Trump: No More Debates

I’m going to post this for you op because it’s so funny

Really needed those all caps. I have waited for someone to ask him, no one who thought they won an election goes into a spin room immediately, no one who wins has to create polls that claim he has won, no winner claims the moderators were out to get him. He screwed up, own it. Do one on Fox I bet she would meet him there. If she beat him on that stage, wow, just wow.
I’m going to post this for you op because it’s so funny

This person is running for POTUS.

I am so ashamed of this country that this is an actual viable - albeit a (hopefully!) long shot - possibility that he could be the next POTUS [again].

7 year olds are reading this and cringing at the overuse of the idiotic name calling and made up false information. Even they have to be thinking "what a cry-baby whiner who can't handle losing!".
This person is running for POTUS.

I am so ashamed of this country that this is an actual viable - albeit a (hopefully!) long shot - possibility that he could be the next POTUS [again].

7 year olds are reading this and cringing at the overuse of the idiotic name calling and made up false information. Even they have to be thinking "what a cry-baby whiner who can't handle losing!".
He's become even more unhitched by the day!
Trump's debate decision could change.

Fox Network reporting that North Carolina has gone from "lean Republican" to "tossup" since the debate on Tuesday.
He may have no option other than a last chance with another face to face.
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I think Trump may just decide to throw in the towel. It would take an epic shift in momentum for him to win this election (e.g. genuine video of Kamala killing puppies and beating orphan children), so he may just decide it's not worth the effort at his age. He looked like a 90-year-old on Tuesday. No, I don't think he'll drop out; he'll go through the motions, lose the election and then complain about how it was rigged (if he lives until then).
This person is running for POTUS.

I am so ashamed of this country that this is an actual viable - albeit a (hopefully!) long shot - possibility that he could be the next POTUS [again].

7 year olds are reading this and cringing at the overuse of the idiotic name calling and made up false information. Even they have to be thinking "what a cry-baby whiner who can't handle losing!".
I think he showed a bit of perceptive ability during the debate when he claimed that if Harris were to become president America would turn into Venezuela on steroids.
I think Trump may just decide to throw in the towel. It would take an epic shift in momentum for him to win this election (e.g. genuine video of Kamala killing puppies and beating orphan children), so he may just decide it's not worth the effort at his age. He looked like a 90-year-old on Tuesday. No, I don't think he'll drop out; he'll go through the motions, lose the election and then complain about how it was rigged (if he lives until then).

He’s quiet quit for a while.

Now he’s just building up those PACs so he can bleed through post-election. I think the problem is, it’s just small time donors. I think the smart, big donors have cut off the allowance
I think Trump may just decide to throw in the towel. It would take an epic shift in momentum for him to win this election (e.g. genuine video of Kamala killing puppies and beating orphan children), so he may just decide it's not worth the effort at his age. He looked like a 90-year-old on Tuesday. No, I don't think he'll drop out; he'll go through the motions, lose the election and then complain about how it was rigged (if he lives until then).
He won’t quit. It’s the one shot he has to stay out of the pokey…
I think Trump may just decide to throw in the towel. It would take an epic shift in momentum for him to win this election (e.g. genuine video of Kamala killing puppies and beating orphan children), so he may just decide it's not worth the effort at his age. He looked like a 90-year-old on Tuesday. No, I don't think he'll drop out; he'll go through the motions, lose the election and then complain about how it was rigged (if he lives until then).
I think the only reason he’s running is to win and avoid jail.

The swap from Biden to Harris took all the wind out of their sails.
That was my reaction when I watched it wife was so confused, then I showed her my list of crap I knew he'd say.
I swear that Trump's entire debate prep was just reading what the MAGA imbeciles post on this board - slow Joe, boarder wide open, supposed inflation, no war in Ukraine if he were President, Marxist, Venezuela, eating pets....he had every inane talking point down pat.

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