Trump stock market rally....

Revelation 13:3​

One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.​

wtf GIF
Since the Evangelicals love reappropriating scripture, I thought I'd give 'em a really good one this fine Monday morning. 🤣
Is Trump the “beast”? And how many ****ing heads does he have?

And since when does getting clipped in the ear constitute a “fatal wound”? I mean, I get Trump’s brigade of idiots thinks his little ear wound makes him some type of General Patton/John Rambo type badass, but Jesus.
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It started last week before the attempt and AFTER the floodgates opened on removing Biden.

It’s more to do with the likelihood that the Fed will be dropping interest rates, but the folks who don’t understand these things will buy into it.
I don’t care. My portfolio will like it.
What other options does Biden have to fight inflation?

What will Trump do to fight inflation?
None, that’s while it’s laughable for either side to brag about it.

True leadership would involve laws to keep lenders in line from stupid loans like forcing a minimum down payment for new cars and home purchases.
Is Trump the “beast”? And how many ****ing heads does he have?

And since when does getting clipped in the ear constitute a “fatal wound”? I mean, I get Trump’s brigade of idiots thinks his little ear wound makes him some type of General Patton/John Rambo type badass, but Jesus.
Ease up Sunshine. 😉
  • Haha
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None, that’s while it’s laughable for either side to brag about it.

True leadership would involve laws to keep lenders in line from stupid loans like forcing a minimum down payment for new cars and home purchases.
Bring back the “Liars Loans”! Make it 2004 again!
Is Trump the “beast”? And how many ****ing heads does he have?

And since when does getting clipped in the ear constitute a “fatal wound”? I mean, I get Trump’s brigade of idiots thinks his little ear wound makes him some type of General Patton/John Rambo type badass, but Jesus.
Hell , i thought the asshole got his ear pierced, by a cheap quack.
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Is Trump the “beast”? And how many ****ing heads does he have?

And since when does getting clipped in the ear constitute a “fatal wound”? I mean, I get Trump’s brigade of idiots thinks his little ear wound makes him some type of General Patton/John Rambo type badass, but Jesus.
Don't overthink it. It was a joke aimed at Trump being the end of times beast, antichrist, etc. Clearly a failed attempt too.

My FB feed is filled with Trump the Savior memes with Scriptures and it's gross.

Don't overthink it. It was a joke aimed at Trump being the end of times beast, antichrist, etc. Clearly a failed attempt too.

My FB feed is filled with Trump the Savior memes with Scriptures and it's gross.

Frankly I see a lot of AI and bots and this is really fertile territory for memes like this one.
Is Trump the “beast”? And how many ****ing heads does he have?

And since when does getting clipped in the ear constitute a “fatal wound”? I mean, I get Trump’s brigade of idiots thinks his little ear wound makes him some type of General Patton/John Rambo type badass, but Jesus.
None of those heroes took the battle to a golf course the next day.
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STOP SPENDING, STOP SPENDING, STOP SPENDING.........(Oh, and remove the handcuffs on oil production, a huge inflationary component)

Why do people keep saying this about oil production? We’ve never pumped so much oil as we are now.

Historically government spending as almost no effect on inflation.

How much will spending be reduced under Trump?
You know people are saying they've never seen anything like it. The S&P is now at an all time high because they see what's happening with the election.

C'mon Trump people. It's safe to jump in again. The water is warm.
What other options does Biden have to fight inflation?

What will Trump do to fight inflation?
Biden created the inflation. Trump just needs to go in there and be Trump and wipe it out. Basically bidenflation was created by spending way way way way way too much money and printing it because we didn't have it. Then giving it away to Ukraine.
  • Haha
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Why do people keep saying this about oil production? We’ve never pumped so much oil as we are now.

Historically government spending as almost no effect on inflation.

How much will spending be reduced under Trump?
Because Joe biden came out and said, the moment he was elected, he was going to stop production and immediately the gas went up for us at the pumps. I can tell you living near eagle ford shale. Production did take a dive. Trump had energy independent for the USA for the first time ever and he will do it again. When brandenn stopped production it went to Middle East companies and Russia which is Joe Brandon's idea of making money for his buddies and hating on America
Because Joe biden came out and said, the moment he was elected, he was going to stop production and immediately the gas went up for us at the pumps. I can tell you living near eagle ford shale. Production did take a dive. Trump had energy independent for the USA for the first time ever and he will do it again. When brandenn stopped production it went to Middle East companies and Russia which is Joe Brandon's idea of making money for his buddies and hating on America
Trump can't do it again because we still are energy independent. We've always imported/exported oil depending on the oil specs, but we are still a net exporter. The only way in which he does it again is if he loses independence and takes it back.