Trump has fathered children with three different women

Oh, and pays off women he commits adultery with and gets convicted of sexual assault in civil suits.

You know, all the Jesus-y stuff.

Anyhoo, carry on MAGA warriors casting stones at the ho (and gay dude). Jesus applauds your efforts for the kingdom.

...and one of my many beefs is all the Christianity clamoring. I'd much rather his supporters just say, "I don't care about his religious beliefs, his sexual conduct or his criminal exploits. We know he's a dirt bag, but he's the right dirt bag to defeat the libtards."

Just be honest about who he is and quit saying that he is ordained by God to restore this country. That garbage makes me want to throw up.

Embrace the POS for who and what he is.
I honestly don't care that Kamala slept her way to the top. I care that her policies are crap and she has done an absolutely awful job as vice president/assigned border czar.
Yes, you do.

Because you were jerking off to the other threads about Kamala's lack of discretion.
Yes, you do.

Because you were jerking off to the other threads about Kamala's lack of discretion.
Where? I posted clips of her and veep a lot because they sound the exact same lol provide me a quote saying something about her being unqualified cuz she's a hoe
You mean the Vance guy who said Trump was a villain and douche. Called him Americas Hitler. Said he was unfit to be president. Called him noxious and reprehensible. Called him an idiot and moral disaster.
Suddenly that "you have the old guy now" is right back to the thing you were saying the day Vance got picked, seems like that answers that question fairly well. I'll pass our messaging along.
I believe the thread is about double standards. The higher standard republicans hold Democrats to and the standards they don't have in their party anymore.

You are still missing it. It's not that Trump has sired multiple children with different women, or paid prostitutes hush money, it is that the Republicans will turn a blind eye to it but call out smaller indiscretions on the Democrats side in the name of righteousness.

jon stewart mind blown GIF
You are still missing it. It's not that Trump has sired multiple children with different women, or paid prostitutes hush money, it is that the Republicans will turn a blind eye to it but call out smaller indiscretions on the Democrats side in the name of righteousness.

No, Republicans as a whole don't really care about any of this stuff,.. The self righteous idiots?, sure,.. But Republicans in general?, no.
Economy seemed good to great under Clinton and Trump. Maybe we need a steady stream of poon handlers in the WH. Is it true Kamala slept around to get to her position? Maybe she really is the right choice
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I believe the thread is about double standards. The higher standard republicans hold Democrats to and the standards they don't have in their party anymore.
Speaking of double standards--Trump. commenting on Biden's withdrawal, called him the worst prez in history. No, you Trump, were the worst.
No quotes then I take it?
Of you jerking off to threads about Kamala's sexual indiscretions?

I sure hope not.

But you did "like" Northern's thread about extra-marital affairs and were an active participant in white knighting for the cause, so people will draw their own conclusions.
Of you jerking off to threads about Kamala's sexual indiscretions?

I sure hope not.

But you did "like" Northern's thread about extra-marital affairs and were an active participant in white knighting for the cause, so people will draw their own conclusions.
Well, at least we moved the goal posts from me commenting to simply liking others comments. I'll take that as a small win this am :)

In general I don't care about kamala's possible promiscuity or lack thereof. I happen to think she's just done a terrible job with her one task she was assigned (the border) and also sounds like the main character from veep.
You are still missing it. It's not that Trump has sired multiple children with different women, or paid prostitutes hush money, it is that the Republicans will turn a blind eye to it but call out smaller indiscretions on the Democrats side in the name of righteousness.
Might be time to head back to the library. This place seems to be bringing out the stereotyping blue lib shill in you.
Well, at least we moved the goal posts from me commenting to simply liking others comments. I'll take that as a small win this am :)

In general I don't care about kamala's possible promiscuity or lack thereof. I happen to think she's just done a terrible job with her one task she was assigned (the border) and also sounds like the main character from veep.
Well, I never said anything about you "commenting." You're the one who deflected to that.

Again, conclusions are drawn from past and present behaviors. You are all over anything negative about Kamala, but can't help but rush to Trump's defense when the shoe is on the other foot.

In other words:

MAGA fan posts about Kamala Harris having alleged extramarital affairs: Scrud Man responds with a "like." A non-MAGA fan provides the MAGA crowd with a mirror with Trump's extramarital tendencies : Scrud Man responds with, "I don't care if Kamala is a ho."

Logic 101 by the the Scrud Man. Class is still in session.

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