Trump officials, congressional Republicans talking about more tax cuts


HR King
May 29, 2001
It's all the frickin' idiots have. Two Santa Claus is alive and well

White House officials and congressional Republicans have begun early talks on a new package of tax cuts and economic growth measures.

The discussions are only preliminary, according to officials involved. The timeline is unclear, but White House National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow is playing a lead role, people briefed on the talks said.

The early-stage discussions reflect President Donald Trump’s desire to refocus the economic narrative amid some signs of a slowing economy as the effects of the major GOP tax cut package of 2017 wear off.

Any tax or economic stimulus package would face certain death in the Democrat-controlled House.

“I would expect this would just be another distraction from the fact that he’s about to be impeached,” said Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, a senior member of the Ways and Means Committee Doggett said, adding that the committee has plenty of work to do already “to correct the many shortcomings of his last bill.”

But Republicans are hopeful that it could give them a new platform to run on in 2020.

“We are having those discussions with the White House, we’ll be engaging with them further, and we’ll have discussions with Republicans, too, in the House about what we think the most pro-growth elements can be the most pro-innovation,” said Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas, the top Republican on the committee.

The Commerce Department said last week that the economy grew at a 1.9% annualized rate, falling short of Trump’s goal of 3% annual growth.

The Federal Reserve cut interest rates for the third time this year to try to boost growth. Business investment has now contracted for six straight months, a marked slowdown, even as the tax law and spending increases have helped dramatically balloon the federal deficit to almost $1 trillion annually.

The tax cut law has lowered the tax bills of most Americans, but Democrats have alleged that it disproportionately helped corporations and the wealthy.

While emphasizing no decisions had been made, Brady said the issue was a priority for the president.