Trump to shut down all 8,000 EV charging ports at federal govt buildings

Work is a place to get things done. Not a place to charge your car. I see it. Guys seeking around charging at work on weekend. Charging wives car at work evert other day. Federal employees think we are all stupid.
You do know that it isn't free for employees to charge their vehicles at federal ev stations. They pay the cost. The charging stations were built for government vehicles. It's just a perk for federal employees to have a charging station at work.

Why should "the government" only let Amazon use EV-powered vehicles to save money?
It costs me $30-40 to fill my tank when I get an orange light.

It costs about $15 to fully charge an EV.

You can run the maths yourself, at about $0.13-0.15 per kWhr.
80 kWhr vehicle would cost $10 (from empty)

From ~20% full, it'd cost about $8 (about when your gas light comes on)

So, you see, using EVs SAVES government vehicles a SHIT TON on "fuel" compared to gas. Over 50% "transportation fuel savings"
Hopefully the story about the chargers being shut down is true. Shut them down and keep them shut down. No more free charging on the taxpayer. No free charges. If they do get turned on charge 10x extra. Make the fedvworker squeal like a pig.
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No more free charging on the taxpayer.
The only vehicles "charging for free" were government vehicles.

Which not only is cheaper than fossil fuels, it means that no one has to spend government paid time to gas them up. Or submit reimbursement for the charging.

Everyone else that used them paid for their kWhrs
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Fed workers crying about car chargers. Hit the road jack. Obvious they are milking the tax payer . It's hilarious how democrats think they are owed a free charge . Squeel some more.
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The gig is up. Fed workers have to actually work. And pay for transportation to work 5 days a week. Like everyone else. All this crying about fed workers makes me smile all day every day.
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It's subsidized. The preferred parking , the lower rates than super chargers. The public isn't stupid. We can see it. Simple math. How dumb do you think we are ?
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Fewer than zero. How did you manage that?

Or is this another case where you're just being stupid?
Meh. Pretty sure you looked it up at least once, you fit the profile. (Zero for me, BTW. Yet another one that sailed over your head)

You should stick to Fortnite, or Incelcraft.
Meh. Pretty sure you looked it up at least once, you fit the profile. (Zero for me, BTW. Yet another one that sailed over your head)

You should stick to Fortnite, or Incelcraft.
Of course you are, because you're a fool.

I've spent enough time exposing your idiocy once again.
Hopefully the story about the chargers being shut down is true. Shut them down and keep them shut down. No more free charging on the taxpayer. No free charges. If they do get turned on charge 10x extra. Make the fedvworker squeal like a pig.
Yes, lets make sure to increase government spending by requiring them all to use ICE vehicles. This has to be some of the most backwards logic I've seen on here.
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Keep the chargers. But make the users pay the correct amount to cover charges. It never should have been free. Never ever. Electric car guys have been sucking up free charges for years all over the place. It's theft and tax payers shouldn't have to pay for your free charge.
What the hell are talking about?! It is not free!