of sexual assault in civil suits.

You know, all the Jesus-y stuff.

Anyhoo, carry on MAGA warriors casting stones at the ho (and gay dude). Jesus applauds your efforts for the kingdom.

Magas think Orange Julius Caesar is a ā€œplay-ahā€. Slayer of chicks.
Kamala laughs though. Have you ever laughed? Embarrassing. Crazy. Nuts!
I donā€™t know, bro. Which is more cringeyā€”Hillaryā€™s or Kamal-toeā€™s?

FTR, Kamala is a terrible candidate (despite being more lucid than Joe). Iā€™m just amazedā€”though I shouldnā€™t beā€”by the MAGA crowdā€™s lack of self awareness.

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I donā€™t know, bro. Which is more cringeyā€”Hillaryā€™s or Kamal-toeā€™s?

FTR, Kamala is a terrible candidate (despite being more lucid than Joe). Iā€™m just amazedā€”though I shouldnā€™t beā€”by the MAGA crowdā€™s lack of self awareness.

It's always funny to listen to people who vote for Trump try to explain what a terrible candidate is.
With the high number of divorcees on this board, I'm surprised their isn't more support for Trump.
I know, right?

All this liberal, femi-Nazi bullshit has turned lib men soft. I, personally, am nostalgic for the days a real man would put the little lady in her place with a belt or the occasional fist.

Took care of any and all need for divorce.
I know, right?

All this liberal, femi-Nazi bullshit has turned lib men soft. I, personally, am nostalgic for the days a real man would put the little lady in her place with a belt or the occasional fist.

Took care of any and all need for divorce.
Don't let facts get in the way of a proper pissing but the highest rates of domestic violence are in lesbian couples and the lowest are in gay males......

You do you though boo.
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What year is this? Are we back in 2015?

We are looooong past anything like this bothering Republicans. There's been far larger matters that were easily swallowed by Trump's followers, this particular well is long dry.
I believe the thread is about double standards. The higher standard republicans hold Democrats to and the standards they don't have in their party anymore.

There are no standards in the sexual arena anymore,.. neither party adheres to what used to be considered norms...
There are no standards in the sexual arena anymore,.. neither party adheres to what used to be considered norms...

You are still missing it. It's not that Trump has sired multiple children with different women, or paid prostitutes hush money, it is that the Republicans will turn a blind eye to it but call out smaller indiscretions on the Democrats side in the name of righteousness.
There are no standards in the sexual arena anymore,.. neither party adheres to what used to be considered norms...

There never was, it was only hammer to hit someone with and quickly forgotten about when it didn't suit the party who liked to do the hitting.

You know the Republicans were never serious about that shit. If they were Trump wouldn't have even come close to the presidency. And Boebert would have lost her primary after fondling her date in public.

But all those good moral majority evangelicals who were so aghast at Clinton having an affair just easily found it in their hearts to forgive Trump.
You are still missing it. It's not that Trump has sired multiple children with different women, or paid prostitutes hush money, it is that the Republicans will turn a blind eye to it but call out smaller indiscretions on the Democrats side in the name of righteousness.
Youā€™re banging your head into a brick wall trying to talk with Mr. Ellipsis.
You are still missing it. It's not that Trump has sired multiple children with different women, or paid prostitutes hush money, it is that the Republicans will turn a blind eye to it but call out smaller indiscretions on the Democrats side in the name of righteousness.

Your observation is unfavorable to Republicans, Rifler is going to continue to miss it.
Oh, and pays off women he commits adultery with and gets convicted of sexual assault in civil suits.

You know, all the Jesus-y stuff.

Anyhoo, carry on MAGA warriors casting stones at the ho (and gay dude). Jesus applauds your efforts for the kingdom.


I wonder what the long-term damage will be to Evangelical denominations after their embarrassingly cult-like embrace of a guy whose lifestyle is repudiation of everything they claim to believe in.

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